Quadra push


The abdominal cavity can be roughly divided into four parts—right upper, left upper, right lower and left lower. The main organs on the right side are liver, gall bladder, head of pancreas, right kidney and appendix. The main organs on the left side are stomach, spleen, left lobe of liver, body of pancreas, left kidney, and a part of the colon.

Back bends and twisting postures stimulate the quadrants of the abdomen. Here is one such technique using a small stability ball.


• Take a stability ball of size 30cm diameter

• Sit upright with legs folded to the side

• Keep the ball close to the back

• With left hand hold the right knee and twist the trunk to the right

• Move the ball to the right and align the ball to the trunk with the help of the right hand

• Hold the ball close to the back, slowly recline the trunk against the ball

• Stretch both hands straight over the head

• Stay for about two minutes with slow abdominal breathing

• Feel the right side of the abdomen

• Slowly come up and sit upright

• Change side and relax