Malayalam superstar Mammotty denied the presence of a ‘power group’ in Malayalam cinema, as revealed in the Hema Committee report, and said he wholeheartedly welcomes all suggestions and solutions suggested by it for improving working conditions in cinema. This was the first time the actor has reacted on the report which shook the Malayalam film industry.
In a Facebook post, the veteran Malayalam actor clarified that he did not respond on the Justice Hema Committee report, released on August 19, till now, since it wouldn’t be right to comment on the report before the artists’ body – Association of Malayalam Movie Actors (AMMA) – and its leadership has made an official statement. Actor and former AMMA President Mohanlal reacted to the report on Saturday. He too denied the presence of a ‘power group’ in cinema.
“There is no ‘power group’ in cinema; it isn’t a field where such a structure could exist,” Mammootty said. He added society pays close attention to developments in cinema and hence every small and big issue related to cinema blows up into a huge public discourse.
The senior actor advised those in the industry to be cautious to prevent untoward incidents. The actor also said the Justice Hema Committee was formed by the Kerala government to study about the film industry, prepare a report, suggest solutions and recommend actions after something that never should have happened (2017 actor assault case). “I wholeheartedly welcome and support the recommendations and solutions suggested in the report,” Mammootty said. Mammootty added all organisations in the industry should come together to implement the recommendations.
On the ongoing investigation into allegations against a few actors and filmmakers, Mammootty said let the police probe the allegations sincerely and let the judiciary decide the punishment. Mammootty added all practical recommendations of the committee report should be implemented and necessary legislative measures should be undertaken to overcome legal hurdles.