
How to Get More Followers on Instagram

Instagram (IG) is a fantastic platform for creating engagement with fans of your brand, products, or services. If you’re a solo entrepreneur or influencer, you can use Instagram to extend your reach and gain more potential partners. For business owners, Instagram provides ways to expand into adjacent markets.

To take advantage of the potential benefits of IG, you need to know how to get more followers on Instagram. This article takes a look at why you need more IG followers and how to get them, including using Reels, Stories, and buying followers .

How to Get More Followers on Instagram — Why You Need to Know

If you’re using Instagram for anything other than sharing cute pics with your family and friends, you no doubt want to increase your following. A larger following means:

·   More potential leads.

·   More interaction with your brand.

·   Improved brand reputation (as long as comments and interactions are positive).

·   Earned media via positive comments, reviews, and shares.

·   Organic traffic to other platforms, e.g., links in your bio.

·   Consistently increasing brand recognition.

·   Increased opportunities to partner with affiliate brands or other influencers.

While other platforms offer some of these benefits, Instagram’s unique focus on visual media makes it highly accessible. Images and videos convey a message without the need to read reams of text. And, if used correctly, Instagram is also accessible to the blind and visually impaired via image descriptions (also known as alt text) and camel case hashtags.

Compelling Instagram Statistics

Does Instagram really help businesses grow? Here are some statistics that suggest so:

·   Instagram has more than 2.4 billion users which is set to reach 2.5 billion during 2024.

·   At least 500 million people access the platform daily.

·   All ages use Instagram, although most are under 35.

·   Around 90% of Instagram users follow a brand on the platform.

·   Purchases are made through the platform by 44% of users.

·   Instagram has a wider advertising reach than Facebook despite having fewer users.

It’s clear that there are plenty of opportunities for businesses and influencers to reach a wide audience if they use IG correctly.

Three Methods for Boosting Your Instagram Following

Want to know how to get more followers on Instagram? Here are three methods you can try with proven success rates.

1. Utilize Reels

While Instagram became famous as a way to share photos, many successful users are now utilizing the Reels feature. Reels are short videos that give IG users a more interactive way to engage with fans.

In the image here, you can see Reels highlighted at the left of the screen. Clicking “Reels” brings up a feed of videos posted by people and brands you follow. You can also click “Explore” to see what videos are trending right now and gain inspiration.

It’s probably no major shock that a video is more engaging than a static photo. However, you may be surprised to learn that Reels can gain over 40% more interactions than a single image. Short video content could be the cornerstone in your quest to learn how to get more followers on Instagram.

2. Buy Instagram Followers From a Trusted Partner

If you cannot get past single or double digits on your follower count, there’s always the option of buying followers, likes, and interactions. This is a boon for small businesses and solo entrepreneurs who want to build credibility on the platform quickly. A larger following encourages others to follow, as they can see that users are enjoying your content.

Buying Instagram followers is simple when you source a reliable vendor. Check review pages like Trustpilot before making a commitment, and investigate the services they offer to ensure they meet your social media goals. You should also compare prices and ensure that the services fall within your budget. Consider return on investment (ROI). For example, 100 extra followers could mean several more sales. In that way, buying followers is a service that could potentially pay for itself.

3. Add Content to Your Story

You can add a picture to your IG feed every day and gain a slow trickle of followers. But did you know that updating your Story is more likely to gain attention and interactions?

In part, this is because many users get notifications when a Story from someone on their feed is posted. They’ll click on this notification, and bam! Instant interaction.

Also, Instagram positions Stories quite prominently at the top of the page. The above image shows where Stories appear on a smartphone — right at the top of the page in large, circular icons. What a great way to encourage users to click and find out more.

You can even encourage interactions with particular brands or influencers. If a brand you love posts something awesome, you can add it to your own Story. Add a comment, tag them, and you’ve started a conversation. Even if that person/brand doesn’t respond, you may get interactions from their fans or followers.

Remember to update your Story regularly. Once someone has viewed your Story, it disappears from their feed. Consistently posting new content encourages sharing and comments. Plus, followers may even share your images and videos to their own Stories.

Be Open to New Ideas — That’s How to Get More Followers on Instagram

The social media landscape is constantly shifting and evolving. But being open to new ideas and methodologies means staying ahead of the curve and not falling into obscurity. Try and be willing to have a go at something new, from buying your first set of followers to creating an eye-popping video for Reels.

Above all, keep your finger on the pulse of current IG trends and align your content with your target audience. When you notice that your followers love something you do, give them more of that type of content or expand within that genre. With attention and perseverance, you can create a continuously growing following and build your brand.

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