
Video of golden tortoise beetles leaves netizens awestruck

'Beautiful' golden tortoise beetles leaves netizens awestruck with its glitter

Golden tortoise beetles crawling on a man's palm | Susanta Nanda/Twitter

A video of three golden tortoise beetles, crawling on a man's palm, has become a social media sensation.

“Sometimes, all that glitters is gold. The Golden Tortoise Beetle found in Southeastern Asia,” wrote Indian Forest Service officer Susanta Nanda on his microblogging site. People are amazed after watching the 17-second video on Twitter and shared their feelings.

The beetle species, known as Charidotella Sexpunctata, looking like an impressive metallic gold, has caught teh attention of nature lovers. Tortoise beetles have a unique defense mechanism--when trooubled, they turn a reddish brown color! They can play dead and also adhere to the surface of leaves and other surfaces, making it nearly impossible for insects to eat them.