Refined palmolein eases in lacklustre trade

    Mumbai, Aug 18 (PTI) Refined palmolein eased in an otherwise lacklustre Vashi oils and oilseeds wholesale market here today following sluggish demand from retail buyers.
    Groundnut oil, castor seeds bold, castor oil commercial and linseed oil held stable in the absence of any worthwhile buying activity.
     In the edible section, refined palmolein softened by a rupee to Rs 672 per 10 kg and groundnut oil ended unaltered at Rs 940 per 10 kg.
    Moving to the non-edible segment, castor seeds bold, castor oil commercial and linseed oil closed unchanged at Rs 4,500 per 100 kg, Rs 930 and Rs 940 per 10 kg, respectively. PTI BPD SHW ABM