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Ancy K Sunny
Ancy K Sunny


Why cacti make excellent gifts


Besides being affordable, there are many reasons that make them great, thoughtful gifts

Every time it is a dear one's birthday, anniversary, or any another occasion, the hunt for the perfect gift begins. From books, quirky stationery, fashion accessories, gadgets to experience gifts, we tread the path brainstorming for a gift that best suits their interest, and, of course, our budget. Next time you ponder over traditional gift ideas, how about presenting a mini cactus? Well, they are the perfect replacement for that bouquet of flowers you might get. And cacti, unlike those flowers, will live longer. 

Cactus, is a symbol of endurance, and of an undying spirit. And this is why they make perfect thoughtful gifts. Besides being really affordable, there are other reasons that make them great gifts.

 1. Interesting variety: Unlike the general image of a dry, arid cactus, these succulent green plants come in different shapes and forms. While some of the traditional cacti—some round or long, thin or fleshy—come with thorns and fur-like structures, there are even intriguing pencil cacti which grow in a wild and random pattern in a pot. If you want a dash of colour, try flowering cacti that produce gorgeous little flowers. If you find all these boring, try the series of grafted cacti available in plant nurseries. Or you could graft your own cactus. Ever seen those mini-cacti, with a tall green stalk and a prominent bright-coloured ball-like cactus on top. This is a grafted cactus—the most common being the ruby ball cactus. Many might mistake the colour ball on top as a flower, but that's not; it is just part of the body of the plant. The ruby ball hybrid cannot produce chlorophyll on their own and depend on the grafted stock to generate chlorophyll and keep it alive. These make an interesting, eye-catching addition to the cactus collection.


 2. Not at all demanding: If you gift a cactus to a friend, you can be at peace that they will have no trouble taking care of it. When we gift plants, we should also consider if the person has the time to tend to them. Cacti, that way, are least demanding. Naturally designed for extreme arid surroundings, these plants need little water and optimal sunlight. They are also the best options for a touch of nature on your office desk. While growing, cacti need to be watered once a week. As you water the soil, sprinkle or spray some water on the plant, too, to keep them going. Cacti are also known to take their own sweet time to grow. And so, they won't quickly overgrow the pot you gifted the plant in, and do not require frequent replanting. Very low on maintenance. Isn't it?

3. Style statement: What kind of a statement could a cactus possibly make? Well, their subtle colour and pattern make them a classy choice for the garden, or indoor plant collection. Mini-cacti can be a gifted in cute little pots that are now available in a variety of shapes sizes, colours and textures. Fill the pot with soil, and a throw in a few pebbles to jazz up the décor. Or plant these little succulents in an artsy coffee mug, bowl or even a tiny vase. You could even explore your creativity by hand-painting a used metal can to plant the cactus before gifting it. A pretty bowl filled with a collection of different types of mini-cacti is also a gift that will be treasured.

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