
Tone your hamstrings


Bending and twisting are the two most common movements associated with the trunk. If the hamstring muscles (on the back of the thigh) are tight, bending forward can cause problems for the lower back. Here is a posture that tones the hamstrings, while also relieving stiffness on the back. And, the posture helps the shoulders and the arms.


☞ Stand upright in front of a wall with the feet six inches apart

☞ Stand about four feet away from the wall

☞ Pull the kneecaps, straighten the thighs, tighten the buttocks, lift the chest and stretch the arms

☞ Gently lean forward from the hips and place the right palm on the wall

☞ Keep the left palm on the left thigh

☞ Straighten the right arm and press the palm

☞ Keep the legs perpendicular to the floor

☞ Firm the grip on the right palm, twist the trunk to the left and with the help of the left hand hold the right shin

☞ Stretch and twist the trunk

☞ Turn the neck, too, in the direction of the twist

☞ As you inhale slowly, the abdominal cavity should expand

☞ As you exhale slowly, the abdominal cavity should contract

☞ Stay about 30 seconds

☞ Slowly come up and stand upright

☞ Change side and repeat