
Soothe your pain


Working for long hours on computers, laptops, tablets and mobile phones leads to rounded shoulders and hunched back. It results in tightening of muscles around the shoulder and neck. It also compresses the brachial plexus (group of nerves that come from the spinal cord in the neck and travel down the arm), which may cause pain around the chest.

This can be relieved by uncoiling the hunched back. Here is a simple technique to accomplish this using a stability ball.


• Take a stability ball of 30cm diameter

• Sit upright with legs crossed

• Keep the ball at the back

• Hold the ball and position it a little away from the back

• Slowly recline on the ball, resting the upper back

• Extend the neck as much as possible

• Stretch both arms up, parallel to the floor

• Ball imparts good stretch to pelvis, abdominal muscles and chest

• Stay for about two to four minutes with slow abdominal breathing

• Take the arms up, press the palms on the floor and slowly get up