
Quite a hip move!


One of the high load-bearing and functionally-active areas is the complex consisting the lower back, the hip and the pelvis. The health of this region is important for an active lifestyle. Here is a simple movement to help the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex.


☞ Lie with your face downward on a mat

☞ Stretch the toes back and tighten the buttocks and calf muscles

☞ Stretch both hands forward

☞ Rest the forehead on the mat

☞ Flex the elbows, place the palms by the side of the forehead

☞ Flex the right leg on the floor—thigh perpendicular to left leg and leg parallel to left leg

☞ Press the palms and slowly raise the trunk and neck

☞ Straighten the arms, open the shoulders

☞ Lift the neck and bend back

☞ Tighten the buttocks

☞ As you inhale, abdomen should expand

☞ As you exhale, abdomen should contract

☞ Stay for about 20 seconds

☞ Slowly come down and change side

☞ Repeat and relax