
Invert and invigorate


In general, the lower extremities are under greater stress due to gravity. The organs in the abdomen experience a settled-down condition due to gravity. It is important to provide relief to these stressed regions. This is possible through inverted postures. Here is such a simple posture which can be done using a brick. The posture helps the thyroid glands by invigorating the complete system.


1. Take a brick made out of high density foam and measuring approximately 8x4x4 inches

2. Sit upright on a mat and keep the brick by the side

3. Lie on your back

4. Fold both legs and bring the heels closer to the hips

5. Press the feet and gently raise the hips up

6. Place the brick directly below the sacrum (the flat bone at the back—the articulation between the hip and spinal column)

7. Ensure the chest does not sink

8. Raise the chest and take the chin to the chest

9. Slowly raise both legs up

10. Pull the kneecaps and keep the legs straight

11. Make sure to keep the legs perpendicular to the floor

12. Stay for about five minutes with slow breathing

13. Fold both legs, keep the feet on the floor and take out the brick

14. Relax