‘I am the hardest working president,’ says US President Trump

‘I work from early in the morning until late at night’

AP17-03-2020_000002B US President Donald Trump | AP

US President Donald Trump continues his attacks on the media—the latest one, being about a New York Times report that said, the president spent hours watching television coverage of him handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

The article published on April 23, which also said that he seldom attends coronavirus taskforce meetings, is not sitting well with Trump.

Trump, in a series of tweets, blasted the article. He tweeted, “The people that know me and know the history of our Country say that I am the hardest working President in history. I don’t know about that, but I am a hard worker and have probably gotten more done in the first 3 1/2 years than any President in history. The Fake News hates it!”

“I work from early in the morning until late at night, haven’t left the White House in many months (except to launch Hospital Ship Comfort) in order to take care of Trade Deals, Military Rebuilding etc., and then I read a phony story in the failing @nytimes about my work schedule and eating habits, written by a third rate reporter who knows nothing about me,” he wrote.

“...schedule and eating habits, written by a third rate reporter who knows nothing about me. I will often be in the Oval Office late into the night & read & see that I am angrily eating a hamburger & Diet Coke in my bedroom. People with me are always stunned. Anything to demean!” read another tweet.

Trump also tweeted that also said the Times journalists should give their 'Noble' prize back, confusing it with the Pulitzer, which they won.

 Earlier on Saturday, Trump had said that he sees no point of having press conferences as they mostly asked “hostile questions”, by a section of the media, who aims in upping their ratings with fake news.