The second part of court documents linked to the lawsuit against convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein includes details of how Bill Clinton "stormed into the Vanity Fair newsroom and threatened staffers to not publish stories about sex trafficking allegations against his good friend Jeffrey Epstein."
The documents also have a deposition from a police officer who investigated how Epstein recruited girls to "perform massages" at his home.
However, the papers, spanning 300 pages, had nothing unknown to the media, like the first part of 900 pages that was unsealed on Wednesday. The documents were unsealed following an order by a US federal judge and were part of a case against Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's imprisoned former girlfriend.
The documents in total, including material yet to be unsealed, are expected to include nearly 200 names, including some of Epstein’s accusers, prominent businesspeople and politicians. However, that the names have been mentioned in the documents do not suggest wrongdoing related to Epstein.
The claim about Clinton was mentioned by Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre in a 2011 email exchange with journalist Sharon Churcher. As Churcher offered to help Guiffre land a book deal, Giuffre replied: "When I was doing some research into VF (Vanity Fair) yesterday, it does concern me what they could want to write about me considering that B.Clinton walked into VF and threatened them not to write sex-trafficing [sic] articles about his good friend J.E," Giuffre wrote in the email.
Despite Giuffre's claim, Vanity Fair editor from 1992 to 2017 Graydon Carter told the Telegraph on Thursday that the incident "categorically did not happen."
A separate document names Clinton as someone who "travelled with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and may have information about Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual trafficking conduct."
In the first set of documents released Wednesday, another Epstein victim Johanna Sjoberg said in a 2016 deposition that Epstein once said former President Bill Clinton "likes them young." In total, Clinton's name has been mentioned 50 times. Clinton had responded to the allegations back in 2019 when he claimed to know nothing about Epstein's terrible crimes.
Another document, a deposition from Palm Beach Detective Joseph Recarey, includes his testimony that elaborates on the ways Epstein and Maxwell used to recruit girls "to perform massages and work at Epstein’s home." Recarey was the lead detective on a previous case against Epstein in the mid-2000s.
When asked by an attorney how many girls Recarey had spoken to about being recruited by Maxwell, Recarey said: "I would say approximately 30; 30, 33." On whether the victims, who brought other friends for the "massage" would get paid at the end of the session, Recarey replied in affirmative.
The attorney then asked the detective: "So did you determine that ‘massage’ was actually a code word for something else?" Recarey replied: "When they went to perform a massage, it was for sexual gratification."
Another accuser, whose name remains redacted, said in a 2016 deposition that when she was between the ages of 15 and 17 she was paid to give Jeffrey Epstein massages. She claims she believed the massages weren't supposed to be sexual, but it was.