
How genome sequencing could be game-changer for fight against Covid in India

Method has helped in controlling the risk of hospitalisation

Dr Subramanian Swaminathan | Supplied

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has led to some major developments in the health care sector. As new variants of the virus are emerging, various technological initiatives have been taken to track it down and stop the community spread. Today, after two years, although the Covid cases are slowly subsiding, there are still patients who are getting diagnosed with the virus. As a result, genome sequencing is emerging as a milestone method in detecting and characterising the variants of coronavirus.

Understanding genome sequencing

It is a laboratory method that is used to determine the genetic make-up of a particular organism or cell type and involves finding variations in the areas of genome. When it comes to coronavirus, genome sequencing allows not only testing for SARS-CoV-2, but also goes beyond classifying the virus and its lineage. Not only that, genome sequencing has turned out to be a key component to supporting the public health efforts during the pandemic. What make it even more interesting is that it not only characterises the virus, but also evaluates the effectiveness of medical treatments on different emerging variants. At the same time, it also evaluates the spread of the outbreak of different variants.

The samples of Covid are taken from PCR tests and the genetic code is then stored along with a long molecule of RNA. Doctors further convert this RNA into DNA, which can then be read by machines to understand the virus. At the same time, this test also allows doctors to understand how the virus is able to transmit itself through different individuals and monitor any viral evolution of the SARS-CoV-2.

Benefits of genome sequencing

Apart from understanding the evolution, characteristics and transmission of the Covid variants, genome sequencing has also helped in controlling the risk of hospitalisation all over the country. As Covid has given some major challenges to the health care infrastructure, with the help of this test, it is now possible to prepare for future challenges. With an understanding of the behaviour of the disease, it is now possible to build the right infrastructure and follow proper protocols for any challenges in the future.

Not only that, this test will also help in ensuring the efficacy of the vaccines on the already existing and upcoming variants.

Genome sequencing allows the health care providers to determine whether a patient is infected with SARS-CoV-2, regardless of whether they have symptoms. It allows them to understand how much the variants are capable of transmitting and mutating. It is an undeniable fact that taking measures to prevent the spread of infection will be the most effective strategy for controlling the virus. But it is also important to understand that it can only be done once our doctors and scientists are fully able to understand the behaviour of the virus. Genome sequencing can turn out to be a important tool in breaking the chain of coronavirus and bringing life back to normal.

With a proper understanding of the coronavirus and its variants, one can come up with the right technology and infrastructure to overcome this health crisis.

Dr. Subramanian Swaminathan is director, infectious diseases and infection control, at Gleneagles Global Hospital, Chennai