WATCH: Angry Canadian refuses to shake hands with Trudeau, accuses him of ruining the country

A video of the confrontation had gone viral

Canadian-pm-trudeau-embarassing-moment-x A screen grab of PM Trudeau's shocking expression over the angry man's refusal to shake hands with him | X

All is not going well for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the moment. Not just in India, even in his own country he is facing backlash from people over the government’s policy making it difficult for the citizens. Recently, an embarrassing video of Trudeau being confronted by an angry Canadian had gone viral on social media.

In the video, it is seen that Trudeau was waving and shaking hands with his supporters when an angry man lashed out against him.

"I am not shaking your hand bro, you're a f**king piece of sh*t man," the angry man can be heard saying in the video.

Taken aback by his strong reaction, Trudeau asked the reason behind the gesture. "You f**ked up this entire country," said the man.

“How did I mess up this country,” further asked Trudeau. Referring to the national housing crisis in the country, the man asked “Can anyone afford a home?”

The man also blamed him for charging people a carbon tax. Though Trudeau tried to justify the carbon tax and said that his government is “putting a price on pollution, and we’re returning it to families like yours”, the man kept on accusing him and his government.

The man also criticised around $10 billion allocation of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine following the Russia’s invasion last year. “You send it over to Ukraine, right? You send it over to the guy slaughtering his own country,” the man accused Trudeau.

Later, Trudeau dismissed the concern as Russian propaganda and walked away.


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