Twist and relax


The abdominal cavity has quite a few organs supported by the lower back (lumbar spine) posteriorly. Any discomfort in these organs or the lower back can impact our health. Here is a simple posture to strengthen your lower back. It will also lessen fatigue.


• Sit upright on your heels

• Join the heels and the big toes; rest the hips on the heels

• Keep a bolster (cotton-studded round pillow) on your left side

• Twist the trunk to the left side

• Slowly bend forward and rest the forehead on the bolster

• Keep the bolster such that the trunk is stretched

• Ensure the hips are on the heels

• Stretch both arms forward

• As you inhale, the abdominal cavity should expand

• As you exhale, the abdominal cavity should contract

• Breathing should be relaxed: four seconds inhalation and six seconds exhalation is good

• Stay for about two minutes

• Flex the arms, press the palms and slowly get up

• Change side