
Russia growing desperate: UK Defence Secretary

Russia's advance toward Kyiv continues to face resistance from Ukrainian forces

UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace | Reuters

Britain's Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said Tuesday that there are reports Ukrainian special forces destroyed over 20 Russian helicopters on the ground overnight as Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues to face logistical problems and fierce resistance.

Russia's advance toward the capital, Kyiv, continues to face pressure from Ukrainian forces around the nearby towns of Hostomel, Bucha, Vorzel and Irpin, the UK Defence Ministry said in an intelligence update released late Monday.

In addition, a lengthy Russian column remains stuck on the road north of Kyiv.

Wallace said Russian forces are becoming more and more desperate in the face of such military and supply holdups, leading to “indiscriminate shelling” of civilians.

“We've also recognised that probably the biggest single casualties, so far in the war, are Russian military soldiers who have been let down by appalling leaders, appalling leadership and appalling plans. And now you see them, literally, at large scales dying.”