
Stretch it to last


The pelvis houses the main organs of the reproductive system, while the abdomen has the main organs of the digestive system. Both need a good stretch to prevent stagnation and improve the blood flow. This posture imparts good flexibility to the spine.


• Take a stability ball of approximately 30cm diameter

• Take a cotton bolster

• Sit upright, cross-legged, at the edge of the bolster

• Keep the ball behind the back, on the bolster

• Keep the feet by the side of the bolster and hold the ball in position

• Slowly recline on the ball, resting the upper back

• Raise the hips, and extend the neck as much you can

• Roll the ball slightly and move the head towards the floor

• Your folded arms and the head should be on the floor

• If the head is not on the floor, keep a folded blanket below the head

• The ball imparts a good stretch to pelvis, abdomen and chest

• Stay for around four minutes with slow abdominal breathing

• Take your arms up, roll over the ball to rest the hip on the bolster

• Slowly get up and relax