
Success Gyan strives to make 8pm learning hour across India

Success Gyan, the training platform that has hosted India’s largest events with the best world class trainers is on a mission to get Indians to make 8pm learning hour, instead of spending it in front of their televisions.

When the pandemic hit India in March last year, it was quick to adapt to the new normal and launched Success Gyan Academy. Success Gyan Academy is an online initiative that takes life transforming education to every household in India with 100+ live webinars every month.

Before the pandemic, Success Gyan held 500+ events across the country bringing down the best international trainers like Robert Kiyosaki, Les Brown, Blair Singer, Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, T Harv Eker, John Gray, Dr John Demartini, Dr Denis Waitley and each event would house a minimum of 2000 participants. With Success Gyan Academy, there is no excuse to not learn and grow.

Like the physical events, the online live events are across different domains like Personality Development, Effective Entrepreneurship, Business Acceleration, Career Growth, Financial Management, Wealth Creation and more.

Surendran J, Founder & CEO, Success Gyan said, “I am a strong believer of lifelong learning. I launched Success Gyan with a mission to empower individuals with the ability to transform their lives with world class training that doesn’t end as a young adult. I feel even more proud of Success Gyan Academy because we can actually reach each and every individual in India who has an internet connection.”

Till now, 3 lakh people have attended Success Gyan Online Academy’s sessions that have included Trainer Mastery program with Blair Singer, Knowledge Business Bootcamp with Siddharth Rajsekar, Money & Wealth Mastery with Mac Attram, Ignite your Inner Champion with Thaddeus, The Business Breakthrough session with Rajiv Talreja, Passion to Profit with Puja Puneet, Power up your Career with Sawan Kapoor and many more. Success Gyan allows free access to some trainings and others are priced as low as INR 99 so more and more people can access and gain from these trainings. This year, Success Gyan intends to transform 10 million lives with its online initiative.

Surendran J added, “The pandemic has changed everything but we can choose to look at it positively by making the most of the situation. Never before have we had the opportunity to work from home, spend more time with our families and still have the flexibility to invest in our education from the comfort of our home. The world is really your oyster now, there are no excuses to not accelerate and excel in life.”

A complete list of Success Gyan’s initiatives is available on https://successgyan.com/