
Companies in Asia-Pacific invest more in IoT, says survey

Companies in Asia-Pacific are leapfrogging in the Intelligent Enterprise Index

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Companies in India as well as rest of the Asia-Pacific region are leapfrogging in the 'Intelligent Enterprise Index' to become truly digital and connected. According to a Zebra Technologies study conducted globally, countries in Asia-Pacific, including India, have scored the highest rise in the number of companies that have applied the Internet of Things (IoT) standards of digitising their physical activities. 

The Asian region showed a massive spike in the number of companies rated as truly intelligent— moving up from 2 to 22 per cent compared to the previous year. The global index showed a rise from 5 to 10 per cent. 

While IoT expenditure rose by 4 per cent globally, the rise in India, along with rest of the region, was at 12 per cent.

Overall, the index measures to what extent companies are today meeting the criteria that makes them an 'íntelligent enterprise' – how much they have connected the physical and digital operations through sensors and tags, tracking of consignments, computerised filing, mobile work flows and real-time guidance, with the rapid adoption of IoT solutions. 

“Based on our second annual index, it's clear that more and more companies acknowledge the value of leveraging IoT strategies,” pointed out Sanjay Nare from Zebra's Technologies' India office. Most heartening, according to experts, is that resistance to adoption of such technologies is also going down. More than 90 per cent of the companies surveyed said they expected their investment in IoT to increase in the coming years.