
Complete reliever


Bending backwards, with support at the sacrum (flat bones of the spinal column), has several benefits. It eases the lower back, rejuvenates the pelvic muscles and organs, gives a good stretch to the chest and abdomen, and relieves the strain around the neck. Here is a technique to accomplish this.


1) Take a brick made of high density foam and measuring approximately 8 inch x 4 inch x 4 inch

2) Sit upright with legs crossed

3) Lie on your back and fold the legs, taking heels closer to the hips

4) Press the feet and raise the hips

5) Pin the shoulders down and take the chest towards the chin

6) Take the brick and position vertically below the sacrum

7) Ensure the brick does not poke the lower back

8) Slowly slide the heels forward and stretch both legs

9) Pull the knee caps and keep the legs straight

10) Straighten and stretch both arms without lifting them from the floor

11) Stay for about four minutes with slow abdominal breathing

12) Fold the legs and descend