
Rahul Gandhi has a 'nervous, unformed quality', 'like student who lacked aptitude': Obama's memoir

Obama also mentions Manmohan, Sonia, and calls Putin "physically unremarkable"

Former US president Barack Obama | AFP

Quoting Barack Obama's memoir A Promised Land, The New York Times reported that the former US president found that Rahul Gandhi had “a nervous, unformed quality about him, as if he were a student who’d done the coursework and was eager to impress the teacher but deep down lacked either the aptitude or the passion to master the subject.” Former prime minister Manmohan Singh came across as having a kind of impassive integrity, according to the memoir.

"Vladimir Putin reminds him of the tough, street-smart ward bosses who used to run the Chicago machine. Also on Putin: “Physically, he was unremarkable.” Joe Biden is a decent, honest, loyal man who Obama senses “might get prickly if he thought he wasn’t given his due — a quality that might flare up when dealing with a much younger boss",” according to the review of the memoir.

Obama speaks of Congress president Sonia Gandhi. According to the review, "we are told of the handsomeness of men like Charlie Crist and Rahm Emanuel, but not the beauty of women, except for one or two instances, as in the case of Sonia Gandhi."

The 768-page memoir, expected to hit the stands on November 17, chronicles Obama's childhood and political rise, before diving deeply into his historic 2008 campaign and first four years in office. Obama was the first African-American president of the United States. He visited India twice as the US president: in 2010 and 2015.