Bharatiya Janata Party MP Nishikant Dubey said on Wednesday that the Lokpal had ordered a probe by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) into the corruption allegations against Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra.
"On my complaint, Lokpal today ordered a CBI inquiry against accused Mahua Moitra for indulging in corruption at the cost of national security," Dubey wrote on X.
There was, however, no official confirmation from the anti-corruption body.
The BJP MP had written to the Lokpal on October 21, accusing Moitra of taking bribe from businessman Darshan Hiranandani for asking questions in parliament targeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi and industrialist Gautam Adani.
Dubey had also written to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla who in turn referred the matter to the parliament’s ethics committee. The panel is examining the allegations against Moitra and is scheduled to meet on November 9 to adopt its report.
The MP has already deposed herself before the panel.
Responding to Dubey’s fresh claims of a CBI probe against her, Moitra said on Wednesday that the central agency should first file an FIR to probe alleged coal scam by the Adani Group.
"For the media calling me- my answer: 1. CBI needs to first file FIR on Rs 13,000 crore Adani coal scam. 2. National security issue is how dodgy FPI owned (inc Chinese & UAE ) Adani firms buying Indian ports & airports with the Home Minister office's clearance. Then CBI welcome to come, count my shoes,” she wrote on X.