Delhi Lieutenant Governor V.K. Saxena on Monday announced a compensation of Rs 10 lakh each for the families of three civil services aspirants who died after flooding of the basement of a coaching centre in Old Rajinder Nagar here.
According to a Raj Niwas statement, the LG, who met the students protesting over the tragic incident, also assured action against responsible officials of Delhi Fire Services(DFS), police, and Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) within 24 hours.
A compensation of Rs 10 lakh has been announced, the statement said.
A Joint Task Force of MCD and DFS, constituted under the order of the Delhi High Court in the fire incident at a coaching centre at Mukherjee Nagar earlier this year, will also undertake a survey of all buildings in Rajinder Nagar area, it said.
It will seal off all basements and other illegal structures which are in violation of building byelaws, MPD 2021 and fire safety norms, the statement added.