
How Delhi storm nearly disrupted Supreme Court hearings

Registry had said fully physical hearings would be held

Workers removing a tree that had fallen during the thunderstorm in Delhi | PTI

The sudden thunderstorm in Delhi on Monday brought life to a near-standstill in the city. Power outages were reported in multiple areas due to trees falling and electricity lines getting damaged, if not blown away.

Early on Tuesday, the Supreme Court Registry announced that videoconference hearings in the apex court had been cancelled for the day due to disruption of internet services and fully physical hearings would be held. Two vacation benches are hearing matters on Tuesday.

“A message sent by H.S. Jaggi,Registrar (OSD), Computer Cell of the Supreme Court to the advocates stated that the internet services to the data centre of the Supreme Court from the NIC end are down due to last evening's maelstorm,” Live Law reported. It added a connection from a second internet provider had been disrupted since 7am.

The Supreme Court Registry added an “entire NIC team” was working round the clock to restore internet services due to the large number of cases being heard via videoconference. Bar and Bench reported the NIC team was able to restore internet services and videoconference links resumed. Lawbeat reported the videoconference links were active before the hearings started.