Telugu comedy film "Om Bheem Bush" is set to premiere on Prime Video on April 12, the streaming platform Prime Video announced on Monday.
Directed by Sree Harsha Konuganti, the movie stars Sree Vishnu, Priyadarshi, and Rahul Ramakrishna.
Prime Video made the announcement on its official X page.
"Three scientists. one wild treasure hunt. guaranteed chaos #OmBheemBushOnPrime, Apr 12," the post read.
"Om Bheem Bush" follows three doctorates Krish, Vinay, and Madhav who establish an enterprise Bang Bros A to Z Services' in a village called Bhairavapuram to earn easy money.
"However, their lives take an unexpected turn when Krish falls madly in love with the Sarpanch's daughter. In order to marry her, he and his friends must retrieve a treasure guarded by a ghost in the haunted Sampangi Mahal.
"As they embark on this daring mission, they encounter a myriad of challenges. How Krish unravels the ghost's past, addresses his own unresolved issues, and secures the treasure forms the crux of 'Om Bheem Bush'," according to the official synopsis.
"Om Bheem Bush" is produced by Sunil Balusu and Vamshi Krishna Reddy under the banner of V Celluloid.