Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal filed his response to Enforcement Directorate’s affidavit in the Supreme Court on Saturday and said the timing of his arrest by the central probe agency speaks volumes about its arbitrariness.
The AAP leader claimed the probe agency hasn’t been able to trace any money trail in the money laundering case registered against him in connection with an alleged liquor policy scam. “There exists no proof or material demonstrating that the AAP received funds or advanced kickbacks from the South group, Kejriwal said. “Not a single rupee was traced back to the AAP, and the allegations put forth in this regard are devoid of any tangible evidence, rendering them vague, baseless without any corroboration,” Arvind Kejriwal said in his affidavit.
Kejriwal also alleged his arrest’s timing “speaks volumes” about his arbitrariness. “The mode, manner, and timing of his arrest just before the announcement of Lok Sabha elections schedule and model code of conduct had come into play, speaks volumes about the arbitrariness of the ED,” ANI reported.
The Enforcement Directorate on Wednesday told the Supreme Court that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal led the investigating officer through his conduct "to form the satisfaction" that he is guilty of money laundering.
The ED arrested Kejriwal on March 21, hours after Delhi High Court refused to grant him protection from coercive action by the federal anti-money laundering agency. He is currently lodged in Tihar jail under judicial custody.