Sangh Parivar always condemned Godse, Kerala ABVP leader says amid controversy involving NIT professor

The professor had said she was proud of Godse for assassinating M.K. Gandhi

'If Godse a patriot, is Mahatma Gandhi anti-national?' Cropped version of a photograph of Nathuram Godse taken during M.K.Gandhi's murder trial | via Commons

Amid the controversy surrounding the statements of a woman professor of the National Institute of Technology-Calicut (NIT) in Kerala, who expressed pride in Nathuram Godse for assassinating M.K. Gandhi and thus "saving India", the Kerala faction of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) distanced itself from the remarks saying all the organisations under Sangh Parivar have always denounced Godse.

ABVP national executive council member Yadhu Krishnan pointed out that the judicial system of the country had found Godse guilty of murder and sentenced him to death.

"Every citizen of this country agrees with the court's verdict of finding Godse guilty. As outfits that work under the law in this country, organisations and parties like the RSS, BJP, ABVP and others agree that Godse committed a crime and denounce him. Sangh Parivar organisations have always come forward to condemn Godse," Krishnan said.

Citing Kapur Commission report, he said RSS played no role in the murder of Gandhi.

Members of ABVP staged a protest in front of NIT-Calicut demanding action against the professor, A Shaija.

Krishnan said the professor supported the man who murdered the father of the nation. He observed that Gandhi had visited branches of RSS and added that RSS had nothing to do with his murder.

He said ABVP has filed complaints against the professor with UGC and NIT.

Shaija, a senior faculty member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at NIT here on January 30 posted a comment on Facebook saying "Proud of Godse for saving India". She had commented on a post by a lawyer, Krishna Raj, who posted Godse's photograph saying Hindu Mahasabha activist Nathuram Vinayak Godse, a hero of many in India.


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