
More yellow vest protests despite Notre Dame fire

[File] Ingrid Levavasseur, center, one of the leading figures of France's Yellow Vests protests, talks to residents and protesters | AP

Fire at the Notre Dame Cathedral, has only managed to give way to boiling anger amongst the yellow vest protesters.

Incidentally, the protests just turned five months old two days ago. 11 were killed, 2,000 injured and over 8,400 were arrested during the time. Despite the common man's struggle to make ends meet, small donations were made for restoration of the iconic church.

People have been feeling let down, as, in aftermath of the Notre Dame fire, billionaires have pledged hundreds of billions of euros while their demands remain unmet. Donations by the billionaires have been met with much criticism.

French President Emmanuel Macron in the meanwhile, addressed the nation to speak about the fire, instead of laying out his response to the social crisis that has fuelled their protests since last November.

Macron in his speech was about to announce tax cuts for middle-class households, inflation indexation of small pensions and no more closings of schools and hospitals until the end of his first term in 2022. but, since the fire broke out an hour before the scheduled speech, it was cancelled and he instead spoke of the fire.