New Delhi, Feb 15 (PTI Several disaster management experts on Thursday gave their views on how to respond to an unforeseen event, with one calling for roping in people with first-hand knowledge of the area for a better understanding of the measures to be taken.
Kamal Kishore, Member, National Disaster Management Authority, emphasised empowering of volunteers with localised knowledge through 'Apda Mitra'.
Speaking at 'Conference on Disaster Resilience-2024' here, Kamal Kishore said "Through 'Apda Mitra,' we envision a prepared community capable of swift response."
Vivek Srivastava, Director General, Fire Services, Civil Defense & Home Guards, advocated prompt action in disaster situations.
Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, Director General of Meteorology, India Meteorological Department, stressed the important steps for multi-hazard early warning. He said that identification and understanding of the risk were of paramount importance.
"... We need to monitor and assess the risk and reach out to those under that. It's only after that there can be an effective response," said Mohapatra.
Prodipto Ghosh, distinguished fellow, TERI, said that identification of a disaster must be based on three parameters: the scale of damage should be large, the event should not be a slow event like global warming,and its risk must be societal in nature.
The conference was organised by Medilytix Digital Convergence in association with The Energy & Research Institute and Resqore Technologies Pvt Ltd.