
CII- NITI Aayog present policy recommendation to tackle air pollution

NITI Aayog has unveiled its Clean Industry Report, a blueprint to tackle air pollution in the national capital region. The recommendations are a mix of carrot and stick, suggestions that incorporate mandatory obligations as well as incentives into law.

The government think-tank has proposed prevention of emissions like dust and ash, which is noted as a significant contributor to pollution in Delhi NCR, by including contractually binding obligation for clean construction for issuing building permits and environmental clearances. Those involved in construction will also need to conduct the technical feasibility of using sustainable building materials.

The report also suggests green incentives to clean construction practices, like up to 20 per cent reduction on permit fees by local bodies, additional floor area ratio (FAR) up to 10 per cent and fast track environmental clearance. 

The task force on Çlean Industry was set up by NITI Aayog two years ago under its 'Cleaner Air - Better Life' initiative and convened by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). Consultations with local authorities in NCR towns, construction industry, Diesel Genset manufacturers and thermal power generators were done to prepare the Report on Clean Industry, unveiled Monday. In particular, the report has addressed the issues of fugitive emissions and energy-related emissions.

The report recommends giving added power to urban local bodies for monitoring and enforcement, including raising penalties for individuals and organisations who do not comply with ambient air quality standards. 

Another crucial recommendation is to use more sustainable materials in building construction, giving priority to clean fuels and a better supply-chain of raw materials to power plants. The report has also suggested an amendment to the Indian Grid Electricity Code for the same.