Wrestlers protest: Prolonged agitation is bad optics for BJP

Khap panchayats, 1983 Cricket World Cup team extend support

Farmer leaders Rakesh Tikait, Mehar Singh along with wrestlers (File) Farmer leaders Rakesh Tikait and Mehar Singh along with wrestlers Sakshi Malik and Vinesh Phogat speak to media during wrestlers' protest at Jantar Mantar | PTI

With the Khap panchayats giving a week’s time to the government to take action against Wrestling Federation of India chief and BJP MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh in the alleged sexual harassment case, the issue is set to escalate. Khap panchayats warned they will launch a nationwide agitation otherwise.

Farmer leader Rakesh Tikait on Friday announced that the Khaps have decided to step up their support for the protesting wrestlers. After the meetings of the community khaps in Kurukshetra, Tikait said the decision is to go to Jantar Mantar if no action is taken by June 9, and they would hold nationwide meetings. While there has been no official reaction to the latest ultimatum from wrestlers and khaps, the issue has become a headache for the BJP. On one side, is Brij Bhushan Sharan’s political clout in areas of Uttar Pradesh and on the other hand, is the growing support in favour of the protesting wrestlers. 

The 1983 World Cup-winning cricket team came in support of the wrestlers saying they were disturbed at seeing visuals of sportspersons detained by the police; other veteran sportspersons are also expected to express solidarity with the agitating players in the coming days. It will be a matter of concern for the ruling party if the public support, especially from senior sportspersons and the middle class kept on growing, as new details regarding the FIR have become public.

The BJP is doing tightrope walking saying the law should take its course. However, the Opposition alleges it is going slow on the issue. Opposition leaders have already come out in support of the protesting wrestlers and the issue has provided a common ground for the Opposition leaders to rally against the government.

Singh continues to maintain that he is being maligned. He said he was ready to be hanged if any of the allegations against him is proven.

The khaps and farmer leaders are miffed with the government already as the latter has gone slow on giving guarantee on MSP for wheat and paddy, as it was one of the key issue raised during the year-long farmers' agitation. The farmer agitation had led to consolidation of votes against the BJP, but when the laws were withdrawn, the BJP was able to garner Jats' support in the areas dominated by the community during the last UP elections. 

Brij Bhushan’s rally in Ayodhya on June 5 was also denied permission by the administration thus preventing a piquant situation. It is also seen as a message to Singh and the protesting khaps have also taken notice of it. However,  the prolonged agitation of wrestlers is bad optics, politically, for the BJP. 


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