
Stretch your toes


Your foot contains 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100 tendons, muscles and ligaments. It is an amazing subsystem that helps in balancing, and movement, and weight bearing. Here is a simple posture to stretch your toes and the top of the foot.


☞ Keep a chair with its seat against a wall

☞ Sit upright on a mat facing the wall

☞ Sit on your heels; keep the heels as close as possible

☞ Keep the knees closer to the chair

☞ Stretch the toes and keep the feet parallel

☞ Hold the chair with both hands

☞ Slowly raise the knees, with the toes in contact with the mat

☞ Keep the heels in contact with the hips

☞ Keep the trunk upright

☞ Stay for about 20 seconds

☞ Keep the breathing slow and steady

☞ Slowly bring the knees down

☞ Repeat and relax