NIT Surathkal, NIT Durgapur announce faculty vacancies

NIT Surathkal: 99, NIT Durgapur: 43


National Institute of Technology, Surathkal, Karnataka: Vacancies: 99

Departments: Chemical Engg., Chemistry, Civil Engg., Computer Science and Engg., Electrical and Electronics Engg., Electronics and Communication Engg., IT, Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Mechanical Engg., Metallurgical and Materials Engg., Mining Engg., Physics, Humanities, Social Sciences and Management, Water Resources and Ocean Engg.


National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, West Bengal: Vacancies: 43

Departments: Biotechnology, Civil Engg., Computer Science and Engg., Earth and Environmental Studies, Electrical Engg., Electronics and Communication Engg., Humanities and Social Sciences, Management Studies, Maths, Mechanical Engg.

Application Deadline: April 30th


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