Days after the grand Bharat Mandapam, a venue for the G20 Summit, wowed heads of state with its world-class facilities, Delhi will have another international exhibition centre named 'Yashobhoomi' in Dwarka, spread over nine lakh square meters and built at Rs 5400 crore.
The centre will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday, which also happens to be his birthday. During nine years of his tenure, Modi has dedicated several modern buildings to the nation as a permanent reminder of his legacy. The new parliament building is another, where a ceremonial flag will be hoisted on the same day to mark its operationalisation. The special session will be held in the new parliament, though it will start on Monday in the old building.
For the new parliament building, the government has kept its agenda under wraps. Will it be a transformative change like the women's reservation bill, or changes in the constitution as proposed by the Justice MN Venkatachaliah committee in 2002 on completion of 50 years of Indian independence, or any other?
Modi’s birthday is usually a busy event for the Prime Minister and the BJP which utilises the opportunity to launch new schemes and hold 15-day-long service activities. His 73rd will be no different. Along with inaugurating the first phase of the Dwarka India International Convention and Expo Centre, the Prime Minister will also inaugurate the extension of the Delhi Airport Metro Express line from Dwarka Sector 21 to a new metro station ‘Yashobhoomi Dwarka Sector 25’.
This will be followed by the launching of a new scheme for the workers titled PM Vishwakarma. The scheme's launch also coincides with Vishwakarma Jayanti. The scheme will be fully funded by the Central Government with an outlay of Rs 13,000 crore. The schemes not only will support the artisans and craftspeople financially but also keep the age-old tradition, culture and diverse heritage alive and flourishing through local products, art and crafts.
The Vishwakarmas will be registered through common services centres using the biometric-based PM Vishwakarma portal. They will be provided recognition through certificate, ID card, skill upgradation and collateral-free credit support up to Rs 1 lakh (first tranche) and Rs 2 lakh (second tranche) at a concessional interest rate of per cent. The scheme aims to strengthen and nurture the Guru-Shishya parampara or family-based practice of traditional skills by Vishwakarmas working with their hands and tools.
Other ministries will also launch their focussed programmes. The ministries have launched the Swachh Bharat campaign to coincide with the service fortnight. The Ministry of Health will launch the Ayushman Bhav campaign to facilitate access to the Ayushman health scheme. Efforts will be made to raise awareness about vital health schemes and disease conditions and expedite access to healthcare services at the grassroots levels.
Modi is the first Prime Minister of India to be born after the country became independent. In the last nine eventful years of his tenure, he has left his mark on the country’s polity.
Modi starts his 73rd birthday with an aim for a third successive term in the government, rivalling first PM Jawaharlal Nehru’s record. Known for his indefatigable energy as he is continuously on the move, attending events, holding meetings and campaigning for his party, Modi is now preparing for the 2024 challenge. An opposition alliance, INDIA, have tried to bring about a strategic unity among themselves to counter him.
He has not shown any signs of slowing down as he emerged from the success of the G20 Summit. His 73rd birthday year is set to be eventful as it also the election year and his insistence on bringing about key transformative changes.