
A racy thriller

Her books transported the reader to different worlds, always seen through the eyes of the heroine. There was Zoya, of the Russian nobility, who provided a glimpse into the rich life of the palace and then, the struggles of a refugee in war-torn Paris. There was Faye Thayer in Family Album, through whom readers got an inside view of a Hollywood family. And there was that tear jerking love story, The Promise.

From an author of such romantic works, Accidental Heroes comes as a surprise, though not a nasty one. This is a racy thriller about a commercial flight that could be heading for disaster, thanks to one crazed member on board. There's little of the soft focus romance of her past works in this book, the focus being action and speed. Yet, because it's a Danielle Steel work, the female characters are prominent, and rather strong ones. Each character, male and female, has a gripping back story.

The plot may not be too different from a number of other hijack works. Yet, the way Steel writes her story, makes for a good read. For those who grew up on her works, it's also a coming home to the comfort of a familiar author for the bedtime or in-flight read. Err, on second thoughts, it may not be a good idea to read this during a flight.

Title: Accidental Heroes

Author: Danielle Steel

Publisher: Pan Macmillan

Price Rs 399; Pages: 255