In a tragic incident, a 20-year-old was brutally stabbed to death allegedly by her boyfriend and the body was dumped in the bushes in Navi Mumbai, police said on Saturday. According to officials, the body was dumped near the Uran railway station.
The body had multiple stab wounds and injuries, said officials.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Navi Mumbai) Vivek Pansare said the station received a call around 2 am that a girl's body was found in the bushes near the railway station.
#WATCH | Uran, Raigad: Rajendra Kote, Inspector Uan Police Station says "Today at around 2 am, our police station received a call that the body of a girl was lying in the bushes in front of Uran railway station. After investigation, we found out that it was a girl of about 20…
— ANI (@ANI) July 27, 2024
The woman, identified as Yashashree Shinde (20), had been reported missing. She was a resident of Uran and had been working in Belapur, 25 km away from Uran.
"Our initial investigation suggests that woman was murdered after a love affair went wrong," said an official.
The boyfriend, who is the primary suspect, is missing. "We have deployed teams to trace the accused," said the police.
A case of murder has been registered.