
Stretch the upper back


The thoracic spine, referred to as upper back, is not as flexible as the lower back. Here is a simple technique using a brick to bend the upper back. This not only helps the flexibility of the upper back but also gives a good stretch to the muscles of the chest and ribs. The centre of the chest, recognised as the emotion centre, gets good stimulation.


1. Take a brick made out of high density foam and measuring approximately
8 x 4 x 4 inches

2. Sit upright on a mat and keep the brick behind you

3. The brick should be in line with the spinal column and about one feet away

4. Beginners may keep the brick horizontally; persons with better flexibility can keep the brick vertically

5. Take the arms back, press the palms and stretch both legs forward

6. Slowly recline, resting the elbows

7. The portion of the upper back, just behind the sternum, should rest on the brick

8. Extend the chest and neck so as to rest the head on the mat

9. Slowly stretch both arms up

10. Stay for about three minutes with slow breathing

11. Take the arms up, press the elbows and get up

12. Relax and repeat