
How the body responds to an infection has changed: Dr Rohit Shetty

Infections across different parts of the body have seen considerable change in how a pathogen infects and creates challenges for the doctor.

In the last decade or so, we have seen a change in dietary patterns like food poor in proteins, omega 3 fatty acids and fibre. New infections have crept in because of changes in our diet. Gut microbiome is one of the most important factors that controls inflammation in our body. It changes as a result of stress, changes in diet and irregular or poor eating habits. The body fighting externally because of a bacteria has changed because of the changes in your diet and gut microbiome. When the gut microbiome is altered, many things could change, from mood swings to immunity.

Nowadays we are less exposed to sunlight. We stay indoors too long. That changes your body’s immune system.

Because of the pandemic, our lifestyle has become more sedentary. We don’t exercise. There are a lot of changes happening in every part of our body, in every cell of our body. Our lifestyle alters the body’s immune response. If your body is strong and healthy, your response to a particular bacteria, virus or fungi is different. Black fungus was more prevalent in Covid-19 patients because their body’s immune response was weak. It is important that we all make changes to our lifestyle.

Shetty is vice chairman, Narayana Nethralaya, Bengaluru.

As told to Mini P. Thomas