
Game of Thrones: Which young blood would sit on the Iron Throne?

Which young leader would get to rule the Seven Kingdoms or will it be none?

Spoilers ahead

The nine-year expedition is nearing its end, with only the final episode to be aired on April 19. It is going to be one of the biggest moments in the history of scripted television history.

There were the likes of Ned Stark (37), Robert Baratheon (36), Tywin Lannister (67) and Stannis Baratheon (35) who played major roles in the conflict of the Seven Kingdoms and in the pursuit of the Iron Throne. Ned Stark was known for his administrative actions and his role in winning the throne for his friend, Robert Baratheon. “They said Robert Baratheon was strong as a bull, who loved nothing better than war,” says Daenerys. He was well-versed in the art of warfare and was a brave fighter. Tywin Lannister, (or the lion, if you may) was the pragmatist war criminal and commander who destroyed houses. Stannis Baratheon was a fierce, but taciturn leader and a skilled warrior.

When the show began, the honourable Ned Stark was one of the fan favourites, and his death came as a major shocker. Khal Drogo (32), the Dothraki warlord, met his end in episode 10. This followed the rise of Daenerys (24) as the mother of dragons and later as the dragon queen. Daenerys was only 15 then. Despite Joffrey Baratheon (19) sitting on the Iron Throne after the death of Robert Baratheon, Daenerys was the first young blood to have followers of her own. Since then, the show has seen a surge in the rise of young characters to power. Robb Stark (19) was crowned the Lord of Winterfell after his father's demise. Robb was a man modelled after his father, fiercely loyal, commanding respect and trust from his followers.

The list of young characters who gained prominence over time goes on. Samwell Tarly (25), Theon Greyjoy (24), Yara Greyjoy (37), Missandei (age unknown), Greyworm (age unknown), Gendry Baratheon (23-27) and the young hero Lady Mormont (13) are all examples of the young exhibiting valour in the time of need.

The show's major talking point since the beginning has been who would sit on the Iron Throne. Wth Cersei's demise in season 8, episode 5—'The Bells'—the prospective candidates are again two young adults. Bran Stark (18) is immensely powerful, guided by the three-eyed raven, the former powerful Greenseer. Bran also has great leadership qualities and is one of the wisest in the council. From being a naive girl to one of the most sophisticated and smart characters in the show, Sansa Stark (20) has great potential to sit on the Iron Throne. Tyrion Lannister (39), as the hand of the king would reflect on the actions of his queen who destroyed King’s Landing to ashes. He has been a master strategist and is the sole survivor of the Lannister family. He is the only older character in the show with a possibility of sitting on the Iron Throne.

Jon Snow (24) is known for his loyalty; and so it would be interesting to see who he chooses to serve. Will his loyalty lie with the family he grew up with, or with the people who believe in him or would he follow Jaime's fate in the name of love?

With history of Targaryen madness repeating itself again, the commoners' lives are at stake. Melisandre's prophecy of Arya Stark (18) killing someone with green eyes hints at another major moment of heroism, again by someone (no one!) young. She is the unanimously celebrated hero after she ended the Night King threat and won the war against the dead. Will she sit on the Iron Throne or will it be someone else, or will there be none?

With every tick of the clock, we are one second away from the end. Until then, with fingers crossed we say, 'Not today'

P.S. The ages might vary