
Amazon’s Bezos warns 'Coronavirus will get worse before it gets better'

In a letter addressed to his employees, Bezos said things could get worse before it gets better

Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos said the coronavirus outbreak is likely to “get worse before it gets better.”In a memo shared with his company’s 8,00,000 employees on his personal Instagram, Bezos warned, “People all over the world feel the economic effects of the crisis. So, I guess things will get worse before they get better. I’m sorry to say that”.

Reminding his team that people were dependent on them, Bezos said, "We’re providing a vital service to people everywhere, especially to those, like the elderly, who are most vulnerable. People are depending on us". The letter came at a time when many warehouse workers have expressed fears about the risk of being sickened by the coronavirus. “There is no instruction manual for how to feel at a time like this, and I know this causes stress for everyone,”he said.

“This isn’t business as usual, and it’s a time of great stress and uncertainty,”Bezos wrote. “It’s also a moment in time when the work we’re doing is its most critical.”Bezos’letter also mentioned about the precautions being taken to protect his employees. Amazon has “placed purchase orders for millions of face masks we want to give to our employees and contractors who cannot work from home.”However, few of those orders have been filled to date because “masks remain in short supply globally and are at this point being directed by governments to the highest-need facilities like hospitals and clinics.”

Bezos said that Amazon has increased the cleaning work and also enforced social distancing at its work places.