Shobhaa De en Wed Nov 02 11:33:14 IST 2022 why-anant-ambani-is-so-unique <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Anant Ambani, 29—Mukesh and Nita Ambani’s youngest child and second son—may turn out to be the most googled man in India when he ties the knot with Radhika Merchant. The pre-wedding celebrations have been in the news for months, what with global world and business leaders flying in to Jamnagar to bless the couple. It has been an extravaganza like no other! At the centre of it all has been the ever-smiling bridegroom—affable Anant, who along with Radhika, has definitely stolen the show from all the high-profile Bollywood star couples, and even international mega entertainers like Justin Bieber and Rihanna. But then, Anant is not just another deliriously happy Ambani <i>dulha</i>. He is unique!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>What makes me say this? Well… I have seen Anant as a kid, when he and his family lived at Sea Wind, the 18-storey family mansion, acquired by Anant’s legendary grandfather, Dhirubhai Ambani. I remember a few of the early meetings there, when Anant would be fussing over the motley collection of injured animals housed in a mini-zoo on the premises. With attentive staff and vets in tow, he would spend most of his time caring for his beloved pets, while his doting parents watched over their busy son. Polite, soft spoken and reticent, Anant subsequently went off to Brown University, to earn a bachelor’s degree, and his family moved out to live in what is now the 27-floor iconic Mumbai landmark—Antilia.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Sometimes, we would receive an invitation from Mukesh to watch the latest films at the magnificent home theatre in Antilia. Nightly screenings of Bollywood and Hollywood films are an intrinsic part of the Ambani routine. I recall watching <i>Inception</i>, the very complex, very intriguing, award-winning film with a small group of movie buffs at Antilia. Described as a “savagely complex ride’’, <i>Inception</i> explores the depths of the sci-fi thriller genre. Despite its great reviews, it confounded and frustrated fans and critics alike with its oblique ending. This was Christopher Nolan at his mind-twisting best! At the end of the long screening, which was attended by, amongst others, two of Bollywood’s most cerebral filmmakers, Mukesh turned to me and asked, “What did you think of the film?” I shrugged and confessed, “I loved it…. but didn’t understand a thing… especially the ending… did you figure it out?” Mukesh smiled, looked around and wondered, “Where’s Anant? Let’s ask him to explain… he will figure it out for us.’’ And that’s exactly what happened. Anant joined the group and provided a concise, convincing, logical explanation, which was such a relief!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>On another occasion, I remember a short conversation with Nita about Anant, when she referred to his passion for animal welfare, and how he had a vision for establishing a world-class facility to care for our four-legged friends. This was years before Vantara in Jamnagar was opened. Nita mentioned Anant’s deep and abiding love for nature and how he combines his concerns with on ground mobilisation, given his sharp sense for sustainable business models.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Anant is a director on the board of Jio Platforms since March 2020. His responsibilities extend to Reliance New Energy Limited and Reliance New Solar Energy Limited.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>But for now, it is time to disco!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The mega celebrations will end soon. But the mood, which was built up for the climax (the wedding ceremony itself), will linger, as millions of Instagram followers, hooked to every tiny detail of the multiple ceremonies, replay clips of the grand functions, with jaws dropping at the sheer opulence of it all! Never before has India witnessed a beloved son’s wedding being solemnised on such a mammoth scale. This can only happen with the abundant blessings of the almighty showered on the entire family.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><i>Shaadi Mubarak</i>, Anant and Radhika.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat Jul 13 11:13:55 IST 2024 how-bollywood-celebs-like-raveena-tandon-are-targeted-by-bandras-organised-gangs <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Recently, a video featuring actor/activist Raveena Tandon went viral, with heated debates raging over an incident involving her car, driver and herself. An enraged group was seen aggressively shouting into the camera, accusing Raveena and her driver of rash driving, resulting in a couple of women suffering injuries. Raveena can be seen telling the crowd not to hit anyone, as they try and push their way past the watchman and attempt to rush into her compound. Initial media reports were misleading. Did she or didn’t she? Was her driver at fault? Did innocent passers-by, near her gate, get hurt due to negligent driving? Social media was quick to judge and condemn the star, some going as far as to state she and the driver were both drunk at the time.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The timely arrival of cops and a close look at the CCTV camera footage clearly established that Raveena’s car had not touched the women. Nobody was injured, least of all an elderly lady. But till the police arrived, examined the footage, met the mob and clarified it was a false and frivolous complaint, there was complete chaos. Since no FIR had been filed, the beleaguered star could finally heave a sigh of relief.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>But what if her innocence had not been this unequivocally established? What if the mob had managed to get their hands on the driver? Or, if Raveena herself hadn’t kept her cool? These were the questions uppermost in my mind when I met her for dinner at a common friend’s home. Raveena recounted the horror of that night in detail. And from all accounts, it does seem like there is a well organised gang operating in tony Bandra, where so many Bollywood stars have homes. Consider the pattern. The gang meticulously stakes out the target’s home, observes the star’s schedule, keeps an eye on the star’s outings, and waits for the right opportunity, preferably at night when not too many bystanders are around in the leafy, dimly lit lanes. This is a serious security issue, given the number of star toddlers and older kids who are often spotted walking to a nearby park or store with nannies in tow.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Once the cops had given her the all clear, Raveena was shocked to see a video tweeted by a man called Mohsin Shaikh, who accused her of road rage and said the Padma Shri actor, who has won a national award, was “drunk”. Raveena has filed Rs100 crore defamation suit against him for damaging her reputation. Extortion is generally the motive, along with the desire to gain cheap publicity. Stars and their children are vulnerable targets. Hiring bodyguards is but one option, living with constant insecurity is the greater concern. Better policing may solve the problem. However, if what Raveena says is accurate, organised gangs have moved into the upscale Bandra neighbourhood with the sole purpose of intimidating, assaulting and blackmailing movie people.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>One of the ladies present advised Raveena to apply for a gun license. I disagreed vehemently. Mumbai is not Los Angeles. Bandra isn’t Beverly Hills. America’s gun culture has claimed the lives of countless innocents. Guns create more problems than they solve. Raveena was brave enough to confront the bullies, while facing great personal risk to her own life. Another woman may have got scared and handed over the innocent driver to the mob. These are the times we live in. Deliberately misrepresenting an incident led to an emotional trauma for Raveena, her four children, husband and staff. Fortunately, she was honourably exonerated. Others may not be as blessed.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat Jun 29 12:23:55 IST 2024 kangana-ranaut-slap-controversy-who-is-the-bigger-heroine <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Suspended woman constable of the CISF Kulwinder Kaur suddenly became heroine no.1 in the eyes of millions. It was alleged that she had slapped controversial real life heroine Kangana Ranaut, the newly minted Lok Sabha MP from Mandi, at the security-check area inside Chandigarh airport. The video of the incident went viral as divided opinions jammed social media, with supporters of both women pitching in.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Kaur, according to her seniors, has not faced any inquiry or punishment earlier. She joined the CISF in 2009, and has been posted at Chandigarh airport since 2021. Her husband is posted there as well. The couple has two children. Kaur comes from a family of farmers, and her brother, Sher Singh, is a farmer leader. The attack on Ranaut, Kaur said, was provoked by Ranaut’s derogatory remarks during the farmer protest against the now-scrapped farm laws. Particularly, Ranaut’s comment that female protestors were paid Rs100 to sit there. Kaur’s mother was one of the women.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Ranaut is reveling in her hour of glory. But Kaur has been suspended, arrested and is facing a police case. In short—it was a very, very ill-timed and expensive attack which has cost Kaur a great deal, while Ranaut has walked away after posting a video of the attack, where she assured her fans that she was “safe”.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Nobody so far has actually seen the footage of the slap—assuming the slap was delivered in the first place. If the footage exists, it is imperative to share it. Kaur has everything to lose. She has a great deal at stake. Did she or didn’t she slap Ranaut? Nobody can justify or condone the unpardonable attack by a cop in uniform, on government duty. Regardless of whether Kaur actually slapped Ranaut or merely pushed her roughly, the fact is, an ugly fracas took place in a public area and was witnessed by many. Kaur was definitely out of line and has broken the law.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Why then is she being hailed as a hero?</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Several prominent people have rushed to defend Kaur. The film industry is divided on this matter, and most have opted to keep silent. Those who have defended Ranaut are mainly known BJP supporters. By and large, Bollywood stays out of political matters, fearing retribution. In Ranaut’s case, the polarisation of sentiment is not based on just political affiliations—it is more personal. Ranaut has been ostracised by colleagues ever since she uttered the one word Bollywood hates—nepotism—on a popular TV show. There’s hardly any mainstream actor, producer or director ready to work with the fiery Kangana.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Two important issues are getting mixed up in this slapgate. Does a cop have the right to assault a citizen, no matter what grudge he or she holds against the person? The answer is no. The entire security system at airports will collapse if cops arbitrarily decide to fix celebrities whose views they dislike. Does Ranaut have the right to express offensive opinions? Yes, absolutely. Kaur acted on her personal animosity. But she cannot take law into her own hands because of her suppressed rage. Ranaut is known to make the most outrageous comments on sensitive issues. But, henceforth, she needs to be doubly sensitive towards public opinion and not abuse her position and privileges. If citizens are backing Kaur and expressing concern about her future, it is largely because Ranaut’s conduct has antagonised millions. Kaur is not remotely as entitled or privileged. Her reputation and livelihood are seriously dented. Soon, people will forget Kaur and the so-called slap, that may or may not have happened. So… who’s the bigger heroine of this saga—Ranaut or Kaur?</p> Sat Jun 15 14:19:18 IST 2024 porsche-crash-reflects-how-vitiated-pune-s-social-atmosphere-has-become <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>My home is not too far from Kalyani Nagar, the scene of the ghastly accident in Pune, when an underage brat, in a swanky Porsche, at 200 kmph, flung two young techies 15 feet in the air, killing the young woman on the spot, while her male friend succumbed to grievous injuries later. Kalyani Nagar is a posh area with several upmarket restaurants, bars, clubs and pubs, frequented by techies who love to party over weekends after putting in long hours at demanding jobs. Most are ambitious out-of-towners, happy to let their hair down in a new city miles away from home. I have frequented these places myself, and keenly observed the scene, especially after midnight, when the roar of Ferraris, Porsches and Aston Martins, racing across the Kalyani Nagar bridge, often drowns out the high-decibel tracks being blasted by DJs as young things dance the night away fuelled by exotic cocktails… and stronger substances. If there is an age limit, it is recklessly disregarded by owners of these glittering waterholes as arrogant, super-entitled underage monsters stagger in nonchalantly.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The juvenile in Pune had spent Rs70,000 in two bars that fateful evening. Petty change for someone like him, son of controversial real estate developer Vishal Agarwal, and grandson of Surendra Agarwal, a notorious businessman, with links to underworld dons. Both are under police detention, while the juvenile delinquent is in a children’s observation centre for 14 days.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>As a person who loves Pune, none of this is shocking. It has become the ‘Pune way of life’, after rapacious builders with strong political backers grabbed tracts of prime land and built gleaming towers, boasting of unimaginably luxurious amenities. Builders and netas ruthlessly conspired to ruin what was once a cultured and refined city known for its high standards of education, and its impeccable legacy of freedom fighters, thinkers and intellectual stalwarts. Today’s Pune is like a den of thieves, with uneducated, ridiculously wealthy builders who think it is cool to allow teenage children to run around in cars that cost Rs2 crore and more. So what if one Porsche gets totalled in a careless accident? There are five more equally expensive cars in the garage, just for the enjoyment of kids who like speed.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>In this case, the matters are far more serious, with attempts to intimidate and bribe the family driver into accepting responsibility for the crime. The brat’s friends have, however, admitted to the police it was their friend at the wheel of the killer car, while the father and grandfather were busy offering allurements to all and sundry, including two doctors who threw away the brat’s blood sample into a dustbin and substituted it with a ‘clean’ one. Both docs have been arrested after public outrage and political pressure escalated. Irony: the brat was too drunk to realise he was beaten up by an enraged crowd who summoned the cops.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Friends who live in Pune say the clubs and pubs are pretty empty following the tragedy, as owners wonder how to get back to business without flouting laws. Surely, it is not all that tough? Live streaming of entry and exit points is being considered. But why not do it the way the rest of the world imposes age limits—insist on legit ID cards and enforce the rule strictly.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This case is not just about an out of control car being driven by a drunk juvenile who hit and killed innocents after bingeing with buddies. It is a ghastly reflection of how vitiated Pune’s social atmosphere has become after the city was captured by the likes of the Agarwal family. Stricter laws are but one way to control those who think they are above justice. Wake up, Pune! And pay up.</p> Fri May 31 15:45:11 IST 2024 the-other-sabyasachi-mukherjee <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>I am Sabyasachi Mukherjee, not to be confused with my namesake, the celebrated fashion couturier,” declared the venerated director-general of Mumbai’s pride, George Wittet’s Indo-Saracenic jewel, the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya, formerly known as the Prince of Wales Museum. The supremely swish, fashion-forward invitees to a very special event on the lawns of the museum tittered politely and giggled as the charming middle-aged man spoke on. Most of them had zero idea about this other ‘Sabyasachi’. It was, after all, a fashion event titled, Legacy of Deft Hands, celebrating India’s artisanal heritage.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The over-modest and highly refined Mukherjee, dressed in a well-cut formal suit, provided a succinct introduction to the spectacular fashion walk, as top models circled the impressive statue of King George V. It was a first visit to Mumbai’s historic landmark for this chichi Gucci-Chanel set.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>As director-general of one of the premier art and history museums in Asia, Mukherjee heads a dedicated team of the museum that houses priceless treasures inside the awe-inspiring grade one heritage building, which celebrated its centennial in 2022. His style is “people-oriented’’, and despite formidable scholarship in his chosen field, the soft-spoken gentleman retains his genial aura without overwhelming eager visitors flocking to his beloved museum, where he has held sway since his appointment in 2007.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>He delivered a charming speech after he was elected, as an honorary member, to the two-century-old American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He disarmingly stated, “I never dreamed of being recognised and honoured by such a prestigious institution of remarkable minds.” Considering the Academy was founded by the likes of Alexander Graham Bell and Benjamin Franklin, this befitting honour was an apt and timely recognition of Mukherjee’s considerable achievements.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>As a fairly regular to the museum since my growing years, I have observed its remarkable evolution from a musty, dusty place that attracted sullen-faced school kids on a mandatory museum trip, to what it is today—a vibrant, buzzing complex that attracts scholars from across the world, along with enthusiastic locals, who take in the newest exhibits, shop at the well-curated museum store which offers great, well-priced, sophisticated gifts, to students who opt for a postgraduate diploma course in museology and art conservation with Mukherjee himself as director. Who could ask for a better guru? With the addition of a children’s museum and new galleries, the familiar old space has been transformed into a modern, lively cultural hub with exciting, interactive activities that have seen a dramatic rise in footfalls.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>When I met Mukherjee at the special fashion show evening, I was initially blinded! Of course, by his brilliance, but on a more mundane note, by the bright lights shining into my eyes. Surrounded by beautiful installations and inspired by the invaluable weaves on display from the Sangrahalaya’s textile gallery, it was difficult to focus. We chatted briefly, as art gallery aficionados, collectors and historians waited to meet the host.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Legacy of Deft Hands was a triumph. Befittingly, the corner reserved for Ikat weavers working on looms saw interested invitees stopping to exchange a few words with our wonderful crafts community, quietly but surely placing India on the global map. Here’s hoping the low-key director-general treats us to many more experiential exhibits that engage, inform and enchant. The Sangrahalaya has shown us how!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat May 18 11:49:01 IST 2024 parakala-prabhakar-the-lone-voice-of-dissent <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>“I am keen to invite Parakala [Prabhakar] to Mumbai… What do you think? Do you know him?” A friend asked. No, I don’t know the man. And no, it is not a good idea to invite him, unless you want to invite trouble, I replied. Parakala is ‘the’ man right now. Possibly, the only man boldly standing up for his beliefs. An outspoken public intellectual, Parakala is logically and fearlessly taking apart those in power and being widely applauded for saying what millions dare not. This has made him a folk hero at a time when there is a dearth of any heroes. That Parakala happens to be the estranged husband of Nirmala Sitharaman, Union finance minister, makes him doubly fascinating for millions of fans hailing him as the voice of the voiceless, an anti-establishment figure, articulating the concerns of countless citizens. His flatly stated, highly critical views, calling out Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his political colleagues, have found many takers, mainly because his interviews are not rants. He makes sense, speaks calmly and answers without waffling. Given his impressive academic credentials, it is difficult to fault his cogent arguments as he holds forth on specifics without resorting to sensationalism and name-calling.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>But it is equally his rather unique position vis-a-vis his powerful wife that attracts extra attention as analysts attempt to deconstruct the marriage and read between the lines. Nirmala and Parakala have been married for 38 years and are parents to a daughter named Parakala Vangmayi, who is married to Pratik Doshi, a key aide of Modi—the guessing games continue. Parakala’s “outbursts”, publicly slamming his high-profile wife as he tore into the Union budget, are dubbed the story of every home by amused outsiders. Nirmala has maintained a stoic silence, which is just as well, or else we would have witnessed a full-scale soap opera, a domestic slugfest with gloves off.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Now that Parakala has been positioned as the lone voice of dissent, that too, during such a sensitive election, he finds himself in the spotlight, not always for the right reasons. On a podcast, he went ahead and called Modi a “dictator”, adding, “He’s not a democrat.” These sort of comments have found a niche audience with fans hailing Parakala as an iconoclast, risking personal safety while defending free speech.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Parakala comes from a staunch Congress family, with both parents active in politics. His books and essays reflect his own political thinking in unambiguous terms. Parakala’s critics are quick to dismiss him off as an oddball who is capitalising on the mood of the nation and being an agent provocateur with a hidden agenda. Well, so far his agenda remains under wraps, as observers figure out his motives and moves. The fact that no known attempt has been made to muzzle him, displays enormous confidence, especially since many young folks and stand-up comics have been warned to zip up or else.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>India could do with many more Parakalas, but that’s a tall order. His brilliant mind is hard to match. It is not important to agree with his viewpoint. But it is important to recognise his right (and the rights of others ) who are challenging the status quo. Once the elections are behind us, perhaps, Parakala will not be as urgently needed and public discourse will resume its old course. Dissent and democracy go hand in hand. More voices need to be heard. 
In Parakala an unlikely hero has been created, all thanks to unprecedented political developments in the country. When my friend was advised not to invite Parakala to Mumbai, it wasn’t his safety that caused concern, it was hers.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat May 04 11:50:39 IST 2024 all-about-nepals-own-billionaire-binod-chaudhary <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Binod Chaudhary, 69, is an unusual man. He wears his ‘Nepal’s first billionaire’ status very lightly. The man who took Wai Wai Noodles to the world, and came in the Forbes billionaires list in 2013, is a fitness enthusiast, avid trekker, writer and filmmaker, with 122 companies in five countries and 76 brands in the global market.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>We reconnected recently at a retreat in Gangtok and, soon after, on his home turf—Kathmandu. The one quality that jumped out during our interactions? His focused interest in everything and everyone around him. He gave me his book, <i>Making it Big: The Inspiring Story of Nepal’s First Billionaire</i>, a chatty, highly readable account of his incredible life. It is a huge bestseller in Nepal and sells briskly in India, too. It starts with an earthquake in Chile (2010) and ends with the devastating earthquake in Nepal (2015). Sandwiched in between is his own story, engagingly written by him in Nepali and later translated into English and several other languages. He is working on his second book, which recounts the Wai Wai success story, detailing the strategy that propelled the brand to unimaginable heights. “A battle cannot be won with compassion,” he states, confessing candidly, “My aggression has overshadowed my good qualities.’’ This is a rare admission for a man who is mega successful and unabashedly proud of his achievements. As the chairperson of the Chaudhary Group, Binod has left the day-to-day running of his vast empire to his three sons—Nirvana, Rahul and Varun.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I remember attending Rahul and Surabhi’s grand wedding in Jaipur. Surabhi, Binod’s beautiful and capable daughter-in-law, is a Mumbai girl, while Nirvana’s wife, Ashrayata, is from Nepal. The close-knit family works seamlessly and efficiently within the assigned roles.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Chaudhary men are on the move non-stop, what with their vast and varied business interests—from banking, real estate, hospitality, telecom, housing, finance, hospitals and education. Aware of their family lineage, Binod says, “I belong to a community with a proud history… Marwaris have never received the respect they deserve.’’ Binod’s grandfather, originally from Shekhawati in Rajasthan, came to Nepal as a young man of 20 and put down roots. “Marwaris have a wonderful support system, which is why they succeed wherever they go,” declares Binod, as he looks back on his extraordinary life, crammed with personal and professional adventures.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>As a seasoned politician and member of parliament from the Nepali Congress party, Binod cites his friendship with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while pointing out that India could have done much more for its smaller neighbour, in terms of building Nepal’s infrastructure. Well, the airport at Kathmandu could do with a major facelift, given the tourist traffic from India and the rest of the world.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Binod, who was introduced to Modi by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, is keenly watching elections 2024 in India, and won’t be surprised if an unexpected twist upsets the best calculations. His own country is going through a period of turbulence and, at the moment, his political party is on shaky grounds as the demands for a return to monarchy, reinstating the king and declaring Nepal as the world’s only Hindu kingdom, get more strident. Binod is too shrewd and powerful to allow any of this to deter his personal growth vision. His position in Nepal looks unshakeable, despite attempts to dig up old cases and vilify the family.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>“I want everything from life,” Binod flatly states, as he rushes off for yet another meeting, a linen jacket casually slung over his arm. The brotherhood of billionaires ensures a certain comfort to the man who has survived earthquakes and more, never once losing sight of his goals. The ground beneath his feet is rock steady, as he confidently takes the Chaudhary Group to the next level.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat Apr 20 11:30:07 IST 2024 paresh-maity-unplugged <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Artists see things differently. Thanks to that special gift, the world also begins to see and appreciate the vision of the creator. My attitude towards the prickly jackfruit changed forever when Paresh Maity immortalised it in bronze. A gigantic version of the fruit was on display at Bikaner House in Delhi (2022) at Paresh’s solo exhibition, titled Infinite Light. The jackfruit was described as India’s largest bronze sculpture. “The structure of the fruit depicts life in the city,’’ Paresh said. He saw what most of us didn’t! That’s what makes Paresh, a Padma Shri award recipient, a sought-after artist, acquired by galleries and collectors who dote on the Delhi-based, beret-wearing artist with a master’s in fine arts from the College of Art, Delhi. ‘The Force’ is his most iconic sculpture, made of 8,500 bells. But it is his vivid water colours I lust after. Paresh says watercolour is the most difficult medium in the field of art. Well, recently I discovered Paresh’s absolute control and mastery over the medium, at a wonderfully organised retreat in Gangtok. We were a group of approximately 40 people invited by Harsh Neotia to experience a delightful Easter weekend at the exquisite Taj-managed Guras Spa and Resort, carved out of a rocky hill in Gangtok, with Danny Denzongpa and Bhaichung Bhutia as neighbours. During our two short days at the gorgeous property, which has glorious views of the majestic Kanchenjunga, Paresh was busy translating his vision into watercolours of immense beauty, while the rest of us chit-chatted over second flush Darjeeling tea.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I don’t own a Paresh, alas. But each time I pass through Delhi, I stop to admire his gigantic work at the T3 Indira Gandhi International Terminal. I have always been an admirer, but this was the first time we both had the time and leisure to connect and chat. Paresh is a dandy. His meticulously selected outfits are a reflection of his personal aesthetic. He says he is a follower of the “less is more’’ philosophy, but his fashion choices are anything but minimalistic. When he walked in for a formal farewell dinner at the resort, all eyes were on the man in a zari embroidered black achkan bearing his signature motifs woven in gold thread, a heavy silver choker, and tan shoes. The trademark black beret was firmly in place. Paresh is a photographer’s dream I discovered, as I shot his portraits in the resplendent gold embroidered achkan. He posed like a pro, and took directions unfussily, while Jayasri Burman, his partner, an accomplished artist herself, watched on. Soon, it was my turn to pose for Paresh. Not only did he click the most flattering portraits, but within seconds, he had cropped and composed the perfect shot. Prolific, gregarious, ambitious and restless, Paresh is a man who loves being Paresh. That’s such a refreshing change from artists who pretend to play modest and claim they are embarrassed by attention. Paresh is unabashed and upfront—a man who enjoys being in the spotlight and has the distinction of holding the biggest solo exhibition by any single artist in India, spread over four cities and five months.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>As for me, I shall cherish my Paresh-shot portraits and frame them for posterity. I cannot afford a Paresh watercolour, which runs into several lakhs. But how many Paresh collectors have been lucky enough to be photographed by the artist? Ha! I win!</p> Sat Apr 06 17:28:15 IST 2024 kiran-rao-is-on-top-at-50 <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Come to think of it, producer, director, screenwriter Kiran Rao has occupied the director’s chair since birth! At 50, she is where she wants to be—calling the shots, professionally and personally. Her latest film, <i>Laapataa Ladies</i> [missing ladies], received a standing ovation at the Toronto Film Festival, where her earlier film <i>Dhobi Ghat</i> had been equally feted. Interestingly, superstar Aamir Khan, her ex-husband (and co-producer of <i>Laapataa Ladies</i>) had auditioned for the role played supremely well by popular Bhojpuri actor Ravi Kishan… and was rejected by Kiran. That’s the level of confidence and respect the two share.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>A couple of years ago, we were invited to dinner by Aamir and were delighted when Kiran joined us to cut a birthday cake with Azad, their young son. Kiran’s team was waiting impatiently for Aamir to watch a rough cut of <i>Laapataa Ladies</i> at his studio on the ground floor. There was zero awkwardness in any of this. Equally, there was none when Kiran enthusiastically participated in the extended wedding celebrations of his daughter Ira, through Aamir’s first marriage to Reena Dutta. Both ex-wives share a strong Bengali connection. Reena is born a Bengali. Kiran lived and studied in Kolkata and is a proud Loreto girl who speaks excellent Bengali. With her royal lineage (grand-daughter of the titular Raja of Wanaparthy state, J. Rameshwar Rao, founder of Orient Longman), Kiran’s upbringing in a progressive, highly educated family is richly reflected in her professional and personal choices. Influenced by the movies of Satyajit Ray and Ritwik Ghatak, Kiran has opted for an off-beat, cerebral route when it comes to helming film projects.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Her social concerns are evident in <i>Laapataa Ladies</i>, which ostensibly revolves around the tragi-comedy of two young brides in rural India, getting accidentally swapped on a train. Behind the laughs and broad humour, several strands of feminism and gender justice are expertly woven in, via dialogues that highlight the deep-rooted prejudices ingrained in our complex society, which looks the other way when a woman is ill-treated and abused in multiple ways. Kiran expertly uses the metaphor of the traditional <i>ghungat</i> (veil), that covers more than just a women’s face—it effectively negates her individuality and hides acts of blatant discrimination within her own family. There are telling scenes highlighting domestic interactions that underline how hard it is for a new bride to survive, forget thrive, in her brand new environment, amidst strangers who fail to acknowledge her as an individual with a mind of her own. Like when the bride is tutored to keep her eyes downcast permanently, now that she is married and sporting a <i>ghungat</i>.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Kiran’s quiet assertiveness is a class act, which is obvious when one meets her socially. As an acknowledged fashionista with a specific design aesthetic, Kiran is confident enough to favour organic fabrics over sequined designer wear, and stick to minimal jewellery, the kind favoured by successful Bollywood personalities. Stripped of artifice and by shunning glitz, Kiran stands out in an ocean of OTT couture.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Kiran and Aamir, who have faced flak in the past, for speaking up on matters that are considered sensitive, and been labelled as anti-nationals for doing so, have the courage of their convictions to stick to their strong belief systems. This attitude in an era of compromised political principles, is inspiring and courageous. They have paid a big price for that….</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>But, today, Kiran commands the respect of the film industry for being herself! Not Aamir’s ex-wife. Hard-earned, yes. But oh so well deserved. Let’s hope there will be fewer <i>laapataa ladies</i> in India henceforth.</p> Sat Mar 09 16:28:22 IST 2024 anita-nair-and-my-crush-mammootty <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Till last year, I used to be a lit fest junkie. Now, I am done! I outgrew the circus and decided to spare myself the tedium of being reduced to a performing flea. But am I glad I accepted the invitation to the recent Colombo Literature Fest, where I ran into Anita Nair at breakfast…. And forgot all about string hoppers. We were sharing a panel the same evening. The topic was provocative: The Empire Strikes Back. I asked if she had ‘prepped’ for it; I hadn’t! She reassured me it would be a cakewalk—all we had to do is respond to questions posed by the moderator. Well, the panel turned out to be unwieldy and directionless, but later, on the lawns of the majestic Galle Face Hotel, Anita and I had our first ‘proper’ chat. And I sincerely hope, a long-term friendship was forged that balmy night, when we talked about our work and discovered we had a common crush—actor Mammootty! I breathlessly asked Anita if she had met the actor, and she had. And when she promised to send him Malayalam translations of her books, Mammootty replied, “No. I don’t want translations. I want to read you.” Ufffff. Such a loaded response. We both blushed like schoolgirls and gushed some more. It was not yet 10pm, and Anita announced she was calling it a night. I stared in utter disbelief. I was instantly fascinated by her daily regimen, which begins at 4.30am and includes daily practice (carnatic music) and so much else, efficiently packed into a writing schedule, and mentoring via Anita’s Attic, while prodigiously writing her award-winning books. “You must tell me what you think of Gowda,’’ she said casually, about Borei Gowda, the cop-character she has meticulously crafted for her immensely popular trilogy of crime thrillers. “Is Gowda like Mammootty?” I enquired mischievously. “Yes,” replied Anita. Oh ho… I am in love with Gowda, already!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I have started on the trilogy after Anita generously sent the books. Her plotting is impeccable, but it is her knowledge and understanding of police procedurals that blew me away. Combine that, with her penetrating psychological insights into human behaviour along with her descriptive powers of the landscapes where the action takes place, and the reader immediately recognises an original voice in a crowded field. To merely call these three books crime thrillers is to take a lot away from Anita’s masterful control over language and structure.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Anita’s personality and poise ensure public attention and it is tempting to describe her using the same words publishers use for blurbs—“tempestuous” and “exotic”. She speaks with a certain quiet certitude, which often throws unwary interviewers. A Republic Day baby (her birthday falls on January 26), Anita, at 58, cuts an arresting figure, and exudes a no-nonsense air, which belies her vulnerable charm.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>She frequently makes her own early morning chai, before the household awakes (her grownup son lives on his own), and she has quiet, contemplative me time, to write, think, make notes, sing, dream. It’s a writer’s life all the way.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I am looking forward to my personal discovery of Anita’s complex and intriguing world, which explores gender, class, sub-cultures, inequalities, discrimination, corruption and rot, expertly decoding what it means to be a woman who writes in contemporary India and addresses multiple social dilemmas as seen through her very specific, sharply focused lens. Gowda, her charismatic, taciturn, blunt cop, sounds like a delicious blend of Anita herself, with dollops of Mammootty thrown in for garnish.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>It is time for <i>Eating Wasps</i>… and celebrating Anita some more, methinks!</p> Sat Feb 24 15:27:05 IST 2024 why-i-want-to-go-on-a-biryani-date-with-dongris-darling-munawar-faruqui <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>The extraordinary story of 32-year-old Munawar Iqbal Faruqui, winner of the 17th season of Bigg Boss (Indian television’s biggest reality show) is worthy of a biopic. Frankly, I hadn’t heard of the stand-up comic, poet and rapper, till I watched the coverage of his victory parade, when he took the trophy to his modest home, waving to a sea of delirious fans cheering him as he stuck his head out of the sunroof of his fancy car. At first, I thought I was watching the usual fan-mania outside Shah Rukh Khan’s Mannat—the superstar’s palatial seaside bungalow. But hello! These visuals were from gritty Dongri, not snotty Bandra. Dongri—Mumbai’s most notorious ghetto, once home to gangsters like Dawood Ibrahim, Haji Mastan, Tiger Memon, Chhota Shakeel, Abu Salem. Dongri—from where the dreaded D-Gang operated. Dongri—shunned by Mumbaikars, and damned by cops. Here was a son of Dongri, who had won the hearts of millions of viewers and walked away with prize money and gifts worth more than Rs1.4 crore. This was no freaky win. The thousands who had turned up to greet him, did so out of genuine admiration. Shopkeepers in Dongri had put up his posters, while neighbourhood eateries offered discounts on food. Their boy had won! A Dongri boy had brought glory to their neighbourhood. No longer would Dongri be seen as nothing more than a dangerous, overcrowded slum that bred international gangsters and where crime was a way of life. Munawar had altered and upgraded Dongri’s image overnight!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Munawar, a driver’s son, left Junagadh in 2002 after his home was burnt during the Godhra riots. His father moved the family to Mumbai, and subsequently, Munawar lost both parents. He dropped out of school, did odd jobs, sold utensils at Rs60 a day. Till he discovered his forte—black comedy! Not everybody was amused by his humour. Munawar spent 37 days in jail following his arrest by the Madhya Pradesh police in Indore on New Year’s Eve 2021, when he was picked up mid-performance for what was called a ‘hate speech’. Several stand-up comedians representing southeast Asia, stood by Munawar, offering support and solidarity, citing their right to freedom of expression.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Today, Munawar has 4.7 million subscribers to his YouTube channel, 11.6 million followers on Instagram. His net worth is pegged at Rs8 crore, based on his fees of Rs15 lakh per paid post, and Rs2.5 lakh per stage show. His video, ‘Dawood Yamraaj &amp; Aurat’ has garnered 20 million views, and Munawar is already planning his next professional moves.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>His personal life is as interesting as his dazzling rise to fame. But fans are not judgmental at all. On the contrary, they admire him for being upfront and responding candidly to frequent ‘womaniser’ rumours. His dating pattern is avidly monitored on social media. Life on the fast track is likely to transform Munawar’s disarming personality—that’s a given. Soon, he will be seen sporting designer wear at red carpet events and schoomzing with celebrities from the other side of the railway track. Munawar’s makeover is on. You can take the man out of Dongri, but you can’t take Dongri out of him—and that is Munawar’s real strength. Dongri inspires his work and lyrics. Dongri is his bedrock. When a Dongri resident said “the trophy has finally reached Dongri”, it was a rich tribute to the grime and dirt of Dongri and led to the success of Dongri’s darling—Munawar.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I want to go on a biryani date in Dongri with Munawar. Working on it!</p> Sat Feb 10 15:01:51 IST 2024 how-asha-thadani-is-visualising-hope <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>There is an open door, shut by a closed mind….” This is the line that grabbed me when I opened Asha Thadani’s catalogue, Broken—Dalit Lives, which introduced viewers to her just concluded exhibition of photographs in Delhi. Asha has been chronicling the lives of the most marginalised citizens of India, and reminding us powerfully that, “The human spirit is never in chains, imagination is never in shackles and creative expression through art, song, verse and dance, allows them freedom of the mind, in a defiance of the caste cabal.’’ Asha’s searing series of photographs, visualises the lives of 10 such dalit communities, in the fervent hope that at least a single door for a closed mind opens.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Asha is a photographic artist based in Bengaluru, and has been creating images that explore power structures since 1996. Her works have received international recognition and been shown at important museums like the Albert-Kahn Museum and Garden, Paris, and the National Centre for the Performing Arts, Mumbai. Nominated for the prestigious Henri Cartier Bresson Award (2015), Asha continues to address social injustices by deep diving into the human tragedy behind the most dehumanised segments of our society. She writes, “The dalit life has been one of isolation and pain, and systemic injustice.’’</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>As I went through the wonderfully written text by popular podcaster, writer and magazine publisher, Ramjee Chandran, my eyes refused to focus! Let me explain. There was one particular image of a little girl, at the coal mines of Jharia, that shook me up. I simply couldn’t look the child in the eye without cringing in shame. I started to read the bone-chilling text accompanying this section, titled The Unseen Suffering, and my stomach churned—rogue mines employ four lakh people, including women, and children who are not yet 10. They live as bonded labour and work 18 hours a day. That little girl’s direct gaze—defiant, scorching, challenging—began to haunt me. And I reached out to Asha, through our common friend, the extraordinary Prasad Bidapa, to express what I felt about Asha’s powerful work. That little girl now resides in my home in the form of a life-size photograph, sent by Asha. It’s interesting to note that her presence has disturbed the domestic equilibrium enough for visitors who stop and stare and sometimes ask, “But why would you want such a picture on your wall? Doesn’t it bother you?” Of course, it does! Which is why it is there.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>There is another, equally compelling portrait of a handsome, rugged young man posing with a cluster of goat heads. Yes, goat heads. I plead ignorance! I had no idea that a dalit tribe called the Holeyas harvest the brains of goat carcasses for a living; the brain being the part of a goat that fetches the most money. Dalit males who specialise in extricating the brain are as young as 10 or 12. Their life expectancy is 35 to 45. They often die of bites from the ticks on the heads of the goats being burned, or from toxic furnace fumes. The young man stares back, his eyes blazing—pride? Anger? Rebellion?</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Some days ago Prime Minister Narendra Modi consecrated the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya with much pomp and ceremony. More than a century ago, in a village in Chhattisgarh, Parsuram Bharadwaj, a dalit, was stopped from entering a temple. He decided to express his protest by tattooing the word Ram on every part of his body, as a challenge to Hindu orthodoxy. Others followed. Today’s Ramnamis, looking for jobs in big cities, don’t wear their devotion to Ram as visibly. Asha calls the Ram tattoos, “A chant in writing.” It is the devotion of the defiant. I cannot wait to meet Asha—she has given so much ásha (hope) to India’s most wretched.</p> Sat Jan 27 15:38:30 IST 2024 fareed-zakaria-style-and-substance <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>I am pretty certain the first time I met Padma Bhushan Fareed Zakaria (well-known journalist, author and columnist), he was wearing half-pants. He was a schoolboy living in his parents’ home in south Mumbai, and we were friends of the Zakarias (Rafique and Fatima). The handsome, suave and very refined young person we subsequently ran into over the years is today a global figure, and at 59 carries off his multiple international awards and accomplishments most elegantly. Fareed self-identifies as a “çentrist and a secular, non-practising Muslim”. His father was a prominent politician from a Konkani Muslim family, and was an Islamic theologian, who was known for his advocacy of traditional Islam. Fareed’s mother was an editor, and gave me my first major break as a national columnist. Our ties go back decades.</p> <p>This time, we were meeting in Udaipur, at the wedding of my god-daughter Malika, Fareed’s niece. Tasneem Vikram Mehta, Malika’s mother and Fareed’s sister, is one of my dearest friends. The occasion was emotionally charged and deeply sentimental, as all the invitees to the three-day celebration in the magnificent Mehta family <i>haveli</i>, overlooking the Fateh Sagar Lake, enthusiastically participated in the well-curated festivities. Malika’s father, the erudite Vikram Jagat Mehta, and Tasneem, made sure every guest at the intimate <i>ghar ki shaadi</i> was made to feel special. Fareed, clad in a brocade <i>bandhgala</i>, played the benevolent <i>maamu</i> [maternal uncle], receiving guests and enjoying the proceedings. The man about whom it was said, “Fareed is so well-versed in politics, he can’t be pigeonholed…’’ sensibly avoided talking shop at the <i>shaadi</i>, which may have disappointed his admirers, dying to pick his brains and get his take on issues like the Ram Mandir. Given that Fareed has made it to several international lists of top analysts of our times, his decision to respect the mood of the rituals and not hog the limelight was the right one.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Fareed’s cover essay in a news magazine, after the 9/11 attack, was titled, “Why they hate us…’’ and was passionately argued at a time the world needed a deeper perspective. More recently, when Fareed declared, “The world sees what America does not…” people paid attention. Ditto, when he announced “A new world order needs new thinking…” Forbes had him on the list of “25 most influential liberals in American media”, making it clear that Fareed’s words count.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>His weekly show on TV is eagerly watched by several diehard fans, including my 87-year-old sister, who was thrilled to see her hero in the picture I sent from the <i>shaadi</i>. His provocative topics ensure he keeps his viewers riveted. In his characteristic non-intrusive way, I noticed how Fareed is never ever “off the job”—quietly asking relevant questions, probing, observing, without the other person feeling the slightest discomfort.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>That is the hallmark of a professional journalist, who rarely ‘relaxes’ even in a social setting—who knows where the next scoop can come from? His book, <i>The Post-American World</i>, talks about the “rise of the rest”—us! And others. Well, it is a perspective nobody can afford to ignore. It is refreshing to learn Fareed loves cooking! Food, that is. Not media stories. Seeing how fit he is, one wonders about his palate-discipline, given his culinary passion. The Mumbai boy in half-pants to the tuxedo-wearing Upper West Side New Yorker, our Fareed has come a long, long way in the world. We are proud of him!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat Jan 13 11:12:33 IST 2024 multifaceted-mozez-singh <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Rizz—the catchword of 2023—is possibly a tad overused, but let us hand it to people who don’t acquire ‘rizz’. They are born with it. I place storyteller, filmmaker, writer, producer, director Mozez Singh in this coveted category. He has ‘rizz’ written all over him! Today, he is poised to make a major mark in the cut-throat world of films, with a soon-to-be launched documentary on another Singh—popular rapper and hip-hopper Yo Yo Honey Singh. The trade buzz is strong, and it is being hailed as one of the top Netflix releases to look out for in 2024. Mozez called it an “exhilarating experience”, describing the process as an “adrenaline-filled creative ride… and my entry into the hypnotic world of documentary filmmaking”.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Mozez tasted success with his earlier films (<i>Zubaan, Human </i>and<i> White Noise</i>), and won the prestigious Rising Director Asia Star award at the Busan International Film Festival. Today, he is amongst a small, select group of talented filmmakers who are sought after by prestigious production houses. Please note: his ‘rizz’ factor does not originate in his movie triumphs. Mozez just has to walk into a room to create an impact. It is his unique personality that draws attention even before anyone knows who he is. Chameleon-like and mercurial, man-boy Mozez has become a muse for several top designers who see a global, magnetic personality in him. Given his lithe good looks and an extravagant wardrobe that can go from Tom Ford to Goa beach hippie chic, Mozez revels in the attention and remains a perennial sartorial adventurer. As a clothes horse, his gender fluid appearance provides inspiration for cutting-edge fashion shoots that break the mould.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Flamboyant and androgynous, Mozez himself could be the subject of a future documentary, given his charmed life. “Fashion should be freeing,” Mozez stated in an interview, living up to his commitment towards normalising LGBTQ+ choices.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Mozez’s aesthetic comes from his beautiful mother, Maheep Singh, whose wardrobe he used to raid growing up in their sprawling mansion in Delhi. His collection of bold jewellery is from Hanut Singh, his childhood friend.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>A life of privilege, for sure—Mozez’s grandfather was the founder chairman of Ranbaxy, a legacy pharmaceutical company. Mozez could so easily have been another entitled Delhi brat, running around the world doing his richie-rich celebrity thing. That he chose to come to Mumbai and made his career in an entirely different field is to his credit.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Mozez was a precocious 13-year-old schoolboy when I first met him at his stunning Delhi bungalow, filled with contemporary art and rare silver. I was there to shoot for a magazine feature, that required a tiger skin for me to pose on. Dilip Mehta, the renowned photographer and a friend of the Singh family, picked their magnificent residence for the shoot. Suddenly, I noticed two teenaged boys lurking around and gawking at the strange spectacle being staged—Mozez and Hanut! Today, we share a terrific friendship and share our views on anything and everything—from politics to books. His bachelor apartment, in trendy Bandra, boasts an impressive library, where he spends most of his time reading, writing and creating. With his frequent travels to exotic destinations in India and across the globe, Mozez’s restless mind rarely demands a break.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I like his spiritual energy field—as an ardent Shiva devotee it was the beautiful altar at the entrance of Mozez’s super-chic apartment that left the strongest impact. Shiv bhakti and avant-garde fashion—great combo!</p> Sat Dec 30 10:45:50 IST 2023 bowled-over-by-jessica-posner-odede <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>I was intrigued when media personality Alex Kuruvilla sent a tempting invitation to an evening of cocktails, connections and conversations about the ‘Power of Girl Effect’, hosted in the Zenith at the St Regis Hotel. Dressed in a crisp white blazer, Jessica Posner Odede, CEO of Girl Effect, an international NGO that helps girls in Africa and Asia make choices on multiple levels, was busy greeting invitees. Supporting her in this inspiring initiative was global media mogul Jonathan Newhouse.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Around us were some of India’s best known philanthropists, like Adar and Natasha Poonawalla. After the informal meet and greet formalities, Alex introduced Jessica and her dedicated team—giving guests an idea of what exactly Girl Effect is all about. It was left to Jessica to take us through her incredible journey from Kenya to India, that has led to Girl Effect making vital inroads and transforming lives of confused adolescent girls here and in Africa—those who have no direct access to much-needed information regarding basic female health. Nor do they enjoy the emotional support required to process sensitive matters involving taboo subjects—menstruation, contraception, pregnancy and more. It was when Jessica heard a teenager say, ‘the first time I menstruated and saw blood, I was convinced I was dying’ that she decided to do something about it and launch Girl Effect, which has reached more than 23 million young Indian women online.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>“Go forth and shine,” she urges girls, while encouraging confidential conversations in a safe environment through media and tech products. In India’s Hindi belt, Girl Effect proved to be a real boon, with young girls relating to content such as a specially created web series, chatbots, a girls-only Facebook group, and an informative website, which Jessica claims encourages every girl to write her own story. An online community—Bak Bak Gang—provides a safe space for non-judgmental conversations about love, life and sex. Bol Behen acts as a virtual big sister and offers advice to girls at every stage.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>When the dynamic, articulate Jonathan proposed an eloquent vote of thanks, several questions arose in the room—around how one could contribute. This was the prime objective of the evening, and it was heartening to see the passionate engagement of high-powered invitees, ready to open their wallets and extend support in whichever manner.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>My husband and I were blown away by Jonathan’s prodigious memory—travelling across the world, interacting with hundreds of people as he has been doing for decades, Jonathan retains an awe-inspiring recall, even for the tiniest detail. He reminded both of us about our conversation back then, and we shared a few laughs—mainly over my tattoos and his! Since mine are powerful pro-women <i>Kanji</i> symbols, they seemed an apt representation of Girl Effect—what a delightful coincidence. Jonathan said he had to make sure to cover his inking while travelling in Japan, where tattoos are associated with Japanese criminal gangs (Yakuza). While tattoos are not illegal in Japan, most visitors cover up at temples and shrines, and make sure not to expose their tattoos while strolling through the streets of the country. Phew! Jonathan just saved me from future embarrassment since we are travelling to Japan soon. Thanks Jonathan—that was a very valuable tip, indeed—I will make sure my arms stay covered!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>As for Jessica, she made me aware of how urban, female youngsters living in Tier-1 cities, take sensitive information so much for granted. Compared with their less privileged counterparts across India, our young female adults are so much better armed to deal with adolescent challenges. It is time to step up and offer other far less informed counterparts the same knowledge-access as we enjoy.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Fri Dec 15 18:19:44 IST 2023 tanvi-jindals-own-muso <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Tanvi Jindal Shete at 36 is a petite bundle of super-charged energy. Daughter of Sajjan and Sangita Jindal, mother of two tots, director of Jindal South West (JSW) Foundation overseeing the education portfolio, and the dynamic founder of the just opened MuSo (Museum of Solutions), Tanvi’s life spins at unbelievable speed. Her involvement with young minds started in 2009 as a member of the first cohort for the Teach For India fellowship programme in a low income school. After graduating in economics from New York University, Tanvi decided to invest time, energy and money in a passion project—the incredible MuSo. As a space dedicated to empower children to think out of the box instead of staring at static museum displays as passive participants, MuSo offers a world-class experience, possibly, the only one of its kind in India, which encourages visitors of all ages to learn and be inspired, as they walk through nine vibrant floors, meticulously designed by the best Indian and international brains.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I was invited by Sangita to experience MuSo along with my grandchildren before its formal opening. Can’t claim I was jumping with joy—it was a Sunday morning and I rarely step out on Sundays! But which grandma can say “no” to a carnival, live music, food stalls and a staggering amount of activity for restless <i>bachchas</i>? Not only did I make it, but also I became a <i>bachcha</i> myself! I was taken for a great walkthrough by Nameeta Premkumar, the creative force behind some of the most engaging exhibits. Since the opening theme is water, every floor focuses on water and its vital importance—the earth’s survival depends on how we respect our water resources and conserve them for future generations. These narratives are skilfully showcased with apt installations that talk about conservation and eco-responsibility without being boring or preachy. I fell in love with Puddles, the vividly colourful sea turtle, who is the star of a lyrically shot film showing Puddles on a journey through oceans that are rapidly getting denuded of coral and other aquatic life due to our abuse and ignorance.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I was introduced by my friend Surya (key member of the MuSo team) to Michael Peter Edson, the energetic chief museum officer, who left Washington, DC, and a cushy position as director, web and new media strategy, for the prestigious Smithsonian Institution, the world’s largest museum and research complex, to come on board. This is Mike’s first trip to India—and he is already in love with all things desi! After just over a month of being in Mumbai, he is very much at ease and in tune with all things Bambaiya. Mike’s Diwali Puja celebration with the extended Jindal family will always remain memorable, he said, with a twinkle in his eyes, recounting how seamlessly the playlist switched from devotional music during the puja to contemporary club right after, when young people got a party vibe going and started grooving to Taylor Swift tracks.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I bought two well-crafted Puddles for my youngest grandchildren, who were nowhere in sight! They were busy playing in water in a designated area, where bright yellow water proof ponchos are provided to young enthusiasts as they splash around and follow a water trail that teaches them to respect the world’s most precious resource. This is pro-active learning at its imaginative best, in a brightly lit museum space that lets children run around in a safe, supervised setting that’s filled with wonder and delight! Bravo, Tanvi and team. I hope MuSo travels to other cities soon… kids across India will cherish this very special centre designed just for them.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat Dec 02 11:49:26 IST 2023 goodbye-prithvi-raj-singh-oberoi-the-ultimate-hotelier <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>I woke up to the sad news that Prithvi Raj Singh Oberoi (popularly known as Biki) had passed away aged 94. He had stepped down as executive chairman of the group that runs 32 hotels, with a presence in seven countries, after an astonishing career that had successfully redefined the very meaning of hospitality in India. The word ‘prithvi’ in his name is significant―Oberoi was known as the ultimate hotelier across the world, respected by peers and admired by those in the trade who wanted to be more like the diminutive legend, impeccably dressed at all times in well-cut Savile Row style suits, perfectly set off with elegant ties and pocket squares. Dashing and dynamic, alert and forward–thinking, he was a true bon vivant who recognised the best life had to offer―and was always striving to make that available to his guests at any of the Oberoi Hotels across continents.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Yes, there will be multiple tributes and heartfelt prayers as mourners pay their respects to a lovely man, who had inherited a hotel empire from his father, and had grown it to its very impressive present. Among all the Oberoi hotels I have stayed in over decades, it is the Oberoi Grand in Kolkata that remains special. The 500-room property in the heart of Kolkata―shrewdly acquired by Biki’s father (Rai Bahadur Oberoi) as a distress sale during the cholera epidemic―remains the grandest of all the Oberoi properties, with its old world charm and discreet opulence. I also adore The Oberoi Cecil in Shimla (built in 1884) for much the same reasons―it spells distinction and history in every corner and clearly held sentimental value for Biki, given the wonderful reopening of the heritage hotel in 1997 to which we were invited, along with a few of Biki’s friends from Delhi and overseas. Over a relaxed weekend, we saw the supremely considerate host in Biki, looking after his special <i>mehmaan</i> as only a generous, thoughtful lord of the manor does.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Each time we met Biki, the spontaneous warmth and signature style were on full display. Charming, courteous, sometimes chomping on a cigar, at other times instructing staff to pick up a piece of paper from the vast grounds, here was a man whose attention to detail was mind-boggling. Since the hotels were―and remain―personality-driven, these high standards were non-negotiable and diligently followed by well-trained teams, most of them from the Oberoi Centre for Learning and Development (OCLD). Our daughter Anandita had made it to the last round of this highly coveted, strictly merit-driven and frighteningly competitive pan-India programme. It was time for the toughest part of the interview―the walk! This is where nervous aspirants enter a large hall and have to walk its entire length to meet the bossman himself. Biki was known to ask strange questions that had little to do with hospitality. My daughter had mugged up every conceivable response to questions about hotel management, food, service… what she hadn’t factored in was the curve ball Biki threw: “Hello! How are your parents? Do give my regards to your mother.” Anandita candidly replied, “My parents are well… and my mother is waiting for me in the coffee shop downstairs.’’ Biki chuckled and said, “l will come and say hello to her.” Which he did. He also told me how well Anandita had done and I should be proud of her. But she wasn’t selected! Later, we were informed it could have been because Biki felt she was too privileged to take the heat in the kitchen!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I wish I had had the chance to tell him so many years later that Anandita has worked exceedingly hard to strike out on her own―privileges be damned. And, yes, had she made the cut that morning, she would have made him and the group very proud, too.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat Nov 18 11:18:08 IST 2023 borwankar-the-first-female-police-officer-to-boldly-take-on-the-system <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Legendary top cop Julio Ribeiro, 92, penned an interesting column recently, in which he bracketed two very different women—a top cop (Meeran Chadha Borwankar) and the much-discussed TMC MP Mahua Moitra. Frankly, I cannot think of two women who are more dissimilar, but I loved Ribeiro’s very modern take on both.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I had briefly seen Moitra at the Jaipur Lit Fest earlier this year, where she had swept past the gawkers, swishing back her hair, and adjusting her fine sari, surrounded by hefty bouncers and a flock of drooling admirers. She looked and behaved like the diva she indeed is.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>At the Tata Lit Fest in Mumbai this week, I was on a trailblazers’ panel with a bona fide star—the indomitable Borwankar, whose latest book, <i>Madam Commissioner—The Extraordinary Life of an Indian Police Chief</i>, has been creating waves and ruffling several political feathers since its launch. Borwankar walked into the author’s lounge, without bodyguards or bouncers, and no fawning entourage. Dressed in a smart blazer with an embroidered IPS badge on the pocket, the feisty woman did not need ‘showcasing’. Soft spoken, with a no-nonsense approach, here was a woman who had handled many highly sensitive, hugely high-profile cases during her tenure, and did it with utmost fearlessness.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I had read the book and rejoiced in Borwankar’s triumphs over entrenched bureaucratic systems that are difficult to challenge. The fact that Borwankar has named names in her book, and rattled the likes of Maharashtra Deputy CM Ajit Pawar, makes her an unusual former IPS officer—unafraid of possible repercussions from those in power today. But, then, what are threats to the woman who rode a motorcycle on night patrols in Mumbai’s notorious dock areas and tackled the prostitution racket head on. Being a crack shot and expert horse rider certainly helps. Today, at 68, Borwankar (teetotaller and strict vegetarian), maintains her athletic frame and exudes teenage energy as she briskly walks up on stage and our session starts with Borwankar telling a rapt audience about her daredevil encounters with some of the most dreaded criminals in Maharashtra (I include politicians in this category).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>She receives enthusiastic applause when she responds candidly to questions from the audience. As the mother of two boys, she has had to deal with parenting challenges when the kids were younger, and she had to take tough calls, sometimes from riot torn areas where her personal safety was at stake.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Later, post our enlivening session, we met over a dinner at a trendy restaurant close by. Borwankar was joined by her bright and fun son Ankur, a lawyer, who oversees her publishing contracts and helps her out with speaking engagements and other books-related marketing decisions. They are a good team—communicative and comfortable with one another. As Maharashtra’s first female district police chief as well as its first police commissioner, Borwankar’s place in history is ensured. But that she did not hesitate to critique the country’s criminal justice system and fight the good fight, taking it to the highest level, speaks a lot about her commitment and integrity, and loyalty to her uniform. Today, there are several outstanding women police officers at every level. But Borwankar was the first to break the mould. Did she face resistance and resentment from male colleagues? Oh yes! Especially during the arduous training period when she was the only woman in a dining hall filled with men, with a batchmate taunting her by playing cheap film songs and berating her for speaking Punjabi English.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Her book is a candid account of what the police uniform means to a determined cop, who successfully handled the early jeers and jibes to emerge on top of her game—undaunted by unprincipled netas transferring her for not playing ball. Borwankar was the first female police officer to boldly take on the system. Let us hope she isn’t the last.</p> Sat Nov 04 16:57:12 IST 2023 the-elusive-mona-who-gave-it-all-up-to-become-mrs-dev-anand <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>For the past month, the media has been abuzz celebrating iconic actor Dev Anand’s birth centenary. The excitement has not surprised his fans, what with over a 180 invitees to a special screening of <i>Guide</i>—organised by the National Museum of Indian Cinema (NMIC)—dressed as Dev Anand or his lovely co-star Waheeda Rehman. And, Waheeda was conferred the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Award the same week! In the ongoing hoopla, one person was missing—Dev Anand’s wife, screen name Kalpana Kartik, all of 92, and living the life of a recluse. It was only after a small news item appeared, with a quote from the lady, that fans woke up to the realisation she was very much around, even if far from visible. As Dev Anand’s co-star in five films, Mona Singha (Kalpana’s real name), the beauty queen from Shimla, sweetly confessed she still felt her late husband’s presence and recalled how he always addressed her by her given name—Mona.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>So much is known about Dev Anand. And so little about his missus. Fans know Dev <i>saab</i>—his spectacularly successful, six-decade-long career, with over 100 films, a Padma Bhushan and the Dadasaheb Phalke Award. His last film was released the year he died in London aged 88, with a register in his hand, working on his next project. His BA degree in English literature from Lahore made him something of an oddity in Bollywood. But it also added to his sheen as a polished, refined, sophisticated actor with a distinct style and westernised mannerisms. The characteristic loping walk, his head-nodding during songs, and those oversized, high-collared bomber jackets with heavy scarves, and caps worn at a rakish angle, created the stylish Dev Anand brand, which remains intact even today.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I had met and interviewed Dev Anand, so I can safely add that he was an intensely self-absorbed man, permanently “in character” and totally submerged in the cinematic world. He referred to movies as “motion pictures”, and spoke knowledgeably about world cinema. He neither flaunted his private life, nor hid it. His conversation was easy and urbane, unlike the more rough language used by some contemporaries. He barely ate or drank, taking care to maintain a painfully lean frame. At film events, it was soup; not whiskey. And salads, not biryani. Disciplined and meticulous, he leveraged the potential of their banner—Navketan Films—and produced films he believed in. He unsuccessfully courted politics and paid a huge price for refusing to endorse Indira Gandhi’s Emergency.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The triumvirate (Raj Kapoor, Dilip Kumar and Dev Anand) dominated commercial cinema and established themselves as cult figures, with loyal fans imitating their every style innovation—from dialogue delivery to sartorial experiments.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Today’s movie goers are being re-introduced to these greats of Indian cinema, thanks to the efforts of archivists who have rich material on these stalwarts, which is waiting to be mined. As for me, I am far more intrigued by the elusive Mona, who gave it all up to become Mrs Dev Anand and live in the shadows, after starring in films like Guru Dutt’s <i>Baazi</i>, with her debonair husband. I’d give anything for a biopic on Kalpana, with a small detour that features Suraiya, who died unmarried—after a well-publicised romance with Dev Anand that went nowhere, because her conservative family disapproved. Sigh, those times were not half as savage as today. The gossip was less snarky, and the media environment spicy rather than toxic.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I am waiting for a comprehensive retrospective of Dev Anand’s films, which will provide today’s movie buffs with important insights into the making of immortal movie legends like Dev <i>saab</i>. Believe me, their gold standard status is no accident!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat Oct 14 14:55:14 IST 2023 ragneeti-will-be-the-latest-power-couple-in-the-corridors-of-delhi <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>A fashion guru friend was invited by a leading TV channel to be on an “important’’ panel. The burning topic of the day was not Manipur. Nor Canada. It was a celebrity wedding in Udaipur. The minutest details of the high profile nuptials involving the young, dashing MP from the Aam Aadmi Party and the accomplished Bollywood actor, were being avidly discussed across media platforms.</p> <p>Raghav Chadha (34) married Parineeti Chopra (34), with a roster of famous guests representing the two entirely different and yet overlapping careers of the bride (actor) and the groom (politics). Both Raghav and Parineeti come with impressive academic credentials—Raghav was a practising chartered accountant with an MBA certification from the London School of Economics, while Parineeti has earned a triple honours degree in finance, business and economics from the Manchester School of Business. The Ambala born, award-winning actor is a trained Hindustani classical singer with a BA honours in music. Apart from their noteworthy degrees and similar cultural backgrounds, they also happen to be startlingly good-looking—a big bonus in our frenzied social media obsessed times, where imaging is the main story, and success is measured by how many ‘likes’ each post on Instagram generates. No wonder, these two pre-planned their publicity by taking full control of the coverage and creating the catchy hashtag #Ragneeti, a clever play on <i>rajneeti</i> (politics).</p> <p>There is something about showbiz <i>shaadis</i> that arouses the voyeuristic demon in us. While I don’t know the protagonists personally, I was hanging on to trivia surfacing on the internet, much like their devoted fans. I knew the bride had the groom’s name embroidered on her trailing veil—this is a new trend. No more demure ghunghats–it is Princess Diana style diaphanous veils, worn over heavily embroidered lehengas. The colour palette was beige-ivory-white, which made for soft, dream-like optics, as wedding guests floated across the lake in decorated boats, to the beats of local dhols. Discretion and good taste dominated, from the décor to the publicity leaks. The message being: wealth whispers. Ambition shouts. Raghav and Parineeti are seasoned public figures, accustomed to being in the media glare.</p> <p>I remember being captivated by Parineeti’s performance in <i>Shuddh Desi Romance</i> (2013), which remains a personal favourite and something of a breakthrough movie, in terms of what it said about arranged marriages and individual aspirations of young India. With the late Sushant Singh Rajput as her co-star in this unconventional story about a tourist guide in Jaipur (Sushant) going through pre-marital panic, till he meets Gayatri (Parineeti) on the same bus, and is struck by how independent-minded she is. After a steamy kiss during the journey, and many misadventures later, realisation dawns, and the two love struck young things make important decisions about the future. The theme broke many rules of commercial cinema and brought smaller cities like Jaipur into sharp focus. So much social change was taking place, especially in the lives of women who refused to conform to their family’s notions of a perfect domestic life, and the movie captured it all via a quirky script and stellar performances by the leads.</p> <p>Raghav’s career moves have been pretty bold as well. From a secure job at Deloitte, to taking a plunge into politics and gaining prominence as the youngest member of Parliament from Punjab, he is an articulate spokesperson for his party. Going by the presence of political bigwigs including Chief Ministers Arvind Kejriwal and Bhagwant Mann at the recent wedding, it is safe to conclude RagNeeti will be the latest power couple in the corridors of Delhi. And no, Parineeti’s globally famous cousin Priyanka Chopra couldn’t make it to Udaipur. But the blessings came via Instagram! &nbsp;</p> Fri Sep 29 17:42:27 IST 2023 the-romantic-side-of-harish-salve <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Between the sharp sartorial choices of the UK’s first lady Akshata Sunak (Can we please stop calling her Mrs Murthy?) at the recent G20 extravaganza in Delhi, and the even sharper responses to Harish Salve’s third wedding celebrations in London, India’s chattering classes were spoilt for choice. Both celebs threatened to upstage the G20 extravaganza. People forgot all about the great Delhi Declaration and gobbled up every morsel about these two public figures. Akshata has been crowned a bona fide fashionista on social media, while the jury is still out debating whether or not Salve, 68,—the former solicitor general of India—has finally found his soul mate in Trina Akbar, 61 (third time lucky)? There was a great deal of masala generated at Salve’s wedding reception, held at Masala Zone amidst an interesting star cast of family and friends, including Lalit Modi, Lakshmi Mittal and Gopichand Hinduja.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The thing about Salve’s discreet wedding is the exaggerated political reactions to the news. It had to do with Salve’s nomination to the eight-member committee for studying and submitting a report on the possibilities of ‘one nation, one election’. While Lalit Modi played master of ceremonies and raised a toast to the blissed out newly-weds, various politicos fumed and raised objections, claiming that the third time married gentleman is driving the fate of our democracy. Calm down! What has Salve’s third <i>shaadi</i> got to do with his impressive legal credentials? So what if a controversial meat trader from Delhi named Moin Qureshi is supposed to have played cupid in this match? Or that Salve divorced his second wife, Caroline Brossard, after a short-lived marriage, which took place after Salve divorced Meenakshi, his wife of 38 years? These are deeply personal choices. Matters of the heart cannot be contested as easily as say, some of the big legal cases Salve has fought and won. In 2020, Salve was appointed as a Queen’s Counsel for the courts of England and Wales. According to the grapevine, Salve today is a partner in Golistan, a company he has set up with his newest wife, who, friends say, is the granddaughter of the last king of Afghanistan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Salve not just marches to a different beat, he dances to it! He is an ace dancer, who can out jive anyone half his age. Watch his moves on the dance floor, and John Travolta can take a walk. How do I know? I jived with him briefly at a wedding once, and promptly collapsed after a few moments. I had my excuse—I am older! Salve is unstoppable. Not just on the dance floor. Our few conversations were lively and engaging enough for me to propose a book. We had a fairly lengthy conversation in Delhi, and Salve seemed interested, if somewhat distracted. After a few follow-up calls, I backed off, not wanting to be a pest. Such a pity. Being persistent can be a huge virtue. Lawyers are persistent. That is how they win big ticket cases.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>It will be fun to monitor what happens next in the opulent life of a flamboyant lawyer, who clearly doesn’t give a damn about narrow-minded public opinion back home in India. He knows how to handle celebrity status…. and celebrities. Internationally, Salve arguing the Kulbhushan Jadhav case, caused major ripples and propelled the senior advocate into a different league.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Perhaps, it is time for the romantic in him to take precedence over demanding court work. If he’s wearing his heart on his sleeve and focusing on matters of the <i>‘dil’</i> over legal matters, let’s rejoice for him. For now, it is honeymoon time for the love birds. Complicated legal cases can wait….</p> Sat Sep 16 16:20:15 IST 2023 meeting-the-maestro-zubin-mehta-in-mumbai <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>One of the world’s most respected conductors of western classical music was back in the city of his birth, and expectedly there was high excitement across Mumbai as soon as his concerts were announced. Mumbaikars adore “Aapro Zubin’’ and feel proprietorial about the legend, who, at 87, continues to exude rock star vibes as fawning admirers vie to get a picture clicked with the son of Mumbai. I have been a Zubin groupie for decades, ever since I watched him conduct, immaculately dressed, whether sporting a tuxedo or the traditional Parsee dagli. Zubin provides a visual and musical treat on the podium, conducting with an exaggerated flourish and much drama. His ear being perfectly attuned to every note since the age of 16, when his self-taught violinist father Mehli Mehta “allowed” the teen to conduct at rehearsals. Zubin’s musical scholarship kept growing, and is still growing, for the man who believes in the power of music to transform lives.<br> </p> <p>Recently, we were privileged enough to be seated at his table in the imposing Crystal Room of The Taj Mahal Palace for an intimate dinner featuring a dazzling musical repertoire performed by the highly talented students of the Mehli Mehta Music Foundation (launched by Zubin’s father in 1995 and ably led today by Mehroo Jeejeebhoy).<br> Zubin looked visibly tired after a long flight—his irritability with pesky selfie-seekers (me) was understandable. We had met on several occasions in the past, and had a few common friends as well. I promptly whipped out my phone to establish my credentials by sharing a few images from previous occasions. His face softened and he turned to his wife, Nancy, to show her the photographs, especially the one that had been sent to me by his childhood friend, and cricketing buddy—Cipla’s chairman Yusuf Hamied, which showed the duo posing in front of the old Cuffe Parade mansion where they were neighbours. Aaaah…. Cuffe Parade. My hood. Once the ice was broken, it was so wonderful to chat away with the couple and recall memories of a city (Bombay/Mumbai) we love.<br> </p> <p>Soon it was time for the Padma Vibhushan awardee to get on to the stage and begin a scheduled conversation with media stalwart Karan Thapar. It was going swimmingly well, with Zubin talking candidly about his life, telling the rapt audience that he still counts in Gujarati, not English, and how distressed he was when his professional driver took time to locate his old home because of all the changes in the city. More than 20 minutes into the free-wheeling exhaustive chat, it was clear Zubin was fatigued. He turned and asked the audience in Gujarati whether they were also hungry and wanted to eat dinner.<br> Thapar had one final question for Zubin: “Two of the countries you love the most—India and Israel—are going through bad times…. Does that upset and hurt you?” Zubin deftly countered, “Is India going through bad times?”<br> </p> <p>Karan replied, “It depends on who you talk to…. ” The audience would have none of it. “ No politics!” someone shouted. But by then the dam had already been breached by Zubin’s earlier comment about a deleted line from his interview to a newspaper: &quot;I hope my Muslim friends can live in peace forever in India.&quot; This was in response to Karan’s question: “What do you think of the sort of country we are becoming? I am talking about the treatment of minorities, Muslims in particular…&quot;<b><br> </b></p> <p>It is important to remember that Zubin, along with the Bavarian State Orchestra, had performed in the Mughal Gardens, Srinagar, in 2013. All fees were waived. He had conducted in Sarajevo, and raised funds for the victims of Yugoslav wars. As a citizen of the world, he has no equal in his chosen field. Call him an activist, and he is sure to protest. The maestro clearly lives by his passionate belief in the transformative power of music to soothe and heal. That is not politics—it is humanism. Bravo!</p> Sat Sep 02 16:14:01 IST 2023 meeting-dear-friend-mohan-agashe-once-again <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Veteran, award-winning psychiatrist-actor, Mohan Agashe, has a bone to pick with me. And he has a point. Decades ago, I was mesmerised by his sterling stage performance playing Nana Phadnavis in Vijay Tendulkar’s masterpiece—<i>Ghashiram Kotwal</i>—a scathing socio-political satire, which is now a 50-year-old cult play about the abuse of power and caste during the early eighteenth century Peshwa period.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Mohan believes I am stuck on that one role of his, when he has been recognised for countless other amazing on-screen roles—from M.F. Husain’s <i>Gaja Gamini</i> to <i>Dr Prakash Baba Amte: The Real Hero.</i> More recently, he is being lauded for playing a grandfather figure in <i>Do Gubbare</i>, streaming on Jio Cinema. I met him at a special screening and made the mistake of bringing up a <i>Ghashiram</i> revival, considering Mohan, today, at 76, is about the same age Nana was in the play. But Mohan had played the despicable character when he himself was still in his twenties. So inspired was I by Mohan’s character that we had acquired two precious watercolours when Husainsaab painted the <i>Ghashiram</i> series.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Mohan is a Punekar. I am half a Punekar. His Marathi is far better than my Bambaiya version. We meet rarely, but when we do, the connect is immediate. Mohan is cerebral without being oppressively so. As the principal investigator for an Indo-US joint project on cultural disorders of fatigue and weaknesses, and as someone who was instrumental in establishing the Maharashtra Institute of Mental Health, way back in 1991, Mohan leads a hectic life—travelling, acting, attending workshops and seminars. His love for the spotlight started when he was a child artist in theatre and culminated when he took over as director general of the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), during a challenging period. He has his own loyal following, including in Germany, which honoured him with the prestigious Goethe Medal.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Padma Shri Mohan Agashe wears his laurels lightly and has a wicked sense of humour. When he invites me to his events and I plead off with legitimate reasons (“My children are demons. I have a lot of them. And grandkids, too. Grrrrr… birthdays, anniversaries, occasions never end in this family’’), he will have none of it. This time, too, he shot back, “Shobhaa, I should get priority for old time’s sake… elderly, single people like me also need your attention at the right time… or else I’ll only be a memory for you.” Instant guilt kicked in, as I left my daughter’s lunch half-way and headed to the venue of the screening. Mohan looked happy to see me. He was flirting with an attractive organiser and told her some nonsense to make her laugh as we posed for publicity pictures. I couldn’t stay for the screening, but sure enough, I received a text from Mohan: “These days we badly need a good detox agent in entertainment…like <i>Do Gubbare</i>…. Try watching, I assure you it is damn good.” So it is. Mohan’s performance has generated waves, as most of his performances do. He mentioned a new project he is shooting for in Delhi. His co-star? The beauteous Sharmila Tagore.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Not sure when or where I will meet Mohan next. But I am glad he used his psychiatric training to induce enough guilt in me to drop everything and rush to his screening. We are both at a stage where we can make such “unreasonable” requests of one another and get away with it! Here’s to old—and entirely genuine—friendships!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat Aug 19 11:08:57 IST 2023 why-i-admire-janhvi-kapoor <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>No! I will not compare Janhvi Kapoor with her mother, the legendary Sridevi. Sri was Sri, unique in every way. Janhvi, at 26, is just about coming into her own as an actor, and the comparison seems redundant. Having watched her in <i>Bawaal</i>, a small budget movie, minus frills and thrills, I was once again filled with admiration for the young star who has had to endure snarky barbs all her life for being the child of famous parents.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The circumstances under which Sri died remain mysterious. Janhvi was desperately young and vulnerable at the time, and she was waiting for her 2018 debut film (<i>Dhadak</i>) to release. It is hard to imagine the impact of this monumental trauma on a young girl prepping for her big moment—the one she’d probably dreamt of sharing with her illustrious and well-loved mother. It is to Janhvi’s credit that she has conducted herself admirably back then and during these past five years during which she has endured intense scrutiny. Each time she steps out of her home, she is papped by a posse of eager beavers, and unlike a few of her contemporaries, she handles the press like a pro—with a ready smile and friendly banter.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Janhvi’s choice of films has been interesting. I watched her in <i>Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl</i> (2020) and was struck by her sensitive, convincing performance in a role that was anything but glamourous. I skipped <i>Mili</i> in which Janhvi spent most of her screen time trapped in an icebox. Now comes <i>Bawaal</i> with Janhvi playing a simple Lucknowi girl battling epilepsy, married off to a man who sees her as a ‘defective piece’. Janhvi and Varun Dhawan are stealing hearts and giving a run for their money to two flashy stars—Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh—whose big ticket movie is running simultaneously. How’s that as an equaliser?</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>For a student of the reputed Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute, Janhvi’s professional training is impeccable. This is the same institute that has produced global stars like Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johanson and Lady Gaga, to name a few. It is known for its emphasis on ‘method acting’, which encourages actors to tap into their own emotional experiences when they perform. Watching the ease and maturity displayed by Janhvi in <i>Bawaal</i>, it is evident that here’s an actor willing to let go of vanity and star trappings to get under the skin of the character. Stripped off make up in most scenes, Janhvi lets her large expressive eyes do the talking, resorting to understatement over high histrionics.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The last time I met Sridevi was at the lavish wedding of a top cop’s son. She could only talk about her daughters as she shared her excitement over Janhvi’s debut, explaining why Boney Kapoor, her producer-husband, had picked this script over several other, far more glamourous ones. A clever decision, as it turns out. Frankly, anybody can do those other, far more commercial, candy floss roles with ease. Janhvi could effortlessly pull off a contemporary version of her mother’s iconic ‘Hawa Hawaii’ song from <i>Mr India</i>, or sign up for the next big production helmed by the likes of Sanjay Leela Bhansali. It is to her credit she has picked roles that focus on her acting and not her curves.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Yes, her latest steamy promotional shoot with Dhawan has generated a controversy, but the girl has been raised to live with sticky issues since childhood. No wonder she was described as a ‘Gen-Z Culturalist’ by designer Gaurav Gupta.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Popular and well-liked in a notoriously harsh film industry, I am waiting to see her next move. And for those who are keen to know her precious beauty secret, Janhvi says it is a spoonful of ghee first thing in the morning. Try it! I started yesterday.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Fri Aug 04 15:22:49 IST 2023 the-rise-and-rise-of-harsh-vardhan-shringla <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>There is absolutely nothing “accidental” about the steady and impressive rise and rise of a self-effacing powerhouse, who has steered India’s policy in all the right directions from the time he joined the Indian Foreign Service (preferring the rigours of diplomacy to the cushioning of a corporate job) aged 22 and became the youngest Indian consul general to Vietnam at 26. Packed off to a boarding school in distant Ajmer at age nine, his far-seeing father figured that an education away from his beloved Darjeeling would do the boy a lot of good. Clearly, it was the best decision for Harsh Vardhan Shringla who, as India’s distinguished foreign secretary and earlier ambassador to the US, impressed Prime Minister Narendra Modi enough to name him chief coordinator of India’s G20 presidency.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>With so many awe-inspiring credentials, I was stumped how to address the great man when I was invited by Gateway House to be in conversation with him, for a roomful of Mumbai’s diplomatic community and a few friends of the foreign policy think tank that is ably headed by Manjeet Kripalani. So, I asked him directly what he was comfortable with, and he answered simply, “Call me Harsh…” There is a bit of a backstory here: I have known Harsh from his earlier postings, notably the one in Thailand where he was a highly popular consul general, loved by locals for his accessibility and helpful attitude. He had graciously hosted a few rowdy writers (me included) as a part of a festival of India. There he was, with his artistic wife Hemal (a Mumbai gal) taking us on a beautiful night cruise in Bangkok, as we enjoyed the sites along the… river, and behaved boisterously as writers tend to, once their official readings are over. Harsh was a calming presence. Someone described him as the “Shahenshah of friendship”, another explained, “He is the most grounded diplomat, and hence, most loved.’’</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The gush is understandable. But make no mistake. Behind the Buddha-like outer façade, lurks one of the sharpest, shrewdest brains—competitive and competent, direct and articulate—clearly a diplomat ready to play hardball when required. Our interaction was highly engaging and informed, thanks largely to Harsh’s extended responses to questions on India’s policy vis-à-vis our neighbours and the world beyond.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Harsh had clearly impressed Donald Trump enough for the then president to invite him to the White House for a warm farewell at the end of his term as ambassador. Getting him to open up about his myriad experiences as a diplomat, including fascinating encounters with amazing people, was the easy part for me. Harsh made it easier still by taking his time to respond to questions… thereby ensuring we had a ‘meaningful’ dialogue—but no controversies! Given that we were there to discuss his recently launched biography titled—<i>Not An Accidental Rise</i>—authored by Dipmala Roka, there was much ground still waiting to be covered. We would overshoot the time, and there was room for one final question from me. I decided to make it a frothy one, just to change the tempo of the earlier intensity. “Has the era of champagne soirees and formal bandhgalas come to an end in the contemporary, more hard-nosed universe of urbane diplomats?” Harsh burst out laughing. I had hoped that he would assure us the glamour has not gone out entirely from the rarefied world of international diplomacy. But he confirmed my worst doubts—it is all work and no play these days. Where are you, 007, when we need you the most. I definitely dream of sipping a martini with Harsh at a bar in Casablanca. Shaken and not stirred, of course!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Fri Jul 21 16:03:37 IST 2023 zeenat-amans-life-has-been-anything-but-a-placid-lake <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Why hello there, Instagram!” is how nonchalantly Zeenat Aman made her debut on the ‘gram, after her younger son, Zahaan, worked on his mom for seven long months, reminding her that she was after all ‘The Zeenat Aman’, with fans worldwide. Zeenat garnered an impressive number of followers within minutes of her virgin post in February this year, and today her blue tick handle boasts of approximately 2.7 lakh ardent global devotees who shower the 71-year-old, silver-haired showbiz icon with abundant love. Says an analyst, “She is not trying to sell anything, not even Zeenat Aman!” Regardless, thanks to her Insta following, Zeenie Baby is being flooded with commercial offers and editorial coups.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>As a college drop-out (California), after being a school topper and head girl at a convent school in Mumbai, Zeenat went on to win the Miss Asia Pacific International title in 1970, and bagged her first major role in Dev Anand’s <i>Hare Rama Hare Krishna</i> in 1971.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>We met at a jewellery photo shoot around this time. I noticed Zeenat’s strong American accent. She was accompanied by her mother and was perfectly relaxed in front of the camera—statuesque at 5’9’’, curvaceous and poised, I marvelled at her supreme self-confidence. We went on to do several editorial and advertising shoots together, travelling to locations across the country, and putting in long hours posing for elaborately designed campaigns. Zeenat kept to herself and was far from chatty.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Over the years, we remained in touch, even after she had bowed out of Bollywood to marry and have children. Nearly three decades later, we found ourselves on a long flight to Melbourne. We were invited to participate in a Festival of India, organised by Teamwork. The layover in Singapore was long, and our short stay in Melbourne, a bit too brief. I was keen to attend Zeenat’s session with Sanjoy Roy, but she sweetly requested me to stay away, confessing my presence would make her self-conscious, even nervous! What? Zeenat—nervous? We met just before her session, and posed for pictures just like in the old days. She was dressed in an extravagant sea green outfit covered with intricate <i>zardozi</i>. Yes, she had her trademark shades on indoors, and exuded a regal allure, as she glided into the auditorium to enthusiastic applause.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Later, the same night, as our small group relaxed over wine and music, we asked the young talented musicians and singers if they knew the chords for ‘Dum Maro Dum’. Of course, they did! Once we got the track going, Zeenat sportingly swayed to the 1970s anthem that is still played at <i>sangeets</i> and celebrations wherever Indians reside. She laughed and told me how she accepts invitations from nostalgic desis in distant countries, who host her in style and continue to hang on to their memory of an iconic star who once ruled the roost in Bollywood. Between her and Parveen Babi, India saw a complete rejig of the traditional, stylised film heroine stereotype in gauzy/gaudy saris, bouffant hair, padded cholis and garish makeup.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>“I found my inner mettle…,” she now writes, adding, “The only thing that is in my control is my attitude….” It is precisely this upfront attitude that is serving her well in her fabulous silver-grey years. Her life has been anything but a placid lake, having endured two abusive marriages and a few serious betrayals, which might have drained a lesser woman. Not our “Babushka” who stands tall in the pride month as a proud ally and icon of the LBGTQ+ community. For one of the few senior citizens who find Instagram “liberating”, it is time to say, “Why, hello there, Zeenat Aman.” In your words, your life has indeed been ‘magnificent’. May it remain that way….</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat Jul 08 15:49:09 IST 2023 sajni-gill-and-her-empire <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>We were meeting after several years. The setting was surreal. As was the journey from our temporary home in Canggu, Bali, to Sajni Gill’s sprawling ocean-front mansion on a cliff in upscale Uluwatu, three hours away and right next to the swish Bulgari resort. Our three hour drive time through insane traffic to chill with Sajni (who’d especially flown in for the day from Singapore), was efficiently halved by a manic cop on a motorbike, shooing vehicles off the road to let us pass. This invaluable service had been organised by Jagdev Singh, Sajni’s husband and business partner.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The impressive estate with an infinity pool, gym, spa and every conceivable modern luxury, serves as an occasional getaway for the industrious Gill family, which includes two children, Sunaina and Sanveer, who are an integral part of the vast Gill empire that spans more than six countries and controls over a 1,000 stores, employing more than 5,000 people, 65 per cent women. As Sajni puts it, “Equality and empowerment are the two fundamental pillars that underpin gender parity.’’ The Gill story is awe-inspiring and fascinating once you understand where it started. As Sajni and I caught up on the spectacular deck that overlooks an expanse of the blue-green Indian ocean, I listened to a charged up woman in a simple Batik kaftan, wearing discreet jewelry, as she discussed her latest passion project—Scoop Wholefoods—which already has nine stores in Singapore, a strong online presence, and several offers to go global. What is Scoop? Sajni describes it as an “organic, zero waste, sustainably sourced, bulk wholefoods store”. Sajni sources the best nuts and seeds from across the word, grown by farmers who understand the value of produce that’s free from additives, preservatives and other harmful chemicals. I sampled her plump, jade green pumpkin seeds and instantly became a believer.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Armed with a degree from Harvard Business School, Sajni, today, is a far cry from the woman who opted for an arranged marriage to a near stranger and moved to Singapore more than 40 years ago—future unknown. Brought up by a single mother, who was raising two young daughters on a meagre alimony, Sajni and her sister learnt the value of hard work early in life. As did her husband, the youngest of six children, who, at 18, left his father’s sports goods business in Jakarta and branched out on his own. Today, the two of them work closely together and run Gill Capital, while overseeing the operations of more than 60 top brands in their kitty, including H&amp;M, Hershey’s, Decathlon and the wondrously successful Candylicious (billed as the world’s biggest candy store). The practical and grounded Jagdev said in an interview, “If there’s no money, there’s no fight. Then the money comes and the fight starts. It can destroy everything you’ve ever built.” Wise words.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Sajni handed me an important book, which she credits with having transformed her life after she was diagnosed with cancer over six years ago. Sports Nutritionist Lyn-Genet Recitas, the author of several books, is one of the most sought after practitioners of mindful eating in the world. Her book, <i>The Metabolism Plan Workbook dominates The New York Times</i> best-seller list, along with her other titles. Sajni attributes her cancer recovery to Recitas’s sensible and achievable food goals, which Sajni continues to advocate and propagate to “those who listen.” Well, I was listening keenly. And have recommended the book to friends, who are keen to make changes in their diet, but don’t know where to begin. Seeing Sajni’s glowing skin, shiny nails and bright eyes, I am planning to order my own ‘scoops’ online. Till my nuts and seeds arrive from Sajni’s store, I will be a good girl and start drinking single malt thrice a week—a brilliant Sajni recommendation! Cheers!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat Jun 24 11:18:33 IST 2023 why-anurag-thakur-needs-to-do-more <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Our residence in a SoBo neighbourhood is totally unaccustomed to the sight of VVIP convoys speeding into the complex with cops and random political workers swarming around the lobby. Well, that is what happened last week. We gawked as a top draw politician stepped out of his swanky SUV and received a bouquet from a group of ardent, starry-eyed supporters. Late evening walkers were startled and flummoxed by this unexpected intrusion, as building watchmen jumped around to ensure the neta was not inconvenienced by rude residents unaware of the dapper gentleman’s identity. I promptly whipped out my cell phone and clicked pictures of a compact young man wearing a sky blue linen bundi, smiling benignly at the motley congregation. Oh oh… it was Anurag Thakur, the youthful, light-eyed, outspoken Union minister of sports, youth affairs and information and broadcasting… and we were face to face. What fun.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This was a couple of days after the delirious IPL finals, and it was M.S. Dhoni whose name emerged during our brief conversation. Dhoni is India’s sweetheart like no other sportsperson. Thakur gushed over the cricket icon and said he was overwhelmed by the response to Dhoni when the captain of the winning team (Chennai Super Kings) lifted the cup and the entire stadium bathed in yellow (CSK’s team colour), cheered.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Thakur beamed as we spoke… the four-time MP whose father was the former chief minister of Himachal Pradesh, and whose beautiful wife, Shefali, comes from a political family herself, is an unusual man (he is the first serving MP from the BJP to become a regular commissioned officer in the Territorial Army) who does not shy away from controversies. Critics tried to derail his political career during the 2020 Delhi elections, when he urged supporters to “Gun down traitors’’—an inflammatory slogan aimed at members of a minority community. Articulate and outspoken, he doesn’t hesitate to stick his neck out—a trait that has cost him his position as the president of the BCCI. Some of his outbursts have been distinctly unparliamentary, but Thakur has successfully ridden the storm and emerged relatively unscathed. His most recent response to the plight of our female wrestlers, was tepid and ambiguous.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Unfortunately, during our all-too-brief meeting in the building lobby, there was no way I could raise the shocking issue.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>For one, our encounter was impromptu, and ministerji was all charm and smiles and chuckles. Thakur was surrounded by fawning admirers waiting impatiently to hustle him into a waiting elevator. Despite the bustle, Thakur was the seasoned, well-programmed politician making nice with a stranger—me! He generously extended an open invitation to me and my husband to visit Dharamshala. He placed his right hand over his heart, bowed slightly, and said, “Please be my guest….” Few of our neighbours stared in disbelief as Thakur swept past them and headed to whichever apartment he was visiting. He called himself a “Mumbaikar’’ and assured me he loves my city. Since us Mumbaikars are characteristically informal, regardless of the person’s elevated status, I signed off with a cheery, “ciao’’ before slipping into our car. His acolytes were not amused.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Well, with the international press taking up for the wrestlers, Thakur needs to up the media game and do better than offer platitudes and excuses while asserting his government has “done more for sportspersons than any other government”. Sure. Let’s start with taking strong action against the accused—BJP MP Brijbhushan Sharan Singh—who has 40 cases pending against him. The wrestlers have been arm-twisted enough.</p> Sat Jun 10 15:28:49 IST 2023 when-rani-mukerji-tells-her-story <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>When I ran into Rani Mukerji at an award show last month, I had not watched her latest film—<i>Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway.</i> She spoke movingly about her role as Debika Chatterjee and its impact on her own life. I was familiar with the case, and had followed the real life saga of Sagarika Bhattacharya (the real life Debika), who had fought the government of Norway to get back the custody of her two children, forcibly taken away from her during her stay in the country. It was a high-profile case that had made international headlines and projected Sagarika as a fearless tigress defending her cubs against a powerful enemy—Norway. Thanks to the timely intervention of the late Sushma Swaraj and activist Brinda Karat, the prolonged custody battle ended on a happy note with the kids reunited with their mother.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Rani’s interpretation of Sagarika’s trauma is compelling and authentic, instantly drawing viewers into the brisk narrative that recreates the drama, with a few creative flourishes. Rani remains faithful to the character and never once loses her grip over the scene she’s playing. Though critics have singled out her courtroom monologue in which she quietly states, “Am I a good mother or a bad mother…. I don’t know. But I am ready to fight for my children… for justice in any corner of the world….” This is the money-scene that demands applause in theatres and moves mothers to tears. But, for me, Rani’s shining moment was in a scene when she comes home after a crucial meeting with the minister, only to face anger, hostility and accusations from her in-laws, who have already declared her “mad’’ and “unstable” publicly. Ignoring her enraged husband, Rani/Debika proceeds to fix her comfort food—a typically Bengali dish of ripe banana mashed into a bowl of milk—that she ravenously consumes. Not a word of dialogue is spoken by her… but my word! The defiance of her body language and those blazing eyes do all the talking.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This is Rani at 45, intelligently choosing projects that showcase her prodigious talent. Rani could so easily play <i>maalkin,</i> as the queen bee in Bollywood, being the wife of Aditya Chopra, who owns Yash Raj Films that has just raked it in with <i>Pathaan,</i> starring Shah Rukh Khan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Even after the critical success of <i>Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway,</i> Rani has not gone overboard with nonstop self-promotion. Neither has she pushed herself to keep up with the other heroines of her vintage, who try a bit too hard to look ‘hot’ and trendy on assorted red carpet events. There is a quiet air of contentment about her persona that’s a sign of her confidence. She’s at ease with her position in life—an attribute that is so refreshing in showbiz where every second person displays such high levels of insecurity.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Rani always speaks to my husband in Bengali when we meet, using a formal, respectful term of address. With me, she is far more relaxed as we exchange pleasantries. The last time we met on her turf (YRF studios) was when I had approached her with a book offer, which she had politely turned down after much consideration. The timing was off, she said, as she was a new mother, focusing on baby Adira (now seven). Rani did not have the mind space for such a commitment back then.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Well, here’s the good news—she is working on a book (how do I know? We share the same publisher). Knowing how meticulous Rani is about all aspects of her life, I am sure the book will be an engrossing read, replete with Rani’s candid insights and anecdotes.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I look forward to Rani <i>ki kahaani.</i></p> Sat May 27 15:04:47 IST 2023 rajkumar-charles-is-now-king-charles <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Now that the coronation <i>tamasha</i> is behind us, let us examine the mockery of monarchy in today’s aggressive social media times, and say it like it is. For starters, even the comparatively subdued and scaled down ceremony at Westminster Abbey on May 6 looked joyless and shopworn. “Uneasy lies the head,” etc, summed up global sentiments, as several big-ticket guests politely declined to show up for an antiquated, out-of-sync Brit ritual that bordered on the absurd, given the tattered state of the empire. A severely dysfunctional royal family representing the House of Windsor, paraded its multiple neuroses on camera, making it harder still for loyalist royalists to express their adoration of the newly anointed king, who insists on his shoe laces being ironed every morning by a servile valet.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Being batty is a peculiar Brit privilege, especially when it comes to royalty. The international outrage has little to do with King Charles’s personal peccadilloes; it is more about propriety and restraint in a changed world order, especially at a time when Britain is reeling under formidable economic woes. It is a question of timing. And public sentiment. Queen Elizabeth was a deeply loved, greatly revered titular head of the commonwealth. Just her presence and engagement with the public generated revenue for the country, making her a top tourist attraction and a powerful symbol of all that one associates with royalty. Her son has no such cache. She was loved. He is loathed. Subjects did not mind subsidising the queen and her large family during her lifetime. That narrative has dramatically changed. Had King Charles and his courtiers been a little more sensitive, he would have had himself anointed king in the privacy of the palace, surrounded by his immediate family. Additionally, had he chosen not to conduct such an elaborate coronation ceremony, a great deal of embarrassment would have been avoided. As so many <i>desis</i> lamented, “No matter what the differences are within a <i>parivaar,</i> it is important to present a united front to the public. How could a father single out his own son (Prince Harry) and subject him to universal humiliation?”</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Fortunately, for Charles, not everyone was as critical or cynical. Surprisingly, Mark Tully gushed over the occasion in his column titled—The king’s coronation is a testament to the crown moving with the times. Surprised? Tully went on to exclaim, “Charles just had to say, ‘I come here to serve rather than to be served’.” He expressed sympathy for the king who had to see the pain and suffering of his aunt, Princess Margaret, because she was not allowed to marry a divorced man. Gosh! That must hurt! Tully mentions the genius of the British crown. And there are references to the “Hindu” Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who read the first section of the New Testament. Tully is not the lone fan. My own daughter, Anandita, rushed to London to be there in time to watch the coronation with other enthusiasts. She is an unapologetic royalist, and even though the rest of us bombarded her with criticism, she kept sending videos of exultant crowds lining the route, cheering the new King.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>My own brief encounters with King Charles and Queen Camilla years ago were highly entertaining. Both of them were exceedingly pleasant as they chatted amiably with the natives. I wish heiress Akshata Sunak had worn a beautiful sari on coronation, instead of a nondescript blue Cinderella tea dress by Claire Mischevani. A sari would have taken away nothing from the optics. On the contrary, it would have stolen the show!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Charles has been to India ten times. Let’s wait for the 11th royal visit of Britain’s new raja.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Fri May 12 11:21:48 IST 2023 the-simple-genius-called-sachin-tendulkar <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>It is hard to believe that cricket’s ‘boy wonder’ has turned 50! I am writing this on his special birthday, with my heart puffed up with parochial pride—<i>Aamcha</i> Sachin from <i>Aamchi</i> Mumbai is dominating media space, with fans and commentators falling over backwards to laud the man who made cricketing history.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>There is hardly any major recognition Tendulkar has not bagged, including the country’s highest civilian award—Bharat Ratna. But for me (not being a cricket aficionado), Sachin’s larger than life persona goes well beyond statistics and accolades. There is something deeply moving and relatable about his spectacular story. Sachin is synonymous with success, stability and sobriety. Sachin is as wholesome as a millet <i>bhakri</i> (a humble Maharashtrian staple), even though as an established global gourmet and foodie, his personal vote goes to Japanese cuisine.There is not a trace of the ‘bad boy’ sports star about our boyish ‘Tendlya’ (an affectionate Marathi pet name). He is well-dressed, well-behaved and well-mannered at all times. Nobody has seen him tiddly, forget drunk. He has not been involved in any romantic <i>lafdas</i> (a Bambaiya word that means scandal), even though Bollywood assiduously courts him. Sachin portrays the original, goody-goody family man, always accompanied by his wife Anjali, who never leaves his side.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Since retiring from cricket, he appears far friendlier and more relaxed than during the old days when his characteristic aloofness generated negative comments. Having watched him play at different venues, from Sharjah to Wankhede stadium, I have never ceased to be awestruck by his cool. Many moons ago, we were in a hotel elevator with other team members just before the match was to start. While the others were chatting amiably with invitees to the match, Sachin kept his head down and refused to acknowledge fans in the hotel lobby. I remember thinking it was rather rude of him, at the time. Today, I know better—such is Sachin’s focus and commitment to cricket, he refuses to expend even an iota of precious energy on social greetings, choosing to conserve every bit of it for the game.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>My son Aditya respects Sachin to another level. So, for Aditya’s 40th birthday, I could think of no better or more meaningful gift than a Sachin memento. I decided to be brazen about my ask and routed the request through Anjali. To my absolute delight, a personalised, signed jersey was delivered on time, accompanied by a sweet note. That same jersey has been beautifully framed by Aditya and enjoys the pride of place in his room. Frankly, even I was surprised by Sachin’s generous response, and thanked him profusely when we next met. He smiled and shrugged it off—I think he instinctively understood just how much that jersey meant to Aditya. Behind the social reticence is a man who understands his own worth as an inspirational figure for millions across the world.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>When the stadium reverberates to lusty cries of ‘Sachin, Sachhhhhinnnn’, the legend knows they are cheering for a hero they worship as a demi-God. He cannot let them down—it’s a question of faith…. of belief… in one man’s ability to transform a game into a quasi-religious experience. No other sportsperson in India has been able to touch so many lives nor scale such unimaginable heights of fame and glory.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>What makes Sachin, ‘Sachin’ is not all that difficult to decode: It is his own small family. Plus, his parents, brothers, a sister and the two people who were equally cherished as family—his coach [Ramakant] Achrekar sir, and his agent, the late Mark Mascarenhas. Sachin makes it look so easy to be Sachin. But hey—that’s what gourmets say about the best sashimi, too.</p> Sat Apr 29 08:59:11 IST 2023 meet-rohit-khattar-and-chef-manish-mehrotra-the-supremely-talented-food-wizards <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>It is the loveliest feeling in the world when you realise two extraordinary individuals you have known for years are right up there in the global culinary world, which has finally recognised the enormous potential of India’s rich, diverse cuisines thanks to their efforts at the iconic brand—Indian Accent—which is all set to conquer Mumbai palates after winning top international awards and wowing New York.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Take deep bows, Rohit Khattar and chef Manish Mehrotra. Rohit comes with admirable academic credentials and easily qualifies for the big 10 of the food and beverages industry in India, with his impressive portfolio of 30 restaurants, two hotels and India’s most comprehensive performing arts and convention centre (India Habitat Centre). It is solely Rohit’s vision, commitment, passion and hunger to excel in his industry that has won him global recognition, with Indian Accent being the only restaurant from India to make it to the world’s 50 best restaurants list.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I take both these supremely talented food wizards a little bit for granted, having known them well before they became legit international celebs. While Manish is credited for reinterpreting nostalgic Indian dishes—notably, his unbelievably light and airy ‘Daulat Ki Chaat’ dessert, which is said to have originated in Afghanistan before travelling to the royal courts of India—he started his career at my favourite neighbourhood restaurant (Thai Pavilion) with another old friend and legendary chef, Ananda Solomon. It was only after the Delhi launch of Indian Accent (2009), that Manish rose to prominence. It took two years for Dilliwalas to get used to Manish’s entirely inventive approach to old favourites, but the twists were tantalising—like the blue cheese naan! Word of mouth about the brilliant chef soon had gourmet diners flocking—and talking! He is now the culinary director and corporate chef overseeing Rohit’s food empire.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I was fortunate to be invited by Rohit to attend a pop-up in Mumbai recently, and was not sure I would meet either of them. But, hello! Chef was right there, ensuring every dish coming out of the kitchen at Jolie’s (the glam private club established by the young Aryaman Birla), was presented impeccably. I greeted him with squeals of delight while congratulating the team for the big win.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>When Rohit launched Chor Bizzarre in London (1990), it created a sensation for its eccentric décor and authentic Kashmiri food. I was invited to conduct a creative writing workshop sometime around then, and to our amusement we discovered not too many desis wanted to pay for a writing workshop, and the Brits were happy with their own writers, thank you! We laughed and bravely carried on, keeping ourselves amused with Mumbai/Delhi stories and eating the most delicious khaana. Rohit’s lovely wife, Rashmi (who designs all his projects) and their two children kept us company, as we chilled out enjoying London in the spring. Little did I know then just how fast Rohit would scale up his projects and make such a huge success out of all of them. With his passion for jazz, theatre and more, Rohit is a visionary with an eclectic world view and the hard-nosed business sense to see the most challenging hospitality enterprises through.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Mumbaikars are hungrily waiting for him to launch Indian Accent at BKC, with executive chef Shantanu Mehrotra helming the restaurant. Perhaps, Rohit will get to spend more time in Mumbai once that happens. And we can hang together as we once did in London. Waiting impatiently to savour Manish’s signature masterpiece—the Daulat Ki Chaat—in Aamchi Mumbai. Go on… get your bibs on, Mumbaikars.</p> Fri Apr 14 16:43:18 IST 2023 when-venkatesh-prasad-wife-ticked-off-raj-thackeray-shobhaa-de <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>The first time I heard of Bapu Krishnarao Venkatesh Prasad was 26 years ago. I don’t know too much about cricket, even less about cricketers. The person who was talking about this stranger while blushing prettily was my Benguluru friend, Jayanthi. It was a candid, woman-to-woman tête-à-tête with me being the older woman. She was seeking my advice on the budding romance between her and a lanky, successful cricketer who had captured her heart. “Go for it!” I encouraged Jayanthi. What was there not to like about this shy, self-effacing, old-fashioned bowler who was making waves! And Jayanthi did! Soon after their marriage came their son, Prithvi. When I called to congratulate Jayanthi she joked, “He’s a long, long, long baby—definitely takes after his father.”</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>For a while, I followed Prasad’s career as he gradually shifted from playing for India to being an expert commentator and bowling coach. When I met Mrs and Mr Prasad recently at my book launch at the Taj West End, Bengaluru, I was delighted to see how good both of them are looking—fit, trim, wonderfully well-dressed and full of beans. Jayanthi has lost none of her sparkling, infectious joie de vivre, and Prasad retains his disarming reticence, as he lets his attractive wife hog all the attention. We talked of old times and laughed at some crazy memories of Jayanthi behind the wheel, as we sped to the impressive Titan factory in Husur. I recall hanging on to the seat of the car, as Jayanthi whooshed past traffic at breakneck speed, chatting and talking the whole time! I’m not sure if anything significant has changed about her—I certainly hope not! While all of us at the table were busy exchanging notes about old times and common acquaintances, Prasad was nibbling at his food, eating tiny portions.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Jayanthi teased her husband about being such a stickler with diets and adhering to his intermittent fasting programme no matter what. “He won’t touch a morsel of food till 12:30pm….” Jayanthi shared, much to Prasad’s embarrassment.We talked IPL and cricket, and how the game had changed since he played for the country and created such a sensation back then. Or the time Javagal Srinath and Prasad forged a formidable combo, when he was a new ball partner with his statemate. Unfortunately, Prasad got passed over in 2001 and took to coaching, even though his supporters believed he still had a lot of active playing years ahead of him. It is refreshing to meet a celebrated cricketer devoid of an ego.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I watched Prasad posing for pictures with the waiting staff of the Taj, with a kind word and a smile for all. Meanwhile, Jayanthi and I were laughing uproariously at recollections from the past—famously, when Jayanthi had sharply ticked off politico Raj Thackeray for smoking during the finals of the Titan Cup at the Garware Stadium, despite prominent signs banning cigarettes. This was when Raj Thackeray was still a force to reckon with and seated in the VVIP enclosure. He had arrogantly ignored her polite request, forcing her to draw the attention of the cops hanging around, who did not dare say a word to Thackeray. Eventually, Thackeray was persuaded by his groupies to stub out the ciggie and not create a scene.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Jayanthi remains as gutsy and indomitable even today—one more reason to love her. As for Prasad, he will be with his team (Kings XI Punjab) as bowling coach in Mumbai during the IPL, and I’m hoping his wife will join him, too.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat Apr 01 14:56:32 IST 2023 hollywood-here-is-ram-charan-shobhaa-de <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>The best looking, even the most stylishly dressed actor at the Oscars 2023, was not Idris Elba, it was our very own Konidela Ram Charan Teja, wearing a sharply cut asymmetrical Shantanu &amp; Nikhil three-piece black ensemble. Accompanying him on the world’s most watched champagne carpet was his pregnant wife, Upasana Kamineni, equally elegant in a white sari (the couple’s combined net worth is an estimated 02,500 crore). As the S.S. Rajamouli gang exulted after winning the Oscar for the turbo-charged superhit song, ‘Naatu Naatu’ from RRR, there must have been countless Indian cinema movie buffs, who sat up and asked themselves, “Why have we not seen more of this talented man?” Frankly, I had felt the same way after watching RRR and trying the tricky hook step of ‘Naatu Naatu’. It was only after Ram’s appearance at the Oscar’s that I connected the dots and recalled a common friend gushing over the superstar. He had slipped into Mumbai most unobtrusively for a promotional shoot, and the local paps had left him alone—they had failed to click his airport look, nor was there a contingent tailing him to the studios. He had gone largely unrecognised, even though RRR had generated a huge buzz across India and emerged as one of the biggest hits ever. For all his mega success and popularity down south, three Filmfare awards, and making it to the Forbes’ India Celebrity 100 list, Ram Charan, with an impressive Instagram presence of 12.9m followers, remains a comparatively unknown movie star outside his zone.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>All that is likely to change with his Oscar’s appearance. Strange how one single, high-profile moment in an illustrious and prolific career can suddenly alter popular perception? That goes for Jr NTR as well. Two enormously talented young men—both, sons of legendary movie stars.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This is not another column on how the south has conquered the north—far from it. It is more about the power of media in creating and projecting stars from Bollywood at the expense of far more successful (even in terms of what they earn) actors who exist outside Bollywood’s insular orbit. Ram Charan owns a polo team, is a co-owner of TruJet, and at 37, not just a leading actor, but a producer and entrepreneur, as well. He is married to his school sweetheart, who is carrying their first child. All this makes for excellent copy, but I have still to read Ram’s interviews or marvel over his bon mots, soundbytes or fashion spreads. Why so?</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I asked his media team in Mumbai about the absence of Ram’s publicity of the kind generated by a Ranbir Kapoor or Ranveer Singh each time they step out. I was told Ram prefers it this way and is not keen to go flat out to woo the paps. And that he values his privacy and abhors the pomp and show of strutting around Mumbai with an entourage of beefy bodyguards. This attitude alone warrants an award in a city that thrives on headline seekers who make a career out of outraging prudes and posturing in public.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Here is a man who seems to go about his life and business with far more discretion and dignity, sensibly focusing on making movies that leave a huge impact on the box office. To date, Cherry (Ram’s pet name) has acted in 30-odd films. He is also self-aware enough to give himself an annual break when he undertakes the 41-day Ayyappa deeksha at Sabarimala Temple, as a spiritual and self-disciplinary programme to destress and detox from the demands of his profession.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>When I saw a galaxy of top stars from the south gracing the cover of India’s glossiest celebrity magazine, and heard the most wonderful stories about each and every award winner at the glitzy night in Hyderabad, I said to myself, “About time, too!” The awesomeness of people like Rajamouli is a given. Now we have a Ram Charan making it to the best dressed lists of The Wall Street Journal, Variety and others. Way to go—you are indeed the Cherry on the Oscar’s cake, Ram Charan! Hollywood is waiting with open arms to grab you.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat Mar 18 17:09:29 IST 2023 shehan-karunatilakas-life-beyond-booker-shobhaa-de <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>None get to choose where they are born. Many try to steal the credit.” This is the intriguing line to Shehan Karunatilaka’s collection of quirky short stories titled—The Birth Lottery and Other Surprises.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Well, personally speaking, Shehan himself was the biggest surprise when I finally got to meet the Sri Lankan literary sensation at a recently concluded literature festival in Thiruvananthapuram. I had seen him earlier at the Jaipur Literary Festival (we were staying at the same hotel), and I would watch him with his statuesque wife and two young children, as they enjoyed breakfast, before leaving for the festival venue. But we didn’t speak. In Thiruvananthapuram, thanks to Kanishka Gupta, our shared literary agent, Shehan graciously presented three signed copies of his award-winning books, and totally overwhelmed me by his generous gesture. That other envious delegates tried to steal at least one of the books from me says a lot about the writer’s growing fan club. For all his fame and popularity (he won the Booker Prize in 2022), Shehan seems most unaffected by the adulation. At 48, he has the slightly worn appearance of a hippie-era musician looking for a gig. Unsurprisingly, he is, in fact, a gifted bass player with a rock band, owns a collection of guitars and admires The Police.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida, which won him the Booker, is described as a “metaphysical thriller, an afterlife noir” by Neil MacGregor, chair of judges, The Booker Prize 2022. It has received raves for its inventive narrative and whimsical prose. The protagonist, Maali Almeida, is described in three words—photographer, gambler, slut. The word slut appears quite frequently in the books and at one point, Janela Fernandes, a character from the short stories collection explains, “A slut is a woman with the morals of a man.”</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Shehan’s skill at creating worlds within worlds and turning our world upside down makes him one of the hottest writers in publishing circles. I have been devouring his work ever since that meeting in Thiruvananthapuram, which saw a generous sprinkling of well-known writers, sipping drinks and discussing their own genius. Here was this guy, with eyes like burning coal, disheveled hair, an unruly beard, dressed in a nondescript hoodie, doing what good writers should—but rarely—do. He was casually walking around, informally chatting with all and sundry, wearing his fame lightly and with complete nonchalance. What’s more—he looked interested in other people and their stories! That’s a rarity in writers as a breed. “I can’t understand why humans destroy when they can create—such a waste,” Shehan writes. And then it makes you wonder about his penchant for teasing readers. Given that much of his writing reflects “the world’s dark heart”, is he having fun by making fun of us, his besotted readers?</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I wish I had spent more time talking to Shehan, instead of wasting it on retired ambassadors and jaded bureaucrats peddling their latest, utterly boring tomes. Here is a startlingly original voice articulating deeply profound, very philosophical truths, particularly about the civil war in his country, but doing so adopting dark humour and subterfuge, woven into bizarre yet thought provoking scenarios that keep a reader begging for more! Shehan warns you: “Never [read] in sequence. I don’t with other people’s works. Why should anyone with mine?”</p> Fri Feb 17 17:25:03 IST 2023 nari-hira-magna-publishing-stardust-magazine-owner <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>January 2023 marked two milestones in the colourful, glittering life of Nari Hira—bossman of Magna Publishing Co. Ltd. His birthday on the 26th. And grand celebrations on the 28th, to mark 50 years of his iconic film magazine—Stardust. He remains my first and only boss—five decades after we launched Stardust with a bang, and changed film journalism in India forever.</p> <p><br> It was pretty thrilling to be on stage with Mr Hira (I still call him that), as a parade of Bollywood stars came up to receive their awards. Some of the oldie goldies boldly shared how some scoop had upset them. Others, like Anil Kapoor, expressed gratitude for the support extended during their struggling years. The younger lot coyly confessed that their mothers forbade them from devouring Stardust when they were schoolkids. All this was music to my ears! I chuckled at the memory and then reminded myself that 50 years of publishing existence was truly a big deal!Nari Hira had audaciously broken every known rule at the time and swiftly become the game-changer and market leader.</p> <p><br> Since I left Stardust more than 40 years ago, there is brain fog when I look back on those crazy days of working like a beast from what was popularly called the ‘Çat House’ by fans of Neeta’s Natter, with the signature sign-off of the most read column in the subcontinent—Meeeeeooow! Was Neeta my pseudonym? I’m not telling! But running into a few stalwarts from my zamana—like Shatrughan Sinha, whom we had nicknamed Shotgun Sinha, was a delightful experience.</p> <p><br> It was when Rekha—the eternal diva—arrived, that fans went into a frenzy, and Mr Hira’s eyes finally lit up! At 68, Rekha continues to break hearts and diva goals. Mr Hira turned to me and declared triumphantly, “A pretty good turn out!”</p> <p><br> I was happy for him. Stardust was his baby, and he did succeed in creating an iconic brand that had loyal followers across the world. The scene has changed dramatically, of course. Not that the changes bother the bossman. He knows he is sitting on a goldmine—those archives are worth a lot more than Adani shares at the moment. But, when I ask him what he plans to do with the treasure, he swiftly changes the subject and mentions a top actor’s “bad breath’’, adding, “I bet he doesn’t brush his teeth”. I want to hug him in that instant—but control the urge. At 86, Mr Hira’s sharp, vitriolic observations and asides are as I recall them from five decades earlier. Nothing misses his eye or ears.</p> <p><br> Nari Hira’s has been a charmed life, starting out as an advertising guy in sharp Savile Row suits (he hired me as a junior copy writer at a princely salary of Rs 350), and subsequently going on to establish a media empire with a bouquet of glossies—some successful, some not. He pioneered video films, mainly for adult consumption, decades before Sunny Leone came on the scene. In a way—he has seen it all and done it all, as a gutsy publisher who broke several moulds. We have remained friends throughout, and that is a huge thing for me—as I hope it is for him, too!</p> <p><br> When I was asked to say a few words, I gushed, “Stardust was not a job—it was a love affair.” It is true! Mr Hira inspired an entire generation of reporters and feature writers, who went on to chart new territories with other media houses. But Magna was where it all began—as Hira’s devoted chelas and chelis.</p> Sat Feb 04 14:09:28 IST 2023 suraj-yengde--the-rockstar-writer <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Frank admission: I had heard of the book (Caste Matters), but forgotten the name of the author. The book (published in 2019) is frequently described as explosive, and Suraj Yengde, the 35-year-old author, gets blurbed as a first generation dalit scholar, educated across continents, who challenges deep-seated beliefs about caste and unpacks its many layers. I had not read the book—but now I will, after meeting Suraj at the just concluded Kerala Lit Fest in Kozhikode.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Dressed like a rockstar in strawberry pink drainpipe pants, a rainbow hued ganji hugging his lithe frame, fitted navy blue blazer with a foppish pocket square, pitch black shades (indoors) and a halo of unruly curls framing his face—the man had attitude written all over him, as he pulled up a chair and introduced himself. Our connect was instant and fun!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Once done with the valedictory function, Suraj, his Slovenian companion Tasha, and I drove for an hour to eat the best mango fish curry on earth at the famous Paragon restaurant. I bombarded Suraj with questions about his past, present and future as we conversed energetically in our common mother tongue—Marathi. Suraj’s extraordinary trajectory is worthy of a full length film, starting with his life in a slum in Nanded, sharing one cramped room with his family of five. The visuals are straight out of Slumdog Millionaire, and his narrative is equally compelling as he vividly describes beating all odds at school and college, to finally achieve what very few have—dalit or not. By the age of 25, he had two PhDs under his belt and was already on his way to being acknowledged as an international scholar worth watching, having impressed academia (Harvard/Oxford) with his impassioned commitment to his life’s mission and calling as a writer/speaker determined to have his voice heard.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Today, Suraj is being courted by top literary agents (he has just signed on with David Godwin) for his next book. For a student who had shivered his way to Lucknow in sleeper coach, without a blanket or sweater in the bitter cold, and went on to win a debate which came with Rs5,000 as prize money, Suraj today flies business as he jets from country to country and stays at the best hotels, flaunting his flamboyance and intellect unselfconsciously. I commented on his sharp sartorial choices and he readily admitted how a female Italian friend in Geneva (he was working for the UN), stared at his tennis socks at a formal dinner for diplomats and recommended a few changes in his wardrobe.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Suraj was candid enough to discuss his earlier mixed up attitude towards women, especially while dealing with a clear ‘no’. (“European women are far more direct than Americans. I used to get hurt and vindictive as I would see the ‘no’ as a personal rejection and brood over it for weeks”). Today, it is the same Suraj who negotiates the many complexities of gender and caste politics, while ceaselessly reviewing himself.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>As we finish our feast, which includes the chef’s personal favourite (fried anchovies in tamarind sauce), and promise to reconnect at the ongoing Jaipur Lit Fest, Suraj’s eyes are shining with excitement and anticipation. His work speaks for itself. But it is his persona that fascinates me, as I laugh and assure him he’ll get all the attention he seeks at JLF—after all, he is so marketable. Besides, he no longer wears tennis socks with dress shoes! Yup, Suraj has come a long, long way from Nanded. The sun is shining on him!</p> Sat Jan 21 14:54:19 IST 2023 tata-group-veteran-r-k-krishnakumar <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>To some, it may seem a little sad to begin the new year with a column on an individual who is no more.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>R.K. Krishnakumar aka KK, who passed away aged 84 on New Year’s Day, was not just a business stalwart in the Tata group, but a deeply venerated corporate professional. Such was the respect for the reticent man—known to be Ratan Tata’s confidant—that it seems totally appropriate to acknowledge his contribution and bid him an affectionate farewell.</p> <p>On his retirement at 75, Krishnakumar had occupied several key positions within the mighty Tata fold, serving as a trustee of the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust and Sir Ratan Tata Trust (which hold 66 per cent of Tata Sons). But the best thing about the man was his low-key image, which made him one of the most imposing and powerful individuals in India Inc. Such was his personality and innate modesty that very few people would have recognised the man responsible for so many vital business decisions on the rare occasions he attended public gatherings. He was the man who had Ratan Tata’s ear, but remained disarmingly unobtrusive till the end.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Mumbaikars can never forget the image of Ratan Tata with Krishnakumar by his side, watching the iconic dome of their beloved Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in flames during the vicious 26/11 terror attacks. Two brave men, leading from the front, letting their employees know they were together during Mumbai’s darkest, most terrifying hour. The Tata Welfare Trust was started soon after, but before that, they visited the homes of every single affected employee’s family and assured them care and support.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>It was also Krishnakumar, with the full support of Ratan Tata, who dealt with an explosive situation in Assam in 1997, when ULFA activists kidnapped an employee and demanded ransom. It took months of skillful negotiations to bring the situation under control. Krishnakumar’s closeness to Ratan Tata went well beyond officialdom—both men preferred privacy above all else. Their personalities were in sync and most compatible.</p> <p>Whenever I ran into Krishnakumar and his talented, beautiful wife, Ratna, I barely got a couple of sentences out of him. But with Ratna, our shared passion for handwoven, traditional saris always led to a lively conversation. With her knowledge of our rich textile traditions and a great eye for the unusual, Ratna and I collaborated for a fashion show celebrating the most exquisite looms of Varanasi. Her proud husband looked on and applauded shyly as impressed invitees in the vast Taj ballroom rushed to book orders and encourage the weavers.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>For a topper with a master’s degree from Chennai’s Presidency College, Krishnakumar’s steady climb to the top echelons at Tata was remarkable. He joined the Tata Administrative Service in 1963, but shot to prominence in 2000 with the bold buyout of Tetley Tea for £271 million. After retirement nearly 10 years ago, he was rarely seen in public. But with a Padma Shri under his belt (2009), two years after he stepped down as managing director of the Indian Hotels company, Krishnakumar seemed to have devoted his life to looking after various welfare trusts, and in particular Ratan Tata’s pet project—shelters for stray dogs. In fact, when Bombay House—the most famous corporate office in India—reopened post renovation, Ratan Tata dedicated a portion to a kennel.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>With Krishnakumar’s passing, yet another era of Tata titans has gone. Ratan Tata must be bereft without the quiet presence of Krishnakumar, who had travelled the globe with him often in his private jet, which Tata himself piloted at times. The tributes are still pouring in, but the most valuable one comes from Ratan Tata, who said, “I will always fondly remember the camaraderie we shared both within the group and personally. He was a true veteran of the Tatas and will be missed dearly by all.” Nobody could have said it as eloquently.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>RIP, R.K. Krishnakumar.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat Jan 07 11:08:45 IST 2023 justice-d-y-chandrachud-key-judgements <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Old friends of Chief Justice of India Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud call him ‘Danny’, a nickname given to him by one of his teachers at Mumbai’s 162-year-old Cathedral School, which counts Salman Rushdie and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto as ex-students. His parents, former CJI Yashwant Chandrachud and classical singer Prabha Chandrachud, call him ‘Dhanu’. In Bambaiya lingo, he is known as ‘genius aadmi’. Those who have been following his career say in chorus with undisguised pride, “Danny is the CJI India needs now!”</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The CJI’s colleagues credit Mumbai a great deal for “shaping” him as a forward-thinking liberal. Between November 9, 2022, when he took over as CJI, and December 16, as many as 6,844 cases have been wrapped up. As he stated recently, “No case is small or big enough for the court.” Applause!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>At a recent high-profile wedding reception in Mumbai, which saw India’s legal eagles in attendance, the buzz was that the CJI himself would show up. I kept my eyes peeled for a sighting in the 1,000-strong crowd. I have long admired the learned judge for his bold views on contentious issues.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>An “accidental lawyer” who loves cricket and music, Chandrachud, 63, is known for his dry wit and quiet put-downs. I love one particular anecdote: when an advocate asked for a date after January 13, the CJI joked: “Is it an auspicious date suggested by an astrologer?” The advocate confessed it was his wife’s birthday. The CJI responded, “Very valid reason….”, and a new date was promptly fixed.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Chandrachud is married to lawyer Kalpana Das (his first wife, Rashmi, tragically died of cancer in 2007). The couple has two foster daughters, and he has two sons from his first marriage.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Chandrachud’s far-reaching judgments as a Supreme Court judge have made him a legal legend. He has twice upturned his father’s judgments, which, by any standards, is a pretty gutsy thing to do given the old boy’s formidable reputation. His penchant for revisiting stagnant issues and pushing for reform has made him a public hero. Awestruck admirers refer to his various progressive rulings—like the recent ban on the medieval “two-finger test”, used to determine whether survivors of sexual assault are “habituated to sex”. In September 2018, in a historic judgment that was hailed across the world, a five-judge bench of the Supreme Court that included Chandrachud decriminalised homosexuality.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>While waiting for the sprightly CJI to put in a cameo at the wedding, several senior advocates pitched in with their opinions on the man they called a “shrewd tactician, a sharp politician, a radical thinker and daring activist who has the prime minister’s ear”.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Whether or not he has NaMo on speed dial, the fact remains he has played a key role during watershed moments. Like in the Sabarimala case, where a majority of the five-judge Constitution bench declared that preventing the entry of women of menstrual age was unconstitutional. Equally transformative was the judgment that affirmed the right of women, irrespective of their marital status, to seek safe and legal abortion till 24 weeks of pregnancy.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>It goes without saying that any individual bucking the system and being perceived as a man in a hurry to change the establishment will attract his share of strident critics and generate controversy. Fortunately, for the dynamic CJI, his army of admirers (count me in!) far exceeds the fuddy-duddies interested in maintaining the status quo. Going by some of the mixed comments about the CJI that wedding night, I could also sense the envy of the old guard. They were clearly resentful of a man who fearlessly goes where others are afraid to tread.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Lagey raho, Danny!</p> Sat Dec 24 17:13:27 IST 2022 cartier-india-strategic-director-swagata-baruah-bottero <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>There are a few rare individuals whose inner light shines bright and illuminates any room they happen to be in. Swagata Baruah Bottero is one of them. She is the lady with a demanding, high-powered job at Cartier—the world’s most iconic jewellery brand. The exciting news first: Swagata, as Cartier International’s India affairs and strategic director, is spearheading key initiatives that will focus attention on India in the months to come. Swagata and her team kicked off the ambitious programme by signing our very own Deepika Padukone as brand ambassador, ensuring the star’s multi-dimensional interests get as much importance as her extraordinary beauty.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Swagata calls Paris her home—the Tezpur-born lady has been in France for 20 years and her new responsibilities at Cartier are a dream come true for her. With two girls—Meera and Maya—to look after, Swagata and her French husband (also in luxury) lead a pretty hectic life, flying trans-Atlantic and visiting India. They take turns to be home with their daughters.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I met Swagata in Mumbai over a leisurely lunch, organised by Tikka Shatrujit Singh, who, after a successful stint at LVMH, has come on board as a well-connected consultant for Cartier. I was utterly disarmed and charmed by Swagata, who graduated from Delhi University and went on to get her masters from ESSEC and INSEAD business schools in France. Her vision for India and Cartier is passionate and inspiring. She is keen on projecting the country of her birth in the best possible context and is planning many India-centric promotions globally, including spectacular window displays during Indian festivals. Her deep understanding and knowledge about Cartier and its long history with Indian royalty—who can ever forget the stunning ‘Patiala Bib’ created for the Maharaja of Patiala in 1928—is something Swagata plans to showcase across the world.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Cartier’s flagship store in India is in Delhi, but plans seem to be afoot to open one in Mumbai shortly. Swagata wants to create a high-impact event to mark the occasion. She mentioned how the young in India are buying non-traditional statement jewellery with a great deal of confidence and flair. The famous Cartier love bracelets are likely to fly off the shelves, with women ‘stacking’ them up for the wow factor! Swagata is in tune with this emerging India, and is unlikely to take the caparisoned elephants and decorated camels approach in future promos. This is evident from the way Deepika’s shoot was conducted for the prestigious campaign—it was stripped off desi exotica and pictured naturally.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This is just the start, Swagata told me with a broad smile, as we discovered a few old connections and talked easily about our families, children and common friends. Her parents visit Paris regularly, and she looks forward to large annual get-togethers with cousins, aunts and uncles in Tezpur. While Swagata misses India, it is Paris that has embraced the dynamic strategist and given her such a great opportunity to lead a crack team and create waves. I am guessing we are going to see a lot more of Deepika and Swagata in the coming months. Here are two strong women from India making a major statement together.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>India is back on the luxe map after a long lull. This was strongly signalled by the arrival of the legendary editor of Vogue—the redoubtable Anna Wintour—in Mumbai. It is good business to invest in India right now, given the imminent collapse of several European and British markets. Valentino is all set to open a huge store in Delhi. And, LVMH recently launched an exclusive Rani Pink shoe collection. Luxury is not new to India; it has existed for centuries. Glad to note the world is finally waking up to it. And, the ultimate stamp of approval comes from Swagata, who is all set to dazzle the world with Cartier Joailliers.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat Dec 03 10:47:38 IST 2022 films-like-uunchai-play-an-important-role-in-legitimising-ageing <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>I am planning to watch a movie titled Uunchai on a priority basis. Ask me why? Simple—because I relate to the subject and admire the star cast. It is described as a Hindi-language adventure drama, which sounds odd, given that it is about three elderly gentlemen (Amitabh Bachchan, Anupam Kher and Boman Irani) setting off on a sentimental mission in honour of their beloved friend who passed away. They ambitiously plan a trek to the Everest base camp. But, it turns out to be a far more complex journey involving several strands and complex inter-personal emotional issues. It is mainly about coming to terms with age and its limitations, and ways to negotiate pitfalls that accompany the winter of life.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>We all get there, sooner or later. Making a film on as delicate a subject takes courage, no matter how stellar the cast.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Bachchan just celebrated his 80th birthday. Rajnikanth is 71. These extraordinary men have dominated the imagination of movie buffs for over five decades, thanks to consistently superlative performances. Their Hollywood counterparts, Michael Caine (89), Al Pacino (82) and Robert De Niro (79), have not been seen on the big screen for a while, even though they are acknowledged amongst the finest actors of all time. Let us face it, getting starring roles post 70 remains a daunting, distant dream, no matter how many awards and accolades feature in the CV. Henry Fonda was 76 when he and his co-star Katharine Hepburn won an Oscar for On Golden Pond (1981), which remains a classic.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Dealing with age and ageism, sensitively and appealingly, requires a first rate script and a competent director. But, above all, it needs confident actors willing to embrace their years and play their roles with enthusiasm. Bachchan frequently thanks producers for displaying faith in his abilities and signing him for new projects. This shows innate modesty combined with high intelligence, for an actor who has already surpassed other actors two generations after him. Most of his contemporaries are relegated to being footnotes in cinema’s history. To describe Bachchan’s feat as ‘staying power’ is wrong. There are thousands dying to ‘stay’… but, unfortunately, have no takers.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Cinema is a cruel medium, where every new line on the face takes away a few lakhs from the fee. Men are not spared, much as feminists like to believe otherwise. The pressure to look flawless and perfect, especially in close-ups, is forcing young actors to adopt drastic measures, including intrusive surgical procedures. Some of our younger stars are looking ghoulish, like they are at a Halloween ball, because of botched up work they have done on themselves.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>It is not just people in the glamour world who obsess over new lines and sagging muscles. A few of my female friends regret going to cosmetologists who have ruined their faces after promising to take off 20 years. Well, yes, the first brush with Botox was indeed fantastic. The women came away feeling rejuvenated and filled with confidence. Then came the next encounter with scalpels and abrasive skin treatments. They were hooked. Till the day their faces turned waxen, and their foreheads turned immobile. They were unable to either smile or cry! Too late, warned their docs, operating out of shabby clinics and holes in the wall in central Mumbai. You can’t stop now! Or else you’ll look even worse.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Films like Uunchai play an important role in “legitimising’’ ageing and providing an emotional context to life, once your prime years are well behind you. Age is not a crime, but is often treated like one. The basic premise of the film is positive. Just like life at any age should be.</p> Sun Nov 20 11:25:35 IST 2022 stop-intruding-into-virat-kohlis-private-space <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>No, it is definitely not okay for any guest in any hotel of the world to have their room filmed and the video posted on social media. That such a major travesty happened to Virat Kohli, one of the most popular and incredibly successful global sportsmen, has sharply brought into focus the tricky issue of celebrity-privacy. Virat’s impassioned post after the video went viral, and has triggered a much-needed dialogue on similar serious breaches in the past. That this outrage took place at the Crown Hotel, Perth, has generated further debates on basic security violations.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>While the errant staffer has been dismissed, it is still a matter of deep concern, given the scrupulous screening standards and the layers of personal protection our cricketers enjoy. If this is the abysmal level of diligence, the system itself needs a thorough re-look.“Where can I expect any personal space at all?” demanded Kohli, who has an estimated net worth of Rs950 crore. Where, indeed? This is the plight of celebrities across the world and there are no easy solutions.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Remember John Lennon paid with his life in 1980 when a fan attacked him as he left his residence in New York. If Kohli’s room was effortlessly accessed and filmed, it could as effortlessly have been vandalised. Let us take it several steps further—an explosive could have been planted in his room endangering his life.‘Virushka’, as Virat Kohli and wife Anushka Sharma are called by fans, are the ultimate power couple in India, with a combined net worth of Rs1,250 crore. They live in a lavish sea-facing home in Mumbai’s Worli, and possess an impressive collection of luxury cars.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>From their marriage in 2017, to the birth of their daughter Vamika (2021), their polite requests to respect their privacy have been largely respected by the media in India. The occasional grab shots of the baby have upset the parents—understandably so. But their relationship with fans and the press across the world has been consistently positive and respectful. Virat’s latest controversy underlines just one thing—the insatiable hunger fans display as they devour every forbidden scrap they can pounce on.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>But, hey—didn’t all of us watch the video greedily? I did! I felt ashamed of myself but only after I had watched it twice and noted the placement of deities on Virat’s side table—such a deeply personal detail.Fandom is based on voyeurism and vicarious thrills. But, as Virat and Anushka pointed out, there are limits to how far hero-worship can go. My view is it can go all the way. Including filming stars under the shower by placing cameras in the bathroom. Housekeeping staff are notorious for going through personal belongings of high-profile guests. New laws need to be introduced, banning cell phones while on duty. This applies to nursing staff and ward boys treating famous patients. With horror and shame, I recall the images of Rishi Kapoor in the ICU going viral—who shot the video? Obviously, a staffer with access to the late star’s hospital bed.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This is Virat’s birthday week. It is time to grant him his fervent wish and stop intruding into the man’s private space. Sacking the person who shot the video is but a small step to stall an escalation of this prickly controversy. The point is, it shouldn’t ever have happened. Happy birthday, King Kohli!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sun Nov 06 13:13:50 IST 2022 bollywood-actor-govinda-deserves-recognition-shobhaa-de <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>In keeping with his reputation of coming late to sets, Bollywood star Govinda made it to his seat across the aisle from me on a flight to Jaipur in the nick of time. We were meeting after decades, and it took me a while to recognise him minus his peach coloured lip and brown eyeliner. His hair was sparser and he was several kilos lighter. But once he broke into a smile, every passenger on the packed flight knew who he was.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>It was great catching up with the 58-year-old who has acted in over 90 films. We chatted animatedly for two hours, mainly about films and filmmaking.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Govinda, being a commerce graduate, knows a thing or two about the business of films. Not that this knowledge helped him when his career hit a low, and he was dubbed a has-been. He had flirted with politics (2004-2008) and flopped there as well, by not turning up in Parliament and finally resigning, saying politics is a waste of time.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The man I was talking to, was talking sense, despite these downturns. He came across as a thoughtful philosopher who is nobody’s fool. With both his children waiting to make it in Bollywood, Govinda is very clear sighted and upfront about what sort of films attract audiences. A star has to remain a star, no matter what the role or character, he said forcefully, and cited several examples of superstars who forgot these basics and tried to project themselves as the characters envisioned even by great directors like Mani Ratnam (Govinda had played Hanuman in Ratnam’s Raavan).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>By now, the excitement in the aircraft was palpable. The crew was requesting Govinda to come to the back of the aircraft for selfies. He was all smiles and courtesy as fans of all ages mobbed him when we landed in Jaipur, where he was scheduled to appear as a showstopper for a prominent jewellery brand. He charmingly dodged the question of how much he was charging. A prominent “influencer” on the flight told me later that his Insta feed went nuts after he posted a selfie with Govinda. My daughter was equally starry-eyed, though she has not watched a single Govinda film! My son said, “I love him! He is the best.”</p> <p>I recalled the time when the then editor of the Stardust Annual had got Govinda to interview me at my home! A cute reversal of roles. The headline was pretty idiotic, “Mass meets class.” Govinda turned up five hours late, and I was fuming! He walked in dressed as a cop and smartly saluted me! He had come straight from the set after driving for two hours in heavy traffic—all was instantly forgiven. Since we were so behind schedule, I guess Govinda decided to save time by stripping off his police vardi there and then in the living room, shocking my young daughter who exclaimed, “Mama, please ask him to use dada’s bathroom to change.” Govinda laughed good naturedly and scurried off. The editor had prepared a set of questions for him to ask me. He took one look at the list and tore it up. “I have my own questions ready!” That is the quintessential Govinda—confident, positive and fun.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>They say his comic timing is unbeatable. On the Jaipur flight I discovered his skills as a linguist. He spoke to me in fluent, accent-free Marathi with several colloquialisms thrown in. Known to improvise his dialogues and add his own punch lines in films, here is a man who is still to receive the recognition he richly deserves. There is an entirely new audience waiting to see him on the big screen in a role that is his worthy of his talent.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Sign him up someone. We want to see him back as ‘Hero No. 1’.</p> Fri Oct 21 19:15:31 IST 2022 lets-go-beyond-aishwarya-rais-beauty-shobhaa-de <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Less than a month from now, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan will turn 49. I watched her in Mani Ratnam’s magnum opus, Ponniyin Selvan: 1, and was mesmerised by her luminous beauty once again. Rai plays queen Nandini in this historical, which has generated a great opening weekend collection… but left me cold. I waited only for Rai to reappear on screen and enthral me—that happened rarely, which to me, is a lost opportunity. Perhaps, Ratnam is saving Rai for the next instalment where she is likely to have a meatier role with more dialogue. The thing is—Aishwarya can act—her beauty invariably gets in the way. But being an avid Rai-watcher from the time she made her debut in Ratnam’s Iruvar (1997) to her latest cinematic outing, I have consistently felt Rai’s prowess as a competent actor has been under-utilised, so bewitched are we by the appearance.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I revisited her earlier promotional clips from Devdas, where Rai is the much younger, trusting and innocent Paro to Madhuri Dixit’s older enchantress Chandramukhi. Reversal of roles! Here, she is, in PS-1, playing a seasoned seductress Nandini, to the fresh faced Trisha in the role of Chola princess Kundavai. Trisha is dressed even more elaborately than the heavily bejewelled Rai. Yes, the age difference is evident. But it is Rai who remains ravishing and riveting, as she seamlessly steals the scenes of them together.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Rai should retain her lofty image. Showbiz is full of terribly thirsty stars craving publicity. Rai, sensibly, stays away from most high-profile parties, and her public appearances are restricted to family outings and obligatory endorsement events. Despite being trashed for some of her bizarre red carpet appearances at Cannes, Rai, as a global L’Óreal ambassador, is there on the Croisette, year after year, still loved by international paparazzi. That’s called staying power.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Having known Rai as a model, practically from the time she moved to Mumbai, I feel an enormous amount of motherly affection (combined with pride) for her. I have given her prestigious awards at glam events and been present during a few important moments in her life. Each time, I have noted her essentially well-mannered conduct while interacting with her team and others. Yes—her giggle! Perhaps, it is a nervous giggle, during which she buys a little time before responding to trick questions. About the strange accent she puts on during international promotional activity, I guess that’s an occupational hazard.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>At the Bachchan’s Diwali parties, I have seen Rai’s involvement with the smallest organisational detail, as she makes sure each and every guest is well looked after, while her in-laws stand at one spot and receive everyone. Good upbringing shows!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Big F (fifty) is upon one of our most admired stars. It works differently for men in showbiz. In PS-1, Rai’s partner is an ageing traitor (R. Sarath Kumar) who she refers to as “old gold”. Rai plays the role of being the old man’s fancy, with a touch of irony and a great deal of cunning. Nandini’s negative shades are a welcome departure from the usual candyfloss representation of lovely ladies on screen.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>With 46 films in five languages, a Padma Shri and countless accolades, it is about time, we as an audience, got over Rai’s beauty and looked beyond it, in all fairness to her. But then again, beauty of such iridescence, is rare and precious. Just as the world cannot get over the brilliance of the Kohinoor, for now, Rai will have to wait for another decade before we stop gawking. May her beauty never diminish….</p> Sun Oct 09 11:45:13 IST 2022 give-king-charles-iii-a-chance-to-settle-into-his-new-role <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Since the myth of British monarchy exploded almost as soon as the queen’s death was officially announced on September 8, taking potshots or firing canon balls at King Charles III has since become a global sport. Memes galore highlight his multiple eccentricities and OCD issues. Like viral clips of the newly minted monarch throwing un-kingly tantrums over a leaking pen, as he swore during a formal ceremony in Northern Ireland, “I can’t bear this bloody thing… every stinking time!” The public scorn shifted from the leaky pen to his sausage fingers, and his insistence on having his shoe laces ironed by a butler. The bonny Charles was still behaving like a spoilt toddler—a super brat aged 73.</p> <p>For all the flak he is getting, there is something to be said for a man who regularly talks to plants and has strong views on global warming. Who can fight genes, though? His father, prince Philip, was notorious for saying and doing outrageous things, making wildly racist comments and offending countless people. All was forgiven back then. But that era is over—people in public life are expected to behave themselves, especially if the public is paying their bills. Besides, Charles has been an understudy, a work in progress, for decades. If he does not get his royal act together, he might find his royal ass out of Buckingham Palace, sooner rather than later.</p> <p>However, the queen will always get my vote for being a working woman all her adult life, completing her last official assignment of receiving Liz Truss at Balmoral, two days before she died. This calls for applause. Duty before all else is something her son may find difficult to manage, given his temperament.</p> <p>I had the opportunity to meet Charles and Camilla Parker on three occasions. The chats were brief, of course, but not inane. I noticed how well briefed both of them were when introduced to a bunch of strangers they were unlikely to ever meet again. “What sort of books do you write?” the king (he was a prince then) asked. I replied, “Bodice-rippers, mostly.” He laughed heartily and looked around for Camilla to join us. This was at a charity dinner in his old London residence.</p> <p>The second and third times were during his visit to India, when we were invited to a grand reception in his honour hosted by Mukesh and Nita Ambani at The Oberoi. The couple managed a few seconds of face time with a few guests. This was followed by his visit to Pune, where he and Camilla were guests of the Poonawalla family. Charles had a packed schedule—a visit to the Serum Institute of India, followed by a reception at the Turf Club to meet corporate heads, industrialists and other prominent Punekars. An elaborate high tea was organised in honour of the duchess, at the Poonawala mansion, for a few handpicked ladies. We were given specific instructions and advised to follow royal protocol. Fortunately, we were not expected to curtsy—my silk sari might have slipped right off, had I tried a dip and tripped!</p> <p>The duchess was refreshingly normal, and chatty. It turned out to be a posh version of a kitty party, as we discussed children and pets over pastries and sandwiches. She came across as a sensible and kind woman, who knew the role she was expected to play—and did so with charm and humour. Meanwhile, my husband was twinning with Charles—both wearing beige linen suits! The pictures show them grinning widely and looking relaxed.</p> <p>Let us give the guy a chance to settle into his new role. There will be a significant shift in how the world responds to his reign. For starters, henceforth, it might be wise for Charles to carry his own pen.</p> Sun Sep 25 13:43:59 IST 2022 shobhaa-de-on-jacqueline-fernandez-the-goodwill-she-earned-vanished-overnight <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Cannot think of a more bizarre ‘love story’ featuring an ace conman operating out of a luxe ‘office’ inside Tihar jail, and a leading Bollywood actress, who accepted lavish gifts worth over 05 crore from this ardent suitor over seven months of their ‘affair’. Now that the ED has accused 37-year-old Jacqueline Fernandez, the gorgeous Sri Lankan model/actor, in the 0215 crore extortion and money laundering case against her ‘boyfriend’, Sukesh Chandrasekhar, her lawyer is going to have a tough time explaining why the star accepted extravagant and pretty unusual presents (an Arabian stallion valued at 052 lakh, three Persian cats at 09 lakh each, diamonds from Tiffany’s, hand bags from Hermes and countless haute couture dresses).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Jacqueline is pleading innocence claiming she had no idea that the man she had posed with for intimate selfies with while he was out on bail was an ace trickster who had allegedly diddled Aditi Shivendra Singh, wife of the jailed former Religare MD, of over Rs200 crore.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Bahrain-born Jacqueline is no babe in the woods. She is a bright, well-spoken, educated, beauty pageant winner who got into Bollywood in 2009, after acquiring a mass communications degree from the University of Sydney. In fact, till she found herself in this monumental mess, dealing with a lookout notice that prevents her from leaving India, Jacqueline had convincingly established her credentials in this tough industry as a popular, well-liked professional nobody bitched about. Friendly and outgoing, in an environment that is notoriously indifferent to ‘outsiders’, here was a multiracial, hard working actor who had found widespread acceptance in India’s cut-throat movie and advertising world.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Her fortune changed overnight after the ED named her—all the goodwill vanished and she has been dropped from big ticket projects like The Ghost with Nagarajuna. Nobody is accepting her version of the narrative, in which she claims she had zero idea of Sukesh’s antecedents and assumed her generous benefactor was making all those video calls from his corner office!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Meanwhile, Nora Fatehi and other nubile recipients of Sukesh’s magnanimity, are wondering what awaits them now that the ED is hot on the trail of Sukesh’s lovelies, who allegedly used to visit him in Tihar, where he reportedly entertained them in style with food and alcohol from the Taj.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The few times I met Jacqueline, I was charmed off my feet by her open and genuinely friendly behaviour. Jackie is like Priyanka Chopra—very international. Like PC, she is also a good businesswoman with sound investments. She has made good money in showbiz, especially after being a judge on a dance reality show. How on earth did someone as smart and successful fall for a jailbird, who avoided meeting her in person citing Covid restrictions! Had she Googled the man, she would have discovered his actual address (Tihar!); he has been in jail since 2017! Her lawyers are talking about a ‘larger criminal conspiracy’ and calling her a victim.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I met her at the Mumbai International airport just before the lockdown and we had a quick chat over coffee. She was looking fresher than a just picked daisy, sans make-up, and clad in casual jeans. No comical ‘airport look’, and no annoying hangers on. She could have been any other, very attractive, corporate woman catching a flight to attend a convention overseas.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>With all this going for her, Jackie blew it after forgetting her better sense and getting trapped by a smooth-talking conman who posed as a fan after extracting her number from her make-up man.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Now that most of her assets have been attached, I wonder how her ‘friends’ in Bollywood will treat her. So far, not a single one of her colleagues has come forward to express support. Her next big release is a movie titled Ram Setu. Maybe Chandrasekhar has already arranged a private screening inside Tihar—popcorn and beer, on the house?</p> Sun Sep 11 11:35:17 IST 2022 films-like-laal-singh-chaddha-would-have-tanked-on-their-own-boycott-or-not <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p><b>#BOYCOTT IS SO</b> yesterday... move on!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I recently visited a popular hill station near Mumbai named Panchgani. In the old days, it was famous for its strawberries. Today, locals proudly say, “Aamir Khan lives here.” People of Panchgani are hardly the star-struck variety. After all, it’s a Brit zamana hill station, founded by Lord Chesson in the 1860s as a summer resort for goras sweltering in the Deccan heat. Aamir must have been charmed enough to buy a two-acre plot with a colonial cottage at Sydney Point, with sweeping views of a verdant valley. It is here that he married Kiran Rao in 2005 (they divorced in 2021). The cottage is an important landmark in Panchgani these days, as tourists stop their buses to click pictures.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I was thinking of Aamir as I drove up to the famous Table Land. What is all this nonsense about asking the public to boycott his latest film Laal Singh Chaddha? The film tanked on its own, without any help from troll armies. But this is about targeting an individual and pushing cinema-goers to boycott his film because his views are not compatible with theirs.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Aamir is not your typical Bollywood star. He is known as ‘Mr Perfectionist’in the film industry. Over the years, he has invested in what he loves the most—movies—and given fans plenty to admire as a filmmaker/actor who follows his own vision. Some movies broke records and did exceptional business, but his latest one clearly failed to capture the imagination of viewers. That’s the nature of movie-making. There is no formula! Aamir has always done it his way. It’s an artistic and business risk that banks on healthy returns at the box-office. Aamir’s personal and political views are his own.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>What the cancel culture is attempting to do today is ugly and unprecedented. Calling citizens to boycott films, indulging in intimidation, stoning theatres, burning posters and effigies—come on! Whether it is Aamir Khan or Hrithik Roshan, this sort of targeting is unfair and a blatant act of hostility. The climate is such that any perceived ‘lapse’ can be pounced on to demand a boycott. Hrithik is in a soup for a food delivery ad in which he has mentioned ‘Mahakal’, a restaurant, and not the temple by the same name. The backlash was swift and aggressive. The actor has expressed his ‘sincerest apology’ and there it should end. But will it? The ‘Mahakal’ restaurant in Ujjain does high volume business for Zomato that used Hrithik in the ad. Why has the restaurant not been asked to change its name? If Roshan is being accused of hurting Hindu sentiments, it begs the question—how come the restaurant flourishes?</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Each time an actor is pushed into issuing apologies for an inadvertent ‘error’, a nasty message goes out to other celebrities to watch their every public utterance, in case some vested interest/lobby launches a hate campaign and pulverises the individual. Film stars make the softest targets in our country. Only the biggest are systematically brought down in this bully-boy manner. Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathan is already being damned, before its release.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The strange thing about all the recent boycott campaigns is the glaring contradiction involved. Akshay Kumar’s Raksha Bandhan tanked along with Laal Singh Chaddha. They would have tanked whether or not a boycott was demanded. Word-of-mouth had done the job far more lethally and swiftly. Digging up old interviews and remarks without providing any context is a Machiavellian tactic we should all guard against.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Aamir’s latest had an embarrassingly low opening (Rs11.7 crore on day 1). His Thugs of Hindostan (2018) had opened with Rs52 crore, before sinking. This is a reflection of an idealistic movie maker being out of sync with changing audience tastes. There are no alibis for failure in the movie world—not even boycotts.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>A trip to Panchgani for some heavy-duty introspection seems overdue.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat Aug 27 11:13:33 IST 2022 shobhaa-de-on-vijay-gokhale-the-diplomat-scholar <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>First impressions: Wow! A non-pompous IFS civil servant! Rare. That too, someone with Vijay Keshav Gokhale’s impressive credentials. He is a reputed Sinologist with two China books to his credit, was the former ambassador of India to China and Germany, and a former foreign secretary of India. Gold standard. The setting: A common friend’s lovely flat in Pune. Gokhale (63) is a Pune boy, who has returned to his home town after retirement. His wife Vandana (Nagpur girl) and he became proper Punekars, forged new friendships, and blended seamlessly into the genteel upper-middle-class crowd, where the ladies play mahjong, are fond of gardening and cooking, and the men pursue their interests (golf, anyone?) in an affluent, leafy, upmarket enclave of the bustling city. The conversation flows easily, as we frequently break into Marathi and figure out a few connections we share as co-Maharashtrians. Gokhale is fluent in—get this—Mandarin Chinese, Sanskrit, Marathi, Hindi and English. I reckon it is safest to stick to Marathi!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I liked Gokhale’s ease and sense of humour, just as I liked his wife’s down-to-earth attitude. Given their joint experiences and distinguished background, they could so easily have been insufferable, opinionated show-offs, reeling off names of VVIPs they have entertained at their home during Gokhale’s fascinating career as a diplomat.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Gokhale is currently a non-resident senior fellow at Carnegie India, a Delhi-based think tank. For all these accomplishments and accolades, it is refreshing to meet someone who speaks without measuring every word, and is surprisingly candid while expressing opinions on the present scenario. Even better—he listens keenly and allows others to speak, minus bombastic pronouncements from his side. The day the Gokhales came over, the international buzz was about Nancy Pelosi’s dramatic Taiwan visit and its implications. Considering Gokhale has had the rare distinction of serving in both mainland China and Taiwan, his views were eagerly sought by all. He expressed himself articulately and lucidly, providing a sober perspective, even as Chinese jets were flying around the skies over Taiwan. While The New York Times headlined Nancy Pelosi’s visit, describing it as “utterly reckless, dangerous and irresponsible”, the feisty 83-year-old defied critics and went ahead with her plan, supposedly against President Joe Biden’s wishes. Thomas Friedman warned “bad things could happen”, while Chinese nationalists wondered why Pelosi’s plane was not shot down!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>But, here in Pune—as we sipped a lovely, mellow white wine from South Africa, and desi Old Monk rum, munched on Mexican tacos, French cheeses, Norwegian salmon and Japanese rice crackers (can’t get more global)—it was a treat to listen to Gokhale’s considered analysis and get the sort of insights from a ‘man who knows’, someone who has been there and done that. For a civil servant who has worked closely with ministers like the late Sushma Swaraj, S. Jaishankar (an IFS colleague) to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, all eyes are on Gokhale as he plans his next tome. I had missed meeting the couple at the Jaipur Literature Festival earlier this year, but was glad to get to know them in Pune over two delightful evenings.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Our men and women from the elite IFS continue to do their challenging jobs often under circumstances that are far from conducive. The sort of machinations that go on behind the scenes are the stuff Hollywood thrillers are made of (remember Mr and Mrs Smith, with the incomparable casting of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie). It is time we scripted our own version. And, no, I am not suggesting Mr and Mrs Gokhale as a title!</p> Sun Aug 14 10:18:32 IST 2022 shobhaa-de-on-ranveer-singh-and-the-naked-truth <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>I tried to deconstruct India’s ambiguous attitude towards nangapan (nakedness) to a BBC correspondent who was writing a report on actor Ranveer Singh’s recent nude photo shoot for an international publication. For starters, I was certainly not offended by the fact that the actor had decided to bare it all for the cameras. Like I said—his body, his choice. The widespread outrage was misplaced. What did bug me was the lack of aesthetics, plus the tackiness of what ought to have been a breakthrough, cutting-edge shoot with one of India’s most admired superstars. The equally puzzling question is why did Ranveer sign up for such a yucky shoot in the first place? He is not promoting a new film. It can’t be for the money—he has scads of it, going by the staggering amount (Rs119 crore) he shelled out for his quadruplex in Bandra. Could it be for the shock value? Doubtful. Ranveer shocks fans every time he steps out fully dressed in bizarre OTT Gucci—the kind of gaudy, flashy couture even rap singers avoid. Discretion is not Ranveer’s forte—which is great! He has always been out there with a vengeance, and that’s his personality type. Is he a compulsive attention seeker? Sure. Most stars are, only they camouflage it better.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Ranveer has polarised desi reactions once again, and must be enjoying the meme fest thoroughly. He loves his bod, okay? Then comes the question of ‘propriety’—such a hypocritical, pious, typically Indian sentiment! “What about his conservative in-laws? They must be so ashamed. Bet they’ve stopped going out… as for his poor wife… can’t imagine her embarrassment now that the whole world has seen her husband’s bared butt.” Give them a break! The Padukones are no strangers to the antics of their flamboyant son-in-law. Deepika Padukone, his actor-wife, has done risqué sex scenes with suggested nudity with her co-star Siddhant Chaturvedi in Gehraiyaan recently.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>What if Deepika had done a similar nude shoot that left nothing to the imagination? If not Deepika, any other top Bollywood actress could have stripped for a publication and taken her chances with the public. What do you think would have happened? There would have been FIRs filed on obscenity charges, for starters. Followed by mass shaming and name calling. Ranveer, too, has not been spared the besharam (shameless) insults. But, I am pretty certain Deepika would have faced a lot worse.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Ranveer I have seen and encountered over the years has been pretty consistent—he is an unabashed exhibitionist and revels in the attention he generates. He is also hyperactive and cannot stay still for more than a minute. He can be disarmingly funny, charming and clever, endearing himself to one and all as he willingly clicks selfies, often on the fan’s own phone! As an entertainer, he has few equals (even though I was most disappointed watching him with Bear Grylls last month). For a highly articulate person, of late, Ranveer’s vocabulary has rarely gone beyond four letter words, making me wonder—is he dumbing down to match his co-stars? Or has he figured his fans understand this lingo the best?</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>While we continue to debate his butt-naked shoot—what with an FIR filed—Ranveer himself must be counting the money generated by the pics. In terms of ‘exposure’ alone, he beat world figures to it. Will all this publicity translate into more endorsements? A Hollywood break? If not, the lyrics of his Gully Boy song will have come true: “Tu nanga hi toh aaya hai…Kya ghanta lekar jayega?” [You come in this world with nothing, and go back with nothing.]</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><b>@DeShobhaa @shobhaade</b></p> Sat Jul 30 11:47:14 IST 2022 shobhaa-de-on-the-doctor-with-a-difference <a href=""><img border="0" hspace="10" align="left" style="margin-top:3px;margin-right:5px;" src="" /> <p>Mumbai’s legendary physician, often described as the best diagnostician in India, has a divine presence. I can vouch for it. When Dr Farokh Erach Udwadia appears before his congregation (anxious patients in the spacious waiting area of the Breach Candy Hospital), a perceptible hush descends, with people scrambling to their feet and bowing low to greet him. Despite the reverence and love he experiences each time he steps out, Udwadia never plays God, even if he is treated like one. At 90 plus, his eyes twinkle and his skin glows as he greets the faithful with a smile and a few soft words. For most, just a nod is enough to make them feel instantly better.</p> <p>Recently, Udwadia debuted as a playwright at the National Centre for Performing Arts in Mumbai, with a one act play titled <i>Oganga</i>, which he wrote on his hero, Dr Albert Schweitzer. Oganga is the term for healer, and Udwadia completed the play during the pandemic as a tribute to the 19th century Alsatian-German theologian, medical missionary and humanist. Said noted filmmaker Sooni Taraporewala, director of the performance, which stars Jim Sarbh, “I fully see the similarities between the two doctors….” True. Both men work tirelessly to heal people and share a passion for music.</p> <p>While Schweitzer played the organ, Udwadia plays the violin, and they worship Bach. Most importantly, both possess unlimited reserves of empathy and compassion. Udwadia, a Padma Bhushan awardee, always stresses, “Medicine is learnt more at the bedside than from books… read poetry to know what suffering is… you can’t treat merely an organ, you have to understand the human being first.”</p> <p>Udwadia belongs to the legendary doctor families of Mumbai. His surgeon brother, Padma Shri Dr Tehemton Udwadia, has a formidable following across the country. Udwadia’s son, Dr Zarir Udwadia, is among the world’s top experts on tuberculosis. I have had the privilege of interacting with father and son, though at entirely different points. I consulted Zarir for my mother, and ‘God’, when I needed an immediate intervention for my son—I literally stormed into Udwadia’s consulting rooms, my eyes flooded with tears, my voice cracking, as I pleaded, “Doc… do something!” And he did. Very calmly and most authoritatively. I remain indebted for life.</p> <p>Fortunately, our recent interactions have been social and not medical. His lovely wife, Vera, is used to patients swooning at her husband’s feet in public, and smiles indulgently when there are effusive public displays of gratitude. Udwadia frequently ‘diagnoses’ a condition over dinner going by the gait, posture, movements, which he shares with Vera. Both are sought after for their erudition, elegance and refinement.</p> <p>“Medicine has lost its path,” Udwadia once said, referring to the blatant commercialisation of the medical establishment. He is also not overly impressed by technology and the age of super specialisation. “A doctor needs all five senses to arrive at the right diagnosis. But before any of this, a doctor needs to listen. So often, patients are not given the chance to explain their symptoms…. Doctors, these days, are in too much of a hurry to take the trouble to study the case.” How right he is!</p> <p>Unfortunately, I could not make it to the premiere of <i>Oganga</i>. It is a passion project put together with love by three amazing individuals—Udwadia, Sooni and Jim. All three are known for their commitment to excellence, and here they are collaborating on an important project that celebrates the life of a great humanitarian who spent his life curing the poor and needy in the jungles of equatorial Africa, with limited resources and an abundance of love. Like our own beloved doc.</p> Sun Jul 17 17:46:24 IST 2022