On your back, side or stomach: Which sleep position is the best


Every year, March 15 is celebrated as World Sleep Day. Organised by the World Sleep Day Committee of the World Sleep Society, the day is aimed at promoting healthy sleep habits. Good sleep is an essential factor in overall health. Poor sleep posture and patterns have a long-standing effect on the back and neck, and can even lead to issues with blood circulation, respiration, ageing, heartburn, fatigue and more.

Sleep postures play a major role in deciding how effective your naptime is. While we tend to sleep in various positions—on your back, on your stomach, on your side, the foetal position—all of them have their share of pros and cons. But, what is the best sleeping position.

Sleep experts claim that the top-ranking sleep posture is lying on your back, though it is not most comfortable or most popular. Cited as the healthiest position, sleeping on your back maintains your head, spine and neck in a neutral position, without applying undue pressure. While this position is believed to help with acid reflux, it is also good for those suffering from back pain. Keeping a pillow under your knee helps the spine maintain its neutral position. The pillow maintains the natural curve of the lower back, providing relief. Sleeping on your back is also said to help with those face wrinkles, and leave your face fresh.

This position, however, is not recommended for those suffering from sleep apnea and related breathing issues. For pregnant women, too, sleeping on the back could be uncomfortable.