
Entertainment guaranteed

The presidential election in the US is going to be crucial for all Americans. Nothing can be said about the final outcome, as the two contestants have ample time to put their feet in their mouths and make the other appear like a saint (‘War by other means’, July 19).


The choice, I suppose, is between the lesser of the two evils, the one who blows his own ‘Trump’et, or the other who ‘Bide’s his time for next four years.


The US is a superpower, not because of its presidents, but in spite of its presidents. For non-stop entertainment and additions to the lexicon, Americans have to continue with the impetuous Trump.


Parthasarathy Mandadi,

On email.


If past elections for the US presidency are any indication, pre-election support may not necessarily reflect in the final result.


Trump is a maverick with many aces up his sleeves. With the advantage of being the incumbent president, Trump’s chance of winning one more time cannot be discounted, unless his ham-handed approach to handling the pandemic upsets his applecart. As regards Biden, it suffices to assume that the proof of the pudding is in the eating.


Raveendranath A.,

On email.


Total chaos

So far, Maharashtra has had no reprieve from the pandemic (‘Besieged and vulnerable’, July 19). The state has been locked in a battle not only with foes but also friends. Orders are issued and withdrawn in no time. The differences among ruling parties are using up reams of newsprint.


All said, the success story of Dharavi is a consolation prize to the state government, as the containment model there has been appreciated by many.


D.K. Mishra,
