
Trump tweets image of him honouring dog who chased Baghdadi

The canine, whose name is unknown has become an internet sensation

Image courtesy | Twitter

Twitter may have announced that they plan to ban political advertising. But, that doesn't stop US President Donald Trump from resorting to some indirect advertising by releasing a doctored image of himself with the dog who chased Islamic State chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leading him to his death.

The image shows the US President conferring the canine with a medal. The hero dog, who was injured by exposed live electrical cables in the tunnel after Baghdadi detonated his vest beneath the compound returned to duty on Wednesday.

In the wake of announcing Baghdadi's death, Trump committed a couple of gaffes, including calling the mastermind behind 9/11 and al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden and Hamza bin Laden 'tall and handsome'. He also commented that Baghdadi died "whimpering and crying and screaming", and "like a dog and a coward".

By indulging in posting a few tweets that made Baghdadi's death sound like a personal victory, Trump sure has given-in to his worse impulses.

The image that shows Trump conferring the hero dog with a medal is actually of him at a White House ceremony in July 2017, where he draped the Medal of Honor around the neck of James McCloughan, a Vietnam hero.

Though Pentagon and Trump declined to reveal the canine's name, he has become an internet sensation.